Harry Potter’s Morning Light

Chapter 968: "shameless"

  Chapter 968 "Shameless"

  Joseph was led to the restaurant.

  The restaurant in the Palace of the Apostles is not arranged like the Last Supper, but it also has a walnut dining table that can accommodate twelve people. Corrado Baducci and American Archbishop Harvey are seated on the left and right sides of the Pope.

Even though the restaurant is very luxurious, if the food in front of you is not good enough, it cannot be called a banquet. The apostle who has just been discharged from the hospital can still only eat liquid food. The seafood porridge prepared by the nutritionist is easy to digest and full of nutrients. For elderly people with Jinsen syndrome, it is not a small problem to put the soup into the mouth with a spoon.

   Fortunately, he is a pontiff, and there is a housekeeper to serve him, but in front of outsiders, even the housekeeper will not feed the Pope like the staff in the nursing home.

  The pope did not move the food on the plate, and the other two would not move the spoons no matter how hungry, so the protagonist food at lunch time became a display. The three people were talking and laughing while drinking wine. The scene seemed to make people feel stomach aches.

   "Ah, Joseph, come here." The pope beckoned to the young exorcist, "We are just talking about you."

Joseph looked at the other two quietly. Archbishop Harvey knew him. At this moment, he was using the act of drinking to hide his expression. Corrado Baducci was looking at him. Zong was younger, but his hair and beard were all white, and he looked very tired all over, his eyelids pulled loose, and he looked like he was sick.

   "Talking about me?" Joseph naturally sat at the start of Archbishop Harvey, diagonally opposite Corrado Baducci.

   "I heard that you are quite famous in the United States." Corrado Baducci smiled friendly, "You have solved many difficult cases."

   "Does **** look good with me?"

  As soon as Joseph's voice fell, the expressions of everyone in the restaurant were frozen.

"Fate is always rude to me, but God finally gave me a handsome face, so people can remember me easily. In fact, there are many excellent exorcists and priests in our diocese, and they have made a lot of contributions. "

   "How do you know that the son is not as handsome as you?" Archbishop Harvey asked with a smile.

  "Then he has to shave his beard. Except for the one on the mural of the Sistine Chapel, the other images are all bearded, which is too difficult to distinguish."

  Corrado Baducci touched his beard. He is the only person with a beard in this restaurant.

"I like the saying of believers more than solving cases. The world likes'power'. When technology can bring them power, they are full of illusions about technology. As a result, science fiction movies and novels are produced, but they ignore it. one question."

   "What's the problem?" Harvey asked with interest.

"Who masters the power of this technology? In ancient times, people formed a country to fight against natural disasters and forces that could not be countered by personal power. Now the country has become to protect the people from the destructive weapons of other countries. Strengthening the power of technology is to do whatever they want. Above other countries, even above God, atheists have a sense of superiority when talking about religion, just like higher civilizations overlooking lower civilizations, and they will only think of Gods when they encounter problems that science cannot solve. Since there is a God Why is there no devil? Isn’t it chilling to give such dangerous power to people with psychological problems? Is technology protecting or killing humans? I think this question is more interesting than discussing how many demons I have defeated."

   "What is your opinion?" the Pope asked.

"Change the minds of Westerners and give up research and development of increasingly out of control technology. You know, the Vatican does not have any particularly advanced security measures. Even if it is a museum with many treasures, if there is no guilty mind, then there will be no one even if you open the door. Stealing, on the other hand, if there is a murderous intention, a ubiquitous rope and even pillows can kill people. Should we ban the sale of pillows because we are afraid that pillows can suffocate? There is a problem with the human heart, Holy Father, and that is impossible to solve by science. Yes, when people are in awe, they will restrain their words and deeds, and they will not feel that they can do whatever they want with the power."

  "Do you think it is possible?" Archbishop Harvey continued to ask with a smile.

   "I thought I should discuss light topics when dining, what do you think?" Joseph turned his gaze to Corrado Baducci.

  The latter also took a sip of water from the goblet.

   "How do you feel about attending Mass today?" the Pope asked.

   "Very good," Joseph said.

   "That rosary."

   "I took it last night. It seems to belong to Saint Lourdes." Joseph paused, and then said, "Can I make a request?"

   "What?" the Pope asked.

  "This time the Fukuzawa Spring celebration, can I use Lourde’s spring water?"

   "Why?" Archbishop Harvey asked.

   "Power, I heard that the spring water there is still effective even if it leaves Lourdes."

   "Why do you want so many sacred objects?" Corrado Baducci asked.

   "The same reason, power." Joseph smiled confidently and said, "Have you ever exorcated the devil yourself?"


"But I think you have at least seen it with your own eyes. Most of what you understand is the external nature, and you know very little about the internal nature. In the face of this wild world, the defense we can do is minimal. This is what I need. The reason for sacred objects is to build as perfect defense as possible, just like the walls of the Vatican, where the pope will be safe to stay."

   "What you do is formal stuff."

   "Exorcism is originally a ritual, but it is different from Mass."

  "Do you think the communion exorcism is invalid?"

   "I thought I should discuss interesting topics during dinner."

   "I hope to see you preaching on Easter, Father, your wisdom can enlighten us." Archbishop Harvey said to the Pope.

  "You are the house and the occupant of the house. The soul will leave the body when people breathe." The apostle said in a hoarse voice, "The soul is the guest of the body, and one day it will leave."

   "Descartes doesn't think so." Joseph said, "He sees passion as a product that follows an inevitable mathematical order, and even draws a heart-shaped curve."

  "Don't you think so?" Harvey asked.

   "What I say next may offend you."

   "Don't mind, just talk." said the pope.

"We all know that the shape of the heart is not heart-shaped. Descartes may not know that. He is a mathematician and physicist. Unlike artists such as Leonardo, who dissected the human body, the so-called'heart shape' is actually It is a woman’s buttocks. The happiness associated with her body is desire. People who are driven by desire can also taste the sweetest taste in life, but they don’t know how to control their desires and their destiny is not good. At that time, they may also experience the bitterest part of life."

  Everyone was silent together.

   "Sorry, Father, I shouldn't be so direct."

   "It's okay." The pope shook his hand and stopped Joseph. "Descartes thinks the soul is stored in the blood. Do you think he is right?"

  Joseph thought for a moment, and shook his head.

  "I don’t know, Father, but the blood should have power, otherwise Longinus won’t return to light after being splashed with blood."

    Descartes’ works, on soul and passion

On the Saturday before Easter, the Fukuzawa Spring Festival will be held, "The Holy Spirit descends and sinks into the water", so ordinary water will have sacred characteristics and can transform humans. The "eternal water" in alchemy is very likely It is derived from Catholicism and is said to be one of the materials for anti-aging medicine



  (End of this chapter)