Harry Potter’s Morning Light

Chapter 993: "Cover your ears"

  Chapter 993 "Covering Ears"

  There is an old saying in Europe: All roads lead to Rome.

  People in ancient Rome have built a road leading to the Adriatic Sea, but Joseph will not follow the road that has been listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site to Montenegro, like the ancients.

  The wind blowing from the rotating propeller made Joseph unable to open his eyes. Now it is the 21st century, and the church happens to be very rich. Why do you need to take a train or a ship if you have a helicopter?

  After he got on the plane with his suitcase, there was another passenger on the plane.

  If the Pope dies, he is the Pope’s servant, but now the Pope is still alive, so he is just the Pope’s personal assistant.

The personal assistant pointed to the headset on his head, apparently asking Joseph to wear it too. The sound of the propeller was too loud, even if it was yelling loudly, only the two of them could hear what they said after putting on the headset. Arrived.

  "Have you been to the Black Forest?" the personal assistant asked.

   "No!" Joseph replied.

   "Then you have never been to Bavaria?"

"Yes it is!"

"Then you should know that in the Middle Ages, not all of Europe fell into a witchcraft panic!" the personal assistant yelled. "But some people took advantage of the witchcraft panic to make money. From 1590 to 1620, it was nearly 30 years. Bavaria is caught in a struggle for power. Only the Jesuits can defeat the Jesuits. At that time, almost all the political elites and most of the Jesuit brothers in Bavaria were involved. Some even supported the wizards to create panic in the territory. At that time, Justice Gottfried Sadtler was sent to the guillotine because he abused the death penalty. The'wizards' who were convicted by him were innocent, although he insisted that he was innocent."

"and so?"

"Your investigation is on behalf of the church. You can't abuse your power. Maybe we can't sentence you to death like in the Middle Ages, but we will hand you over to the secular court and the church will not shelter you." The personal assistant said, "If I hear someone Complaint..."

   "I will be careful." Joseph said impatiently. "Aircraft fuel is very expensive. It's better to let the pilot stop the engine and let's talk about it!"

  The personal assistant handed him a black folder.

   "When you get to the place, look for this person. He used to be an experienced exorcist."

  Joseph opened the folder, which contained a table with photos.

"The monastery where the accident happened was in 1592. The Benedictine monastery where a series of mysterious deaths occurred. We moved every brick from Bavaria to Montenegro." While Joseph was reading the dossier, the personal secretary said, "We can't To determine that it was man-made poison or a supernatural phenomenon, the chief prosecutor of this case was a close associate of Justice Sattler. He supported the burning of the suspect de Wilkes. Wilkes claimed that he had participated in a witchcraft ritual. More than 200 nobles."

   "I know." Joseph said, "The new monks and the Benedictine monks were beheaded last."

"This is to avoid the situation from expanding. When the situation is very bad, you can make some'sacrifices' that you think are necessary, but you have to contact me in advance. I think it is not difficult to make a call now. Give you this. "

  Joseph took the call from the personal assistant.

  "This is encrypted, no one will eavesdrop on it. God bless you."

  After speaking, the personal secretary took off the headset, opened the door and jumped out of the helicopter.

  After he retreated to a safe distance, the helicopter soared into the air and flew in the direction of the rising sun.


  A strong sense of hunger made Mills wake up from his sleep.

Just like Dr. Anthony himself said, he spent a lot of money on a sofa, and he was very comfortable to lie down. After a thorough rest, his energy was much better than in the morning, but he was far from energetic and full of energy. Feeling tired like jet lag.

  He walked along yesterday’s road towards Anthony’s kitchen, and a strong fragrance was blowing in his face.

  Anthony also stayed up late yesterday, took a nap, and is now cooking in the kitchen.

   "What are you doing?" Mills looked at the pot and asked.

  "Lemon dragon fish, served with cooked meat bud sandwich." Anthony said with a nonchalant smile.

   "Cooked meat, what meat?"


  Mills looked at the semi-finished products on Nakajima.

  "Why is this sausage white?" Mills asked.

