Harry Potter’s Most Powerful Wizard

Chapter 1027: It's on the verge!

Dumbledore didn't know how many times such thoughts had appeared in his mind, every time he made up his mind, but every time he was run away by Yunye. Look at ‘hair, thread, Chinese, text, net

Yun Ye took a deep breath. Although Slytherin was on his side now, at best Slytherin could only do it by not dealing with Dumbledore and others, and would not help himself ~ shot.

It is hard for Yun Ye to face the Hogwarts Big Three and Dumbledore alone, but Yun Ye is not yet confident to face the enemy-so many people.

There must be a hard fight today!

While Yunye was thinking about it secretly, the stability of the surrounding space had been quietly destroyed by Dumbledore, and Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw also came here, looking at the two with ugly faces.

Ravenclaw took the lead and said: "Slytherin, what is the relationship between you and Yunye? Why does Yunye appear with you?"

Hufflepuff looked calmer and said, "Slytherin, can you explain what this is like."

Dumbledore disdainfully said: "You can see the situation clearly at a glance. Slytherin and Yunye are in collusion. Is it possible that you can't see it?"

Hufflepuff glanced at Dumbledore lightly, and ignored Dumbledore's words, but stared at Slytherin quietly.

Ravenclaw also recovered his calm at this time, with a pair of beautiful eyes staring at Slytherin angrily, as if Slytherin would not give up easily without answering.

Slytherin sighed helplessly, and said, "Yunye is indeed my stay here."

For this, Slytherin did not deny, but Slytherin's voice just fell, and several Hogwarts giants immediately turned their angry eyes on Slytherin.

Yun Ye was the person they had arrested for a long time. Who knew that Yun Ye was hidden under their noses by Slytherin. This is where they couldn't understand Slytherin.

Gryffindor sneered: "Good, you Slytherin, not only harbouring our enemy of Hogwarts, but also privately constructing such a heinous place. I think you are challenging my bottom line again and again!"

Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff were taken aback at the same time, and looked at Gryffindor in a puzzled way. They also discovered that the room they were in was very strange. It was not the room they originally had at Hogwarts, but why? Lan Fondo said this is the most heinous room?

Dumbledore snorted and explained: "Everyone, you don’t know, this is the secret room built by Slytherin for his heir, and there is a fierce basilisk. In the following period, this basilisk has been The students who attacked Hogwarts this time caused great harm to Hogwarts."

Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff were shocked by Dumbledore's statement and exclaimed, "Slytherin, what is your intention, and why do you treat us Hogwarts like this?"

Gryffindor also saw the tiny basilisk behind Slytherin, and his eyes were cold. He probably guessed that the basilisk behind Slytherin was the source of the future harm to Hogwarts.

When Slytherin heard Dumbledore say this, his brows wrinkled deeply and said: "I Slytherin is the one who supports pure blood to go to Hogwarts. You can control your own academy, but you are not qualified to think about me. Point and point."

Gryffindor shouted angrily: "Enough, Slytherin, you freak, don't think I don't know you. You are centered on yourself and insist on your own opinions. If you stay with us, Hogwarts is simply us. The scourge of Hogwarts!"

Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff were taken aback at the same time. Although they also thought that Slytherin had done too much this time, what Gryffindor said was a shame.

Slytherin's face changed, and the eyes that looked at Gryffindor were filled with coldness, and said, "Gryffindor, don't think you are good. In your heart, your pride is not worse than mine, but You like to express your own nobility with sympathy, you are just a more hypocritical person!"

··Seeking flowers········

Gryffindor and Slytherin stared at each other, and the atmosphere suddenly became anxious. Originally, the home game here should be Yunye. Who knows that the main contradiction now is Gryffindor and Slytherin. .

Yun Ye also looked at Gryffindor and Slytherin, and said nothing for a while. He did not expect that such a strong fuse had already been planted between the two, and she had become a fuse of this fuse. Mars.

Hufflepuff pondered for a moment, and said, "Well, Gryffindor, Slytherin, we will discuss your matter in the meeting again, and now you don't want to talk about it."

As one of the Big Four of Hogwarts, Hufflepuff is naturally too familiar with Gryffindor and Slytherin. The contradiction between them is also known. It is not the time to resolve the contradiction between the two, but to deal with it. Cloud night.


Ravenclaw also said: "Hufflepuff is right. You two are not too young, and you are so embarrassed, how can you teach the students!"

Gryffin hummed repeatedly, and he knew in his heart that it was not the time to deal with the conflict between himself and Slytherin, so he didn't want to get entangled in this matter anymore.

Slytherin also snorted coldly, but he didn't bother to continue arguing with Gryffindor. Since Gryffindor didn't speak anymore, he couldn't bite it anymore.

Hufflepuff took a step forward and said in a blunt tone: "I want to know why Slytherin wants to shelter Yunye. He is our greatest enemy at Hogwarts. Could it be that you are one of the founders of Hogwarts. , Do you really bear to watch our Hogwarts be destroyed by this man?"

Ravenclaw and Gryffindor looked solemn at the same time, looking at Slytherin with sharp eyes.

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