Harry Potter’s Most Powerful Wizard

Chapter 631: Shocking facts!

Little Batty laughed. He wanted to be hard-headed and say nothing, but the magic in his body couldn't suppress the effect of Veritaserum, so he could only speak out the purpose of Voldemort sending him to Hogwarts. See 1 Yarn 3 Chinese Net

For example, he came to Hogwarts just to throw the names of Yunye and Harry into the Goblet of Fire, and to help Harry win in the Triwizard Tournament.

Finally, he will do something on the trophy to allow Harry to win the championship, and then teleport to the cemetery. The second dwarf Peter will catch Harry and let Harry help Voldemort to resurrect!

Dumbledore and the professors were shocked. Mr. Crouch was even more scared and shrank behind Dumbledore. He shivered and didn't know what to say, so Dumbledore had to step forward and continue to ask some of them_ Point.

Little Batty was very frightened. He wanted to contain his mouth and help Voldemort keep the secret, but under the effect of Veritaserum, little Batty's struggle was useless.

No matter what Dumbledore asked, he answered whatever he asked. In the end, Barty gave up the struggle. After telling so many secrets, it was a dead end for him to go back. He also looked impenetrable.

Dumbledore basically asked about Voldemort's plan in the Triwizard Tournament, and found that Voldemort wanted to conspire to catch Harry to help him resurrect, but why did he throw Yunye's name into the Goblet of Fire at the same time? ?

Dumbledore asked his doubts and said, "Why did Voldemort throw Yunye's name into the Goblet of Fire?"

Little Batty was obviously taken aback, and slowly said: "Because the master wants Yun Ye to die, he wants Yun Ye to die in the Triwizard Tournament. If possible, Yun Ye and Harry will also be sent to the master together, okay. Let the master kill Yunye!"

Because of Veritaserum, Little Batty can't help himself to continue. wap.lightnovelpub.net

"It's also because Yunye is also one of the master's enemies. If you can't get Harry's blood, getting Yunye's blood can resurrect the master. Yunye can be said to be the master's backup plan."

Dumbledore and the professors showed incomprehensible expressions. Dumbledore asked: "Why did Voldemort want to kill Yunye? What's the past between Yunye and Voldemort? Why is Yunye also Voldemort's enemy?"

Little Batty shook his head and said, "I'm not very clear about this, but I heard that Yun Ye had also cooperated with the master before, as if betrayed the master!"

"Just three or four years ago, when Yun Ye was a first-year student, the master wanted to get the magic stone, but failed because of Yun Ye's betrayal. In the end, the master seemed to suspect that the magic stone fell into Yun Ye's hands!"

Dumbledore and the professors present were all shocked. Dumbledore said angrily: "Yun Ye actually worked with Voldemort, and he was still conspiring with the Sorcerer's Stone! No wonder the Sorcerer's Stone was finally lost, it turned out that Yunye stole it!"

Little Batty continued: "I also firmly believe that Yunye must have obtained the Philosopher’s Stone. After all, the Philosopher’s Stone fell into Yunye’s hand after the master’s failure at that time, and you idiots couldn’t find the trace of the Philosopher’s Stone afterwards. If Yunye gets it, who can get it?"

"The master thinks that Yunye has such a precious thing and will definitely carry it with him, so as long as you catch Yunye, the master's plan of resurrection will be more certain, and it is also the master's second backup plan!"

Dumbledore forcibly contained his inner anger and took a deep breath.

"But even if Yun Ye betrayed Voldemort and stole the Philosopher's Stone, he did not cause any harm to Voldemort, he could not become Voldemort's enemy?"

"The reason Harry became Voldemort's enemy was because he was protected by Lily and Potter when he was a child, which eventually led to Voldemort's death, but Yunye had no such conditions at all!"

Little Batty shook his head and said: "You think Yun Ye is too simplistic. Have you forgotten the Hogwarts Chamber of Secrets two years ago? At that time, Yun Ye destroyed one of his master's Horcruxes, which is equivalent to killing A soul of the master."

Dumbledore suddenly realized that he almost forgot about this.

··Seeking flowers·······

Little Batty continued: "Moreover, Yunye also snatched the basilisk controlled by the master! Now that basilisk is still missing. Yunye’s mind is not as simple as you imagined. You are all affected by his appearance. Deceived!"

Dumbledore and the professors looked at each other. From their faces, they could see the shock of each other!

Dumbledore never expected that this Yunye would be so scheming!

Originally, in his impression, Yun Ye was just a figure he could not control, but no matter how difficult he could control, Yun Ye was just a **** of Dumbledore and would not do much.

But it's just such a small chess piece, it has jumped out of its own chessboard long ago and started making waves!


What Dumbledore couldn't bear the most was that he had no idea, and had to wait for others to tell him before discovering it.

This is undoubtedly a great challenge for Dumbledore, and also the most intolerable challenge for Dumbledore!

Snape's originally cold face also revealed an incredible expression.

He knew that Yun Ye was an extremely powerful person, but he didn't expect that this boy, who was only a teenager, had already had his own comprehensive plan long ago, and even dared to fight against a figure of Voldemort's level.

That's it. Yun Ye's scheming really made Snape feel a little scared. He and Yun Ye have known each other for so long, and he has never had the upper hand in the struggle with Yun Ye.

Snape originally thought this was just a little bit of Yunye's cleverness, but now it seems that this is more than just a little cleverness.

After this kid grows up, I am afraid he will become the kind of person who is like Voldemort, or even surpasses Voldemort!

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