"This is a Bavarian white sausage. The traditional way to eat it is to break the casing and serve with the traditional Bavarian sweet mustard sauce. I prefer my homemade sauce and eat it with toast. There is a saying that people who eat this sausage The bell of the church at noon cannot be heard at that time, so it is generally regarded as breakfast."

  "Why can't you hear the church bell?" Mills asked.

“I’m more inclined to believe that if you leave it for too long, the taste of the sausage will change. This type of sausage uses cooked milk beef, and the cooked red meat will turn off-white, not to mention that the white sausage is still used inside. Dairy beef instead of regular cattle."

  "You always like to make dark dishes, don't you?" Mills picked up a plant and asked, "What is this again?"

  "Tarragon, can you chop it with the celery next to it?"

  Mills is very familiar with Rude picking up a knife and starting to chop vegetables.

   After all, it is not difficult to chop up vegetables.

  With the cooperation of the two, a dinner is too early and the lunch is too late. The "afternoon tea" is ready quickly.

   "It tastes like fennel." Mills said after taking a sip of the cooked meat bud sandwich.

   "The taste of tarragon leaves is like this."

   "Why not just use fennel?"

   "I think this is because French tarragon is the first choice for gourmets." Anthony smiled and took a sip of white wine "and it can make food tantalizing."

   "Oh, I know the word!" Mills was full of food, and yelled at Anthony with his fork, "Wait, I'm almost thinking of it."

"Tantalus, he is the beloved son of Zeus. One day, in order to test whether the gods are really omniscient, he killed his son Pelops, then fried it and cooked it into A table of dishes to entertain them. The grain goddess Demeter present missed the robbed daughter Persephone at the banquet. She was the only one who tasted a scapula out of politeness. The other gods had already seen through. In response to his tricks, one after another threw the shredded boy's limbs into the basin. The goddess of fate Croto took him out of the basin and allowed him to come back to life. Unfortunately, there was a missing piece on his shoulder, which was caused by Demeter. He ate it, and later had to make a piece of ivory.” Anthony cut a piece of fish and drew his fork on the fork carefully. “This became the last straw that annoyed Zeus. He revealed too many secrets of his father, so he Being punished to stand in the water with fruit trees, he only needs to bend down to drink water with his mouth, and the pool water will immediately flow away from him. When he is hungry and wants to eat fruit, the fruit tree will rise and he will be in eternal suffering. Only those who are in it know that they can see the pain they cannot eat, just like the forbidden fruit in the Garden of Eden. Adam and Eve can't eat it when they see it. The temptation of the snake is actually to get rid of this pain for them.

   "Others say that the Garden of Eden is heaven, but you say Adam and Eve are suffering."

   "Then what do you think, Mr. Mills?"

  David thought for a moment, "What do you think about that rosary? Why do people use human teeth as rosary?"

   "It may be because of piety, or it may be for other reasons." Anthony swallowed the fish on the fork.

   "What other reason?" Mills asked even though he knew Anthony was selling off the hook.

"Humans can use certain parts of the body of all animals except humans to make artifacts, such as ivory products, and strings made from cat intestines. Are you not wondering what power is made of things made from humans?" Anthony He smiled and said, "I heard that there are Pitangka in Tibet. It is essentially similar to parchment."

   "My God." Mills couldn't help yelling.

  "It's not as savage as you think. The human skin used to draw thangka is usually a dead monk. It's actually similar to a tattoo. Didn't you just ask me why some people use human teeth to make rosary beads?"

  Mills has nothing to say.

  "Leonardo da Vinci once said that he must have a strong stomach in his anatomy class. What he does is sacred and dark, but this is a way for us to understand ourselves. When will Angela dissect it?"

   "Her mother refused to be dissected." Mills chewed delicious food like wax. "She firmly believes that the devil killed her daughter."

   "Have you met her?"

   "Just this morning." Mills sighed. "She seems to have found a new home for herself."

   "Then what about you? Do you also want to dedicate yourself to God?"

   "That's why you make me feel uncomfortable, but I still come to you." Mills raised his glass and respected Anthony. "I don't want to make rosary with my teeth. It's crazy."

  "Respect for great science." Anthony also raised his glass.

  "Respect for the great science." Mills compounded, and the two drank the wine in the glass together.

  (End of this chapter)