Harry Potter’s Most Powerful Wizard

Chapter 251: Cloud night's goal

"Hey, did you tell your mother if you went back today? I still want to eat your mother's pie. Look at the 1 cent, 2 thread and 3 Chinese website," said the dog with a greedy expression on her face.

Yun Ye shook his head and said, "We won't go back yet. You will accompany me to the Gulin Pavilion first."

As if the dog had stepped on its tail, he jumped up and said, "Why are you going to Gringa? I want to go home, I want to eat pies!"

Yun Ye said indifferently: "Then go back by yourself, anyway you know the way home."

When the wave dog was about to talk, Yun Ye added coldly: "As long as you are not afraid of being caught as a stray dog, I heard that the stray dogs in London are all euthanized after being caught, and there is no pain at all. Nothing."

Fluffy yelled dogily: "You! You are so cruel!"

Yun Ye ignored the fluctuating dog's angrily and looked out the window.

Hogwarts returned to London soon, and Yun Ye stood on the side of the road with his luggage, waving to stop the taxi.

The Bouncing Dog stayed on the spot, gritted his teeth several times and tried to slip away by himself, but when he saw people coming and going on the streets of London, he finally followed Yun Ye with his tail sandwiched between them.

Yun Ye ignored the entanglement in the dog's heart at this time, and intercepted a taxi casually.

"Charing Cross Road in Westminster."

Fluffy dog ​​followed Yunye into the taxi with his head down, and cursed Yunye in his heart, but he did not dare to show it on the surface.

"Sir, your pet is still..."

The taxi driver frequently turned around to look at the fluctuating dog, with an expression of hesitation. Yunye kept looking at the scenery and threw out a dozen pounds, which perfectly stopped the driver's nonsense. Look. Wool. Line. Chinese. Text. Net

Diagon Alley is hidden on Charing Cross Road in Westminster, London. It is a hotel called Broken Cauldron Bar. If you want to go to Diagon Alley, apart from Floo fans, Broken Cauldron Bar is the only way to Diagon Alley. path.

Yun Ye, who was familiar with the road, found the Broke Cauldron Bar, paid the fare, and walked directly into the small patio behind the bar.

He pulled out his wand and tapped the brick on the wall lightly.

The wall slowly opened, and what you saw was the prosperous scene of Diagon Alley. The narrow streets were full of people dressed in wizard costumes, and people came and went in various shops.

Yun Ye took the wave dog directly to the tallest building in Diagon Alley-Gulin Pavilion.

"What are you going to do in Gringa?" Suddenly asked unsatisfiedly.

Yun Ye said: "What does it matter to you?"

When the fluctuating dog was about to freak out, Yunye stepped directly into the gate of Gringa.

In the spacious marble hall, there are hundreds of fairies in the lobby to settle accounts, and some wear eyepieces to inspect gems under the light.

Yun Ye walked to the counter and said, "I'm going to the vault to get something."

The fairy sitting at the counter looked at Yun Ye carefully and said, "Are you...?"

Yun Ye smiled and said, "Are you new here? My name is Yun Ye."

The fairy asked: "Did you bring the key?"

Yun Ye took out a golden key and illuminated it in front of the fairy.

The goblin nodded and said, "Then follow me."

The goblin leaped down from the tall stool, leading Yunye and the dog to a door behind them.

Behind the gate is a cave that leads to the ground, and it is also equipped with various cave-specific pulleys.

Yun Ye held the wave dog and sat on the trolley. The fairy controlled it in front of the trolley, and the trolley slowly swept to the ground.

"No. 813, this is your treasury, Mr. Yun."

The goblin slid the trolley to a depth that did not know how far from the ground, holding the lamp and climbing to a stone cave next to it.

Yun Ye handed the key in her hand to the fairy and said, "There is a little bit of my **** in it, can you avoid it?"

The goblin took the key and inserted something like an iron gate in the cave: "We never inquire about our guests."


The iron gate was slowly opened, and the goblin stepped aside wisely, and looked in the other direction.

The wave dog spreads his feet to drill into the iron gate, Yun Ye kicked the wave dog away mercilessly, and got in by himself.

Behind the iron gate is a pile of Jin Jialong, shining very eye-catching.

But Yun Ye paid no attention to the pile of Jin Jialong, instead ran to a corner and picked up a small bag wrapped in linen.

Yun Ye carefully opened the package, revealing a red spar, a magic stone!

More than a year ago, Yunye defeated Voldemort and Quirrell and put the Philosopher's Stone into his body.

After taking it out of the school, Yunye secretly took out the Philosopher's Stone and stored it in Gringotts. So far, Dumbledore and the others still feel that Voldemort stole the Philosopher's Stone.

Yunye opened the Level 1 Discrimination Eye to identify the Philosopher’s Stone in his hand, but was disappointed to find that the Level 1 Discrimination Eye still had no way to identify the material of the Philosopher’s Stone.

After all, the first-level discriminating eye can only identify all raw materials that have not been processed, and the Philosopher’s Stone is artificially manufactured and does not belong to the range that the first-level discriminating eye can identify.

Yunye had to wrap the Philosopher's Stone herself and hide it under the mountain-like Jin Jialong.

Yunye originally wanted to try whether she could use her discriminating eyes to identify the material of the Philosopher's Stone, and if she was lucky, she could also identify the construction process and method of the Philosopher's Stone, so that she would be able to make the Philosopher's Stone by herself.

After all, it is unrealistic to make a magic stone by yourself and find that Nico Lemay, who has lived for hundreds of years and does not know how powerful he is.

Yun Ye used the discriminating eye to identify, and just wanted to try her luck, but the result was still a failure.

But think about it more carefully. Since Nicol Lemay finally gave up immortality, it shows that the Philosopher’s Stone still has its flaws, so as the manufacturer Nicol Lemay finally chose to give up.

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