Harry Potter’s Most Powerful Wizard

Chapter 435: The history of deviation!

After all, he had absorbed the meteorite from the outer world before, and now he can improve his strength even if he doesn't do anything. Look. Wool. Line. Chinese. Text. Net

Although Sai Yunye is very confident in the three-strong competition, the risks and rewards are directly proportional, and Yunye does not need to take risks at this time.

Therefore, Yun Ye did not put his name into the Goblet of Fire, but quietly waited for the coming of this day.

Soon, the time set by Mr. Batty Crouch had arrived.

A lot of notes were thrown into the Goblet of Fire, but everyone knows that there are only three places in these notes that can stand out.

In the Hogwarts Auditorium, the students from the four colleges once again gathered here, and Durmstrang’s students were finally released by Karkaroff, and An An was sitting quietly in his place during “Forty Nine Seven”. I dare not look up.

The witches of Boothbarton are still a beautiful landscape. The light blue wizard robe looks very energetic, and the witches of Boothbarton are also full of energy, which is in sharp contrast with the students of Durmstrang.

On the professor's seat, the professors were also talking about it, and they were very curious about who played in the Triwizard Tournament.

Dumbledore walked out slowly, raising his hand slightly to signal the students to calm down.

Dumbledore said: "After a few days of active registration from classmates, today is the time to announce our Triwizard Tournament quotas. All the lists are selected by the Goblet of Fire. They are absolutely fair and just, and students need not doubt. "

Dumbledore drew to explain that it was the Goblet of Fire who selected the candidate himself, because it had happened before that the selected person was too ordinary, which aroused the dissatisfaction of the students and felt that there was an inside story. See 1 Yarn 3 Chinese Net

However, after this ordinary student proved himself with his own strength, the incident subsided.

Dumbledore didn't want this to happen again, so he stated the premise of the Goblet of Fire selection in advance.

The students also calmed down and looked at Dumbledore quietly.

The professors on the professor's chair also closed their mouths, this moment is very solemn, of course they will not look like hippie smiles.

The tall Madame Maxim looked towards the direction where the Boothbat witch was sitting. Fleur smiled at Madame Maxim, as if to say please rest assured, I will definitely be able to choose it.

Karkaroff couldn’t help but look at his school seat. Although Krum’s failure disappointed Karkaroff, it must be said that Krum was already the best student at Durmstrang School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. If Krum can't be elected, it's a big deal.

Krum quickly gave Karkaroff a gesture of relief, and stared at Dumbledore closely.

Dumbledore drew his wand from the wizard's robe and looked at the goblet of blue flames. The wand lightly touched the edge of the goblet.


The goblet of flame rising with blue flame made a loud noise, and the blue flame continued to roll, slowly turning into purple, which looked very seductive.

Everyone's eyes were on the goblet of flames, watching the purple flames that kept tumbling.

Suddenly a small puff of black smoke rose into the sky from the goblet of flames, and the sharp-eyed people could see at a glance that this was a burst of paper that was about to burn but not burnt.

The smoky note slowly dropped and landed on Dumbledore's hand.

The purple flame also slowly diminished, turning into a goblet of blue flame again.

Dumbledore looked around the audience and looked at the note in his hand with a smile. However, the name on the note made Dumbledore's smile froze.

Seeing that Dumbledore’s expression was not right, Mrs. Maxim stood up first. Although she knew that she would not be able to see the note written on Dumbledore’s hand when she stood up, she stood up anxiously, tall and tall. Mrs. Maxim stood abruptly in the professor's seat.

Mrs. Maxim asked, "Professor Dumbledore, read that name quickly."

Dumbledore slowly raised his head, and the smile on his face had disappeared. On the contrary, Dumbledore's face looked very ugly, his face was blue, as if he had learned some bad news...

Everyone was watching Dumbledore, very anxious to know the name on the note, but they didn't dare to urge Dumbledore to announce it.

Dumbledore looked around the audience again, but this time there was anger in his eyes.

"The name of the person selected by the Goblet of Fire is..."

Dumbledore cast his eyes on Gryffindor Academy, locked one of them, and said in a harsh tone: "Harry Potter!"

As soon as Dumbledore’s voice fell, the scene fell into a suffocating silence. Everyone’s eyes turned to Harry in an instant. There were all kinds of eyes, some mixed with excitement, some felt incredible, and some were jealous. Dissatisfaction, opposition!

As the person involved, Harry seemed to have been severely chopped by thunder, and his mind was blank. He didn't cast his name out of the Goblet of Fire. How could the Goblet of Fire choose him?

"Harry Potter!"

Dumbledore repeated Harry's name once, very angry in his tone.

The person selected by the Goblet of Fire had to walk to the underground stone room after Dumbledore called his name, but now Harry was in a state of crash, unable to make any reaction.

The students in Game 5.3 finally reacted, there was a loud noise, and many people even jumped out angrily, shouting: "He cheated, he is not 17 years old at all! He is cheating!"

The professors in the faculty seat also showed surprised expressions, talking in private, and they were very puzzled about Harry's selection.

Yun Ye frowned. According to the original history, shouldn't Harry be the second person to be selected by Hogwarts? Why was Harry the first person Dumbledore pointed to?

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