Harry Potter’s Most Powerful Wizard

Chapter 733: Sure to die?

"He seems to be a student of Hogwarts, but how could a student of Hogwarts have such a strong combat effectiveness?"

The high priest said: "Are you sure that his strength is really not inferior to Merlin? Merlin is one of the strongest wizards in the world today. Not all cats and dogs can match. wap.lightnovelpub.net"

Kevin smiled bitterly: "I have played against Yun Ye, his strength is indeed not inferior to Merlin, he caused my injuries."


The high priest snorted coldly, but he also understood from Kevin’s words that this person named Yunye should not be underestimated at all. One Yunye has one Merlin, plus British Arthur. Although there are only three people, he can treat Germans and The threat posed by Saxon is too great.

Kevin and the Saxon wizards and generals bowed their heads, waiting for the high priest's decision.

The high priest pondered for a while and said, "Have you gathered all the wizards of our Saxon clan?"

Kevin nodded his head and said: 11 "The nearly 2,000 elite wizards of the Saxon clan are all ready, ready to listen to the high priest's order."

The high priest said: "They dare to go deep into our Germanic hinterland. They must also do something. If I guess there is nothing wrong, they will definitely attack Modenesa. We can use this as a breakthrough point and set up a big net to wait for them. Home."

Kevin was taken aback and said: "But the fact that our Saxons are stationed in Modenesa has spread throughout Germany. They will definitely receive the news, and they won't be so stupid to attack Modenese. See 1. Mao 2 Line 3 Chinese Net"

The high priest sneered: "Will you pretend that our army is retreating? If they want to attack Modenesa, we will give them the opportunity to attack. They will not be able to hold it back!"

Kevin said with joy: "As expected to be the high priest, there really is a way!"


On the outskirts of Modenesa, three men in long robes flashed past and got into an abandoned house. Only then did the three men lift their cloaks at the beginning and let out a long sigh of relief. It was Yunye and Merlin. And Arthur.

After this period of incubation, the three of them have recovered a lot, and Arthur's injury has also healed a lot.

Merlin took out a small package from his robe and said, "This is the wild fruit I collected. You can eat something to replenish your strength."

Arthur and Yunye took out the wild fruit from Merlin's package and chewed bit by bit. Merlin asked, "How about that Saxon general?"

Arthur pointed his finger under the house and said: "It's still hidden in the cellar, don't worry about him, let him destroy himself."

Yun Ye glanced at the ground. The Saxon wizard and general Moda who had been captured by him before was locked in the cellar of this abandoned house. Yun Ye and others did not intend to return this person obediently, as the Germans and the British. Hatred, Arthur has been very merciful without directly killing Moda.

Arthur said: "We have been lurking here for several days, are we still not doing it?"

Yun Ye said: "The Saxon clan wizards have all retreated to this city. The three of us are best not to fight against this wizarding army. There is a huge disparity in numbers."

Merlin also nodded and said, "Yun Ye is right. We lured the Saxon wizards here. It is impossible for the Germanic army to invade the border of the Roman Empire without wizards. Our goal was also achieved."

Yun Ye groaned: "The Germans will not stop conquering the Roman Empire because of the three of us. The problem of food and grass for hundreds of thousands of troops is also very huge. If they stay for a day, they will consume a lot of money. They want to continue to delay. Over time, we must continue to put pressure on the Saxons."

Merlin also understood what Yun Ye said, and said: "But Kevin has summoned all the elite wizards of the Saxon clan to deal with. We are more than enough to lurk in Modenesa. If the attack is only possible with the three of us, it is impossible to succeed. ."

Arthur also nodded and said: "We attacked the Germanic base camp before, facing only a small group of Saxon wizards, most of them were ordinary soldiers. We are already so embarrassed, if we face all the elite wizards of a country. , I’m afraid we can only fall into their hands."

The three fell silent for a while. They all knew how great the risk of attacking Modenesa was, but if they could not contain the Dao Saxons and let the Saxons send people to conquer the Roman Empire, the British army would be destroyed.

Mei Lin took a deep breath and said, "This matter is very risky, but we seem to have no other way."

Arthur also smiled bitterly and said: "Yes, we persisted for too short a time. The British army probably hasn't received reinforcements yet. If the Germanic army launches an offensive, the consequences will be unimaginable."

Yun Ye smiled faintly, and said: "I have all come here, how can we be worthy of our previous 693 adventure without making a big fuss?"

Merlin and Arthur glanced at each other and both looked at Yunye. Merlin said seriously: "Yunye, do you really want to be with us? With your strength, it should not be difficult to escape from Germanic territory. "

Arthur also said with a bitter face, "Yun Ye, you should have a better future. There is no need to die with us."

Yun Ye was stunned, and there was a hint of warmth in his heart. It turned out that Arthur and Merlin were worried about themselves.

After all, in the eyes of Merlin and Arthur, Yun Ye was still a Hogwarts student, and Yun Ye had such outstanding strength, it would be a pity to be buried here with them.

Knowing that this is a mortal task, it is better to let the young hope continue to survive.

Yun Ye is not a person who is not afraid of death, but Yun Ye does not think this is a mortal task.

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