Harry Potter’s Most Powerful Wizard

Chapter 630: The truth in the meditation basin

As he said, he shook his head again: "Oh, it's not as good as your young people. wap.lightnovelpub.net"

Yun Ye put down his wine glass and said, "Professor Dumbledore, after all that has been said, can you ask questions? I would like to get the gift and Harry compare the preciousness of the gift soon. I believe the students must be looking forward to it. ."

Dumbledore smiled and said, "I'm actually looking forward to it, but I'm afraid I won't see such a scene for the time being."

Yun Ye was taken aback and said, "Professor Dumbledore, what do you mean?"

Before Dumbledore could answer, the door of the small room was opened. Snape and Professor McGonagall walked into the small room. They were expressionless. McGonagall, who was walking behind, locked the door easily and they sat down. On the opposite row of seats, looking at Yunye coldly, everything seemed so weird and strange.

Yun Ye finally realized that something was not right, Dumbledore deliberately led himself here, and let McGonagall and Snape enter the room immediately, not knowing what to plot.

Yun Ye slowly stood up and said, "I'm afraid today's things are not as simple as I thought, are they?"

Dumbledore smiled and said, "317 Yunye, you finally found out, but don't you think you found it a bit late?"

Yun Ye smiled lightly and said: "To entice me to take the bait, he even organized a cocktail party. Wouldn't you think it was too wasteful?"

Dumbledore shook his head quickly and said, "No, no, no, as long as you can relax your vigilance and drink that glass of red wine, it's not a small price. Look. Wool, Chinese website."

Yun Ye frowned, the smile on his face disappeared, and said, "That glass of red wine?"

Dumbledore smiled and nodded, and said: "Yes, that glass of red wine is mixed with Veritaserum, and after Professor Snape's adjustment, it is no different from ordinary red wine."

Yun Ye stared at the glass of red wine in front of him, unexpectedly it was mixed with Veritaserum!

But didn't Snape's Veritaserum have all been manipulated by himself? Did Snape adjust a batch of them again just to make him lose his vigilance?

Snape said indifferently: "Yun Ye, don't think that you have touched my Veritaserum hands and feet. I don't know, but since Umbridge is our common enemy at that time, I didn't stop you. After all, you It’s just a student, don’t think too much of yourself."

McGonagall nodded and said, "Although I am very grateful to you for liberating Hogwarts in Umbridge's hands, I still can't forgive what you did to Hogwarts before!"

Yun Ye's pupils shrank, and said coldly: "What are you talking about, what have I done I'm sorry for Hogwarts!"

Dumbledore smiled faintly and said, "It seems that our Mr. Yun still refuses to admit it. We need to give some evidence."

With a wave of Dumbledore's hand, a silver-white basin appeared in front of Yunye, who recognized it as the basin of meditation at a glance.

Dumbledore continued: "Believe that our honorable Mr. Yun should also feel it. Our professor has shown the hostility to you from time to time."

Yun Ye was taken aback for a moment, this point was still fresh in his memory.

Since the Triwizard Tournament ended last year, he has felt the hostility of Professor Hogwarts towards him from time to time, and even Hermione has reminded himself of this.

But as time passed, nothing happened, Yun Ye didn't care anymore, and now it seemed a bit strange to think of it.

Dumbledore's wand was pointed on his forehead, and he slowly pulled out a wisp of silvery memory, and smiled: "Before Mr. Yun can solve our doubts, I want to relieve (bbbf) Mr. Yun from your doubts."

Dumbledore put the memory in the basin, and placed the basin in front of Yunye. Yunye looked at Dumbledore, then looked at the basin, and finally slowly sank his head into the basin.

This memory obviously belongs to Dumbledore. After Yunye sank into the penis, she saw familiar faces flashing in front of her.

He, Harry, Fleur, Krum, and Mr. Crouch... are obviously the memories of the Triwizard Tournament last year.

In the end, the picture slowly freezes in a dark and lacquered place. There are many people standing here, and everyone's appearance is a little fuzzy, but it also slowly becomes clear.

Snape, McGonagall, Mrs. Hooch, Flitwick... are all Hogwarts professors, forming a big circle, in front of Dumbledore’s perspective, it is Barty K, the leader of the Triwizard Tournament. Mr. Rauch.

There are so many heavy people around, and in front of them is a thin person, locked in a chair, looking embarrassed, that appearance, Yun Ye has recognized it, it is Little Batty!

The person who pretended to be Crazy-Eye Moody into Hogwarts was also the one who threw his name and Harry’s name into the Goblet of Fire, but was finally discovered by himself. Not only did he save the real Crazy-Eye Moody, but also Captured by this faithful Death Eater of Voldemort.

It's just that he proposed to interrogate Barty Jr. but was rejected by Dumbledore. No wonder he has no clue!

Dumbledore waved his hand slightly, and Snape walked forward with a bottle of medicine and poured it into Barty's mouth. Yun Ye recognized that the bottle of medicine was the familiar Veritaserum.

Little Batty kept insulting everyone present, with a vicious look. Even if he was forced to drink Veritaserum, he would not give in. He almost bit his tongue and killed himself. Fortunately, Snape slapped Batty on the face , So that little Batty can't succeed.

After drinking Veritaserum, Little Barty appeared a little unconscious, as if he was half-dreaming and half-awake.

Mr. Crouch slowly stepped forward, looking tremblingly at his son who had been hiding illegally for many years and asked: "Batti, Jr., tell me your conspiracy at Hogwarts, and what Voldemort wants you to do!"

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