Harry Potter’s Morning Light

Chapter 995: The "little" girl picking mushrooms

  Chapter 995 "Little" Girl Picking Mushrooms

  The tourist attractions that wizards like are a little bit weird. For example, the zombie trail of the horror journey, or the Harry Potter's salvation journey, which is the hottest now, seems to be a bit of thrills and weird to the tourists' appetite.

  If Palodo Village is seriously developed, perhaps the entrance to the **** will become hot, but the locals do not like to be disturbed. It is difficult to imagine what they are relying on for their livelihood.

  While exploring the terrain of the mountain village, they found a warning sign that they were about to enter someone else’s truffle field.

  The main producing areas of black truffles are the foothills of France and the northwestern part of Piedmont, Italy. Every year, truffles begin to grow rapidly in the rainy season in August, and when it is winter, truffles stop growing and begin to mature and darken, releasing a unique fragrance. The maturity period lasts until March of the following year, and the most delicious season is undoubtedly January of the following year. They just missed the truffle picking season.

  The black truffle must live in symbiosis with the roots of the oak tree. Pomona looked around, and there were indeed many oak trees on the mountain.

Natural wild truffles are now less and less, which corresponds to the increasing market demand. The United Kingdom is also trying to cultivate truffles, but this kind of fungus is very demanding on the environment and is not so easy to survive. The locals in Palodo in the truffle field are equivalent to having a field of gold, no wonder they can live in such a solitary way.

  The truffles produced by Perigord in southwestern France are called "black diamonds". This is not only because the Perigord black truffle has a strong and unique fragrance, but also represents its high price.

  The truffle collectors are called "truffle hunters". Every truffle hunter has a family treasure map that records the location, time and size of the truffles found by the parents. Truffle hunters now need to apply for a special license. It is illegal to pick truffles from other people's territories without permission.

  But although this truffle field has warning signs, it is not like the Muggle expulsion spell cast near the sinkhole.

  Pomona thought for a moment, and then started to look for missing truffles in the forest, while Severus stayed in place to pitch a tent.

Her own nose is absolutely impossible. Fortunately, she will be super cursed. Her sense of smell becomes more sensitive. The way truffles reproduce is to emit a forest-like damp smell with the aroma of dried fruits, so as to lure small animals to come and look for it. It will bring the spores to other places for reproduction.

  At this moment and a half, she couldn't find a well-trained truffle dog or pig. Whom did she rely on herself?

  Perhaps she was lucky, she found a small piece of black truffle the size of a peanut under an oak tree not long after she left

   "The sauce for the shredded barbecue is there."

  She said happily, she was about to go back when she heard a child laugh.

  She followed the voice and looked over. There was a girl in white clothes with fire-red hair passing by in the forest. She looked especially like Lily when she just started school.

  People with ghosts in their hearts will always be inexplicably guilty.

  Yes, Pomona snatched Lily’s "knight", but Lily herself had married James Potter.

  She has no shortage of knight protection, although "Knight" James is helpless when facing the Dark Lord.

   "Who is there!" she asked suspiciously, and then slowly walked towards the oak tree where the girl had disappeared.

  There is nothing behind the tree, as if she had hallucinations just now.

  Pomona was about to speed up and leave, and there was another laughter from a child, the little girl with red hair and white dress.

   "Come out!" She took out the magic wand and put on the majestic threat of the dean.

  This trick is especially effective against the girls of Hefpaff.

  However, when she walked around, there was still no one behind the tree. Just as she was thinking about it, she caught a glimpse of a small wooden house from the corner of her eye.

  The style of this wooden house is different from that of the brick house in Palodo Village. She hesitated for a moment, but decided to go and find out.

  The doors and windows of the wooden house were closed tightly, and the windows were not equipped with glass, but wooden shutters. She peeped through the cracks, and the inside was also dark in broad daylight.

   "Arahho Cave." She cast a spell on the door, and pushed the door easily. There was a moldy smell that made her sneeze.

   "Fluorescence flashes!"

  Looking at the light at the end of the magic wand, she began to look at the wooden house. There were a lot of hiking supplies, and there were also many empty wine bottles. The bedroom was messy and the sheets were so dirty that the original color could not be seen.

  This kind of environment is naturally unavoidable to be patronized by mice, but the "study" is the most amazing thing for Pomona.

  No matter what this room was originally used for, it has been filled with books and various materials. The thin linen rope hangs in the air like a spider web. The clothes are not dried under the rope, but many manuscripts.

  The most eye-catching one is the middle picture.

  It looks like a nut, covered with "threads", but this thread is marked in two colors, one is larger and the other is small, and there are "channel" links in some places.

  The bottom layer of "Nut" is an altar, or something similar, which reminds Pomona of the "sinkhole" mentioned by the bartender. Perhaps this altar is the entrance to hell.

  If it is a naturally formed terrain, it would be amazing. She believes that it was excavated manually.

  The rocks in the Alps are very hard, even if there is no real thing, she can imagine that it is a huge project.

   "I know this place." Voldemort said suddenly.

   "You know?" Pomona exclaimed.

"I saw in a book that compared with the present, there were a lot of giants in the 15th century. Therefore, giant hunters like Gifred Oleton are needed to limit the number of giants and protect the human world. In order to avoid humans, Some giants hid in the deep mountains and transformed the caves into livable caves. One of them looked like this."

   "Oh." Pomona didn't expect Voldemort to remember this.

   "Later a wizard took a fancy to this place, and he turned it into a backyard for ‘pet’. Do you know Crispin Kronk?

   "The one who insisted on raising sphinxes in his backyard and was finally imprisoned in Azkaban?"

   "The'pet' raised by that wizard is not as cute as the Sphinx. He likes to do hybrid experiments like the half-giant Hagrid. He gave birth to a hybrid creature from the five-legged monster and the poison sac."

   "He's crazy?" Pomona said tremblingly.

The five-legged monster is the creature represented by the "5" in Rune. It is an extremely dangerous carnivore and is very interested in humans. However, it only exists on the northernmost island of Dria in Scotland. For the sake of safety, this island has become Not labelable on the map.

The Poisonous Leopard is native to East Africa. It may be one of the most dangerous animals. Its breath contains poisonous gas and can easily kill people in a village. This poisonous gas is effective for wizards and Muggles. It is huge, but it moves quietly. It is said that it takes hundreds of masters to tame it. In modern times, it has become an endangered species. Newt raised a head. Fortunately, it did not come out when he was in New York.

   "No one believes that he really cultivated this kind of monster, I just read it in the book."

   "What's the name of that wizard?"

   "You won't believe it." Voldemort said slowly, "At least we know what we are going to face."

   "Is the dead demon the wizard or the hybrid monster?"

"how could I know?"

  Pomona looked at the map, used a copy spell to make a copy, rolled it up and put it in her bag.

  Although she doesn't know who drew this map, or whether it was a tiankeng, this is always a clue.

   Then she left this weird wooden house.

  Even if "the devil is dead", this forest and this village are weird enough, she can hardly imagine how the residents here feel when the "devil" is still alive.

  It's really not suitable to stay here for long, she can't wait to leave.

  Perhaps, the locals dared not move to avoid being retaliated by the dark wizard.

  And those expensive truffles have also become bait, leading the "truffle hunters" here, just like the lighthouse of Azkaban, tricking the Muggle sailors who lost their way in the storm to the land of destruction.

  (End of this chapter)