Harry Potter’s Most Powerful Wizard

Chapter 858: Here is heaven

Barnes took out his wand and tapped it lightly. A magical mask slowly enveloped the three of them, isolating the detection of the three from the outside world. Barnes said: "Mr. Appraiser, be careful, we are going to go down. . Look. Wool. Line. Chinese. Wen. Net"

A burrow appeared on the ground in an instant, and the three of them slid down at the same time. With Yunye's strength, the burrow that appeared suddenly would naturally not have any effect on him.

And this hole seems to have been carefully designed by people, it is said that it is a hole, but in fact it is very smooth around it, and it will not scratch the body of the slid.

The three of them slid all the way, probably less than ten minutes later, Yunye finally saw a ray of light appeared underneath, and the true face of the Alchemy Association was finally about to be revealed!

What caught Yunye’s eyes was a huge space, which was dissatisfied with all kinds of weird-shaped instruments. Various liquids were distributed among the instruments. Some of them were roiling with steam, while others were exuding a biting chill. There are also many people in white coats walking around.

Yun Ye seemed to have entered a huge chemical laboratory, while Barnes and Rip looked at the huge chemical laboratory obsessively, looking intoxicated.

Lipxing 113 furiously said: "Mr. Appraiser, have you seen it? This is our great alchemist association! Seeing those fascinating instruments, and those alchemists, this is simply our alchemy paradise. !"

Barnes also looked proud and said: "Mr. Appraiser, you will definitely be respected by them when you come here. Your name has spread among us a long time ago."

Some alchemists who were busy on the test bed also saw Barnes and Rip, and while greeting them, they also looked at Yunye curiously. wap.lightnovelpub.net

"Is this the legendary appraiser of Rolling Alley? You really invited him over!"

A wizard in a white robe was surprised and immediately attracted the attention of others. Everyone turned their eyes to Yunye, as if looking at a novel thing.

Barnes and Rip were very proud, Barnes said: "This is natural, can we make a mistake when we shoot? This is the famous appraiser of Rolling Alley, he has decided to join me (bbbg)!"

"Really, that's really great. With this appraiser like a god, it will be much more convenient for us to appraise materials later."

"More than that, I remember that he can also identify the magic props and magic potions that have been created, and know their composition. This is even more magical!"

"Is it really that powerful? I have never seen such a powerful appraiser."

Just as people in the Alchemy Association were talking about it, two figures appeared from the other side, one tall and one short, both white-haired old people over a hundred years old, looking very old.

As soon as they saw these two men, other alchemists erected one after another, obviously respecting these two men, even Barnes and Rip straightened up, as if they had seen the leader.

Yun Ye immediately realized that the identities of these two individuals were unusual, and she swept over and nodded slightly.

Barnes whispered: "Mr. Appraiser, they are the president and vice-president of our Alchemy Association. The shorter one is our president Professor Howth Fuggeline, and the taller one is Professor Boston Ensdi. , They are all highly respected people in our alchemy association!"

Fudgeline walked forward slowly and looked at Yunye with a smile: "Hello, I am the president of the Alchemy Association. My name is Horse Fudgeline, the legendary appraiser, and I can finally see the splendor today."

Speaking of Fu Ji Lain stretched out his hand to Yun Ye.

Yun Ye gently held Fudgeline's palm, and pounced on the face of the smell of magical materials. Only those who have been immersed in magical materials for a long time will have the strange fragrance. It seems that Fudgeline is also a good potion master. .

Ensi Di on the other side also stepped forward, stretched out her palm to Yun Ye, and said, "Hello, my name is Boston Ensi Di."

This person speaks short and powerfully. He is obviously a person who does not speak words but does things decisively.

Yun Ye let go of Fugellain's hand and gently held Ensidi's palm as a gesture of courtesy.

Yun Ye frowned involuntarily when he held the palm of Ensi Di's hand.

The palm of this Ensi Land is unusually strong, and the calluses on his hands are terrible, and unlike other alchemists, this Ensi Land does not have much smell of potion, on the contrary, it carries a thick **** evil spirit. odor.

This person is not a simple alchemist, on the contrary, he may be the main force in the alchemy association, mainly responsible for protecting the alchemy association.

Ensi Di also felt the unusually powerful power in Yun Ye through the touch of his palms, and the two of them were concerned about each other and unconsciously looked at each other.

Yun Ye retracted his palm and said, "Just call me Ye."

Fudgeline didn't notice the abnormality between Yun Ye and En Si Di, and smiled and said, "Mr. Ye, let's go up and have a chat first."

Yun Ye nodded faintly, and did not speak much.

Fudgeline smiled and said, "Professor Barnes, Mr. Rip, you have been working hard during this time, you should go back and rest first."

Barnes and Rip nodded again and again, and they could see that Fudgeline still had a high prestige in their hearts.

Fudge Lion led Yun Ye towards the distant building of the Alchemy Association, Ensi Di faintly stood beside Yun Ye, as if guarding against something.

Yun Ye was naturally aware of the meaning of Ensi Land, but Yun Ye did not make much reaction. Although Ensi Land was the main force of the Alchemy Association, the power of Ensi Land was nothing but sparse to Yun Ye. Normally, there is no threat to Yun Ye at all.

The three of them walked into the underground cave building of the Alchemy Association. Although it is hidden deep underground, it can be seen that it has undergone extensive renovations.

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