Harry Potter’s Most Powerful Wizard

Chapter 365: A vampire running out of ammunition

Hermione slowly stepped forward. Yunye winked at Hermione and continued to maintain the spell of the freezing curse. Hermione understood Yunye's meaning and walked to the area of ​​Yunye's freezing curse. Look. Wool. Line. Chinese. Text. Net

Hermione couldn't help holding her shoulders. The freezing spell Yunye had cast was really cold, and Hermione felt like she had come to the South Pole.

Hermione was cruel and went straight through the viper vine area to the other side of the pond, where purple flowers were blooming lushly.

Hermione gazed at the purple flowers in front of her with surprise, and they overlapped with what she had seen in books. That's right, these are their life-saving materials, purple flowers!

Although Hermione is careful, she is not reckless. She knows the weirdness of this forest. Of course, she will not rush forward to pick it stupidly. Instead, she will look around carefully to prevent any magical plants from jumping out. Attack yourself.

But until Hermione walked to the purple flower, nothing was abnormal. Hermione immediately picked the purple flower. The purple flower was indeed very beautiful. Hermione picked a lot of purple flower and hugged her chest. Before he ran back to Yunye and the others.

Yunye could not help but breathed a sigh of relief when she saw Hermione coming back with a large push of purple petals, the purple flower was finally found.

Harry and Ron couldn't help cheering. The poison of the black thorns was too torturous, and the shadow of death at any time enveloped them. Now that there is an antidote, it is a real relief.

After Hermione returned to the safe area, Yunye lifted the freezing spell, and the snake vine would not resume action for a while. With Yunye's magical skills, this cold area may continue for a while.

Hermione ran back panting and said, "Finally found Ziluohua, Yunye, can you make an antidote?"

Yun Ye smiled and said, "Of course you can, thanks for your hard work. Look. Yarn, Chinese website."

Hermione looked at Yunye, smiled sweetly, and handed the beautiful purple flower in her hand to Yunye and said, "It's up to you next."

On the other side, a family of vampires outside the Holy Land.

Lilith's face was as cold as frost, and she stared at the ferocious flower in front of her eyes. The flower swayed with her ugly figure and made a squeaky, hoarse cry.

A dagger flew out suddenly, and the sharp dagger cut the stems and leaves of the big flower, and sprayed green juice directly, which looked very disgusting, and the big flower fell down.

Lilith breathed a sigh of relief and relaxed her tight body.

Abbard, who was hiding on the side, emerged from the jungle on the side. He released the dagger just now. He looked at Lilith and said, "Master Lilith, are you okay?"

Lilith shook her head and said, "I didn't expect that this place even has Sindup's big mouth. We almost planted here."

Joens supported Lilith and said worriedly: "Master Lilith, don't force yourself too much. You were hurt before."

Lilith said: "Injury is nothing, no sacrifice is already the greatest luck."

Abode stepped forward to retrieve his dagger, only to find that his dagger had been eroded by the cyan juice, and it had become ruined.

Yorkf said: "Abode, be careful, don't step on the juice of Sindpur's big mouth, or you will be corrupted."

Abode said in a huff: "You thought I was a new-born vampire, would I make such a low-level mistake?"

Lilith said: "Anyway, you all raised my vigilance. It's too weird here. Even if we relax a little bit, it may be the cause of our death."

Abode nodded immediately and said, "We will be careful."

Lilith turned to look at Joens and said, "How about, how far are we from those kids now?"

Joens said: "I spied on them just now, they are not moving as fast as us, and it won't take long for us to catch up with them."

Lilith nodded, this is their best news now.

Yorkf suddenly said: "Master Lilith, our potion is almost spent."

Lilith frowned and said, "Didn't you prepare a lot, how can you use it so quickly?"

Yorkf smiled bitterly: "We have encountered too many poisons. Even if my race has prepared for so many years, it is impossible to predict all the poisons of the horse holy land. There is no way to use the medicine quickly..."

Lilith sighed and said, "If Master Puslow is not dead, we won't have to worry about the potion at all. Now it has really become a big problem."

Yorkf lowered his head and said ashamed: "It was all my fault. If I reacted faster then, Master Puslow might not have to die."

Joens shook his head and said: "This incident is mainly to blame on me. The monster's attack was too quick, because I did not react to interfere with him with mental power."

Abode sighed softly and said, "Don’t tell me, Master Puslow died for protecting me. I would rather me instead of Master Puslow who died at that time. Now everyone won’t have such a headache. ."

Lilith said: "Well, don't talk about it anymore. There is no way for Master Puslow to die. He will not want us to waste time mourning his death. Let's hurry as soon as possible."

Horse tribe, Fick tent.

Firenze holds the Holy 4.0 ground mirror in his hand. The mirror shows the scene of the vampire family destroying Sindup's Big Mouth.

Baine shook his head and said: "After so many years, no one can complete the holy land trial of my race. I didn't expect two groups of foreigners came yesterday and stayed in the magic forest for so long."

What Bain said was also the voice of Fick and the others. You must know that the Holy Land Trial of the Horse Race has always been well-known. A long time ago, all races would send people to challenge the Holy Land Trial of the Horse Race.

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