Harry Potter’s Most Powerful Wizard

Chapter 1263: Are you wrong? !

Webber was stunned for a moment, lowered his smile, and turned his head to look at him. It turned out to be Johannes who was almost good. Look at ‘hair, thread, Chinese, text, net

"Why, the injury is healed?"

Webber poked his sore spot as soon as he opened his mouth, but Johannes was unexpectedly lifeless.

"Don't be proud, this is just a test of magic power. Don't forget that Yun Ye has no magic circuit at all! Moreover, he is a reckless man with strong combat effectiveness, what kind of magician? Your family didn't tell you that the magician is Do you have to rely on it here?!"

Johannes looked at Webber contemptuously, and pointed his head.

"Really? Then wait and see!"

Webber was too lazy to talk to him, turned around and stopped talking.

Johannes thought he was showing timidity, and suddenly laughed more wanton.

Quite a few people around him slowed down. Yes, Yunye doesn't have a magic circuit, so how do you understand those mysterious magic theories?

And it seems that he is only fighting fiercely, but the advance assessment of this upgrade is not just an assessment of combat effectiveness!

In the clock tower, not only the strength in combat, but also the strength in research, that is, IQ and knowledge, are more important than pure combat effectiveness.

And now the order of the clock tower is not only arranged according to combat effectiveness, but mostly magicians with super combat effectiveness but not high rank.

If Yun Ye really only has combat power and no brains, then it is actually not that worthy of people.

But is this really the case?

"be quiet!"

Kenneth stood up and shouted, the court slowly fell silent, and then he said: "Prepare for the magic knowledge test!"

After speaking, Kenneth sat down with a strange expression on his face. wap.lightnovelpub.net

The audience who recovered from the shock just now started to chat in a low voice.

The next test can be said to be the focus of their review, because almost everyone knows the entire clock tower that Yunye has no magic loop.

But how can people without magic circuits learn magic theory? In their view, explaining magic theory to a person without a magic circuit is more difficult to understand than playing the piano to a cow.

But what is the truth?

Just look at the next test!

The number one that failed the last round has been eliminated, and the remaining talents are eligible to continue the test.

The test of the magic theory did not come in order, directly three people, one table and chair, sitting in the center of the huge arena.

The academic assessment is through examination papers, which is similar to examinations.

When the test paper was issued, Yun Ye clearly felt the sight of the two people next to him, and he knew why without thinking about it.

Most of the content of the exam is about magic and magic circuits.

Yun Ye just lowered his head and glanced, and then started to answer the questions.

The two and three on the left were stunned, and the same question flashed in their minds.

How did Yunye do it so fast?

"He didn't answer the questions indiscriminately...~々..."

However, after a while, the two of them also started to answer the questions. There is a time limit for this early assessment. If it exceeds the time range of the answer, no matter how many points, all will be treated as elimination.

Because it is an early assessment, the answering time is no less than the unified assessment, which is 20 minutes less. For them, it is undoubtedly a great pressure.

The surrounding voices gradually became quieter, watching their answers quietly.

However, the two sitting beside Yunye were already panicked before they even started.

Because Yunye next to him has already started to write the second test...

It's like taking an exam, especially a big exam, every time someone turns over the paper, I get nervous. In this assessment, there were only three people in total, and Yun Ye's actions undoubtedly increased the pressure on the other two.

"Yun Ye has written the second one!"

"Are you wrong?"

People who are close to the court are already starting to make noises in surprise.

"No, that guy is really writing the second one!"

"Huh, I guess it's not all the first exam questions, right!"

"Haha, I think so too."

Not most people think so, but basically everyone except Weber thinks so.

What they all know is that Yunye's combat effectiveness is super strong, but in this clock tower, who doesn't know that this brain is more important than combat effectiveness?

On the other hand, the reason why so many people believe that Yun Ye will definitely fail the assessment is also because Yun Ye does not have a magic circuit, and it is impossible to learn these magic theories.

Even Kenneth felt this way. Even if he was a lecturer in the Yunye Spirit Dropping class, he had seen Yunye's intellectual excellence, but there are some things that can't be learned with a little brain.

It is also worth mentioning that none of the questions in the assessment this time are about spiritism.

Because from Kenneth's point of view, Yun Ye is extremely talented in spirituality, so if that's the case, it would be nice to let him not encounter the subject that he is good at.

Thinking of this, Kenneth felt more comfortable, and looked at the other two people doing the question with interest.

". ¨ Teacher, I'm done."

In the quiet examination room, a faint voice seemed to grow wings, (Zhao Li Zhao) instantly flew into everyone's ears.

Yun Ye, is he done?

Even Kenneth, including the monarchs around him, sat upright.

The stands are even more noisy.

"This guy, didn't he hand in the paper for nothing?"

"Haha, it must be a blank roll!"

"Weber Wilwitt, just watch it!" Johannes said excitedly.

Webber didn't look back, staring at the exam paper in Yunye's hand. There was no tension in his heart, but rather excited-he felt that he would soon see Johannes's astonished expression!

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