Harry Potter’s Most Powerful Wizard

Chapter 745: Doubts in my heart

If Yun Ye appeared in front of the two of them, I am afraid that the two of them could not help but kiss Yun Ye directly. Yun Ye really gave them one surprise after another!

Even the killing of the Saxon High Priest among the Hosts can be done. What can Yun Ye fail to do?

It's just fleeing from Germanic territory, what's impossible with clouds in the night?

As for Kevin, he sneered at the corpse of the high priest that fell to the ground. wap.lightnovelpub.net

The high priest is dead, and the Saxon clan is his Kevin's world. Now let's see who else dares to ride on his head and do it!

Kevin shouted angrily: "All the people of the Saxon clan follow my command and gather three remnants! Killing the remnants will be rewarded!"

Kaiwen thought that the high priest was dead, and the Saxons could only follow their orders, but he underestimated the position of the high priest in the people’s minds, and many Saxons glared at Kevin for wanting to kill and hurry. expression.

In their view, the death of the high priest was caused by the despicable man Kevin!

Kevin's status in the hearts of the Saxons plummeted, and some Saxon wizards of the high priest faction were even more excited and wanted to rush forward and fight Kevin desperately.

The army of Saxon wizards finally fell into chaos!

"Kevin, you actually treated High Priest 473, are you still a human!"

Some Saxon wizards of the High Priest faction yelled angrily, seemingly wanting to come forward and fight Kevin desperately.

And some Saxon wizards of the big leader faction sneered: "The high priest is so impulsive to resist such a powerful curse, isn't it just an act of looking for death? Is there anything to blame the big leader? If the big leader also goes up, the Saxon clan There is no leader in the group. Look. Wool, Chinese website."

The sudden chaos of the Saxon wizard's army made Yun Ye and the three of them breathe a sigh of relief.

Originally, they were in a crisis situation, and a huge reversal took place at the moment the high priest died, and all of this was made by Yunye.

Yun Ye actually looked dumbfounded. He originally wanted to fight Kevin and the high priest. Even if he died, pulling two heavyweight figures to bury him would not be a loss.

What's more... There is still something in Yun Ye's heart, even Merlin and Arthur don't know, maybe it can be verified by one death.

But after all, it was death, and Yun Ye was still unwilling to try it casually, so he has been buried until now.

Who knew that Kevin had directly betrayed the high priest, the high priest was dead, and the army of Saxon wizards also became chaotic. This was unexpected by Yunye.

Kevin looked angrily at the Saxon wizard who did not obey his orders, and shouted angrily: "The high priest is dead. My chief Kevin is the supreme power of the Saxons!"

The Saxon wizards of the big leader faction shouted. In the past, the Saxons belonged to the high priest in power. Now Kevin finally took over the control of the highest power!

As supporters of Kevin, their status has naturally risen. Whoever dares to make Kevin unhappy is their enemy!

Some wise Saxon wizards closed their mouths. It is a fact that the high priest was framed to death by Kevin for no reason. It is an unstoppable thing for Kevin to be in charge of the entire Saxon clan. Naturally, they will not offend a dead person in the future. The power in the clan.

Of course, there are still many people who are loyal fans of the High Priest faction, swearing at Kevin, and have no good feelings for people like Kevin who are perfidious, and naturally they will not recognize the status of Kevin's chief.

"Kevin, you rubbish, I won't recognize your position and want to replace the high priest? Dream it!"

"Kevin, you killed the high priest, and the whole Saxon clan will not let you go. Just wait for death!"

"The high priest is the great saint of our clan, who killed the saxon clan, Kevin, you won't have a good life!"

Hearing many Saxon wizards yelling at him, Kevin's face turned blue and purple.

He also thought that his own power might arouse opposition from many people, but so many people in front of him yelled at him at the same time, it still made Kevin angry.

Kevin leaped out suddenly, pointing his wand at the most ferocious wizard among the crowd, and fierce magic power shot out from the wand, directly penetrating the wizard's heart!

With a hideous expression on his face, the wizard pointed at Kevin, but he didn't expect that Kevin would shoot him directly.

Kevin looked at the turbulent crowd coldly and said: "All those who dissatisfied will be killed for me!"

The cold words hit the hearts of the Saxons. Does Kevin mean to start a great purge?

Some wizards of the big leader faction immediately understood Kevin's meaning, and rushed to the wizard who abused Kevin just now. The entire army of Saxon wizards fell into cannibalism, and there were shouts of killing everywhere.

On the contrary, the three of Yunye seemed a bit redundant. The three of them had put away their curses and joined together, silently looking at the Saxons who were killing each other in front of them.

Merlin shook his head and said, "I didn't expect Kevin to betray the High Priest directly. After this battle, the Saxons will probably be very hurt."

Arthur also nodded and said, "Yun Ye, you made a great contribution to the accident."

Yun Ye smiled bitterly: "We haven't escaped the danger yet. It's not the time to say these words."

Merlin said: "Yes, since Saxon is in chaos now, let's quickly escape by taking advantage of the chaos."

Arthur showed ecstasy. They actually had a chance to escape, all thanks to Yunye's ability to create such a large opportunity to successfully kill the Saxon High Priest!

It can be said that if Yunye is missing from this adventure in the Germanic Territory, they don't know how many times they have died.

Mei Lin also looked at Yunye with joy, his eyes filled with appreciation, and he also understood that the greatest contribution this time belongs to Yunye.

Yun Ye smiled, did not say anything, just a glimmer of light flashed in his eyes.

Yunye, who was also aware of this, raised a huge doubt in his heart.

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