Harry Potter’s Most Powerful Wizard

Chapter 881: Lord Voldemort gave up thinking

Yun Ye smiled and said: "Now that everyone is leaving their residences and living outside to celebrate the Festival of Tabernacles, how much defensive power can your Ministry of Magic have?"

Norwaymanki struggled for a while, and finally said: "We still have nearly fifty elite wizards defending the Ministry of Magic, and our Ministry of Magic has various defensive spells. The terrain is easy to defend and difficult to attack. It won't... …"

"Enough. wap.lightnovelpub.net"

Yun Ye faintly interrupted Norwaymanche's words, and said: "If it is true that there are less than fifty elite wizards defending the Ministry of Magic, as you said, then at this time, most of your Ministry of Magic has already fallen."

Norwaymanche was trembling all over, and still wanted to argue with Yun Ye, but his mouth grew and he didn't say anything for a long time.

He knew that it was indeed very possible for Voldemort to take people to attack the Ministry of Magic at this time, and with the little defensive strength left by the Ministry of Magic, it seemed that he really couldn't give people any confidence. There was really nothing in front of the fierce Voldemort. effect!

But Norwaymanche just couldn't accept the fact that Yun Ye said. He only left the Ministry of Magic for five or six days. How could the Ministry of Magic fall?

How could a country's Ministry of Magic be breached so easily? !


The valley far away from Jerusalem, which was originally the headquarters of the Israeli Ministry of Magic, was once a magnificent palace, but now it has become a wreck, and flames mixed with smoke and dust continue to spread across this land.

Countless Death Eaters in black wizard robes lay prone on the ground, facing Voldemort, Voldemort raised his head and laughed, and the ecstasy in his heart was evident. Look. Wool. Line. Chinese. Text. Net

"Long live the master, capture the Israeli Ministry of Magic and be famous everywhere!"

Hundreds of Death Eaters shouted in unison, with a frenzied expression on their faces, looking at the tall man in front of them, as if they had become a **** in their hearts.

Voldemort took a deep breath and watched Israel's Ministry of Magic become a ruin in front of them, and the elite wizards of Israel's Ministry of Magic who desperately resisted themselves turned into icy corpses, and his heart was extremely cheerful.

"Does Yun Ye think that he is very powerful when he has captured the British Ministry of Magic? It's just a mere Ministry of Magic. I can do it like Voldemort!"

Voldemort yelled in anger, and the fact that Yun Ye captured the British Ministry of Magic had always been a thorn in Voldemort's heart.

After all, Voldemort himself had not done anything to capture the Ministry of Magic, and Yun Ye took the lead in Voldemort's one step. Doesn't this show that Yun Ye's strength is better than himself?

Although Voldemort never mentioned this matter, it did make Voldemort very uncomfortable.

But now Voldemort has also captured Israel's Ministry of Magic, proving that he also has the strength and ability to take down a Ministry of Magic. In this way, Voldemort's mentality is much balanced, thinking that Yun Ye is still no better than himself.

However, Voldemort didn't think much about the difference between the strength of the British Ministry of Magic and the Israeli Ministry of Magic. It was no longer within his consideration.

Lucius on one side stepped forward and said: "Master, since the Israeli Ministry of Magic has been captured, the Israeli wizarding world will be in chaos during this time, and we should almost implement our plan."

Voldemort nodded slightly. Indeed, the reason they traveled to Israel was not to capture the Israeli Ministry of Magic, but to find something very important to Voldemort.

In order to successfully find such a thing, Voldemort did not hesitate to destroy the Israeli Ministry of Magic and completely chaos the Israeli wizarding world, so that he could fish in troubled waters to implement his plan.

Dozens of black smoke in the distance quickly approached here, and soon landed in front of Voldemort. It was Bella and dozens of elite Death Eaters. At this time, Bella's face was happy, and the color of fanaticism was obvious.

"I have seen the master!"

When Bella saw Voldemort, she immediately bowed, and the Death Eaters behind her bowed to the ground.

Voldemort said indifferently: "Bella, is the plan still successful?"

··Seeking flowers····

Bella enthusiastically said: "It was very successful. This attack could not help but killed many Israeli Muggles, and it also severely damaged the main force of the Israeli Ministry of Magic! At least 30 or 40 elite wizards of them died in our puppet's suicide bombing!"

Voldemort sneered: "I overestimated the wisdom of the Israeli Minister of Magic before, thinking that they had been standing still to prevent us. It turned out that they did it because they were too slow."

The Death Eaters laughed, and the laughter was full of disdain and ridicule. If Norwaymanche heard Voldemort and the Death Eaters say this to him, he might really be mad at him.

Voldemort stopped his laughter and said: "Well, since the Israeli Ministry of Magic is no longer a threat to us, then I have to start our action. Disperse all the Death Eaters and collect information for me. I want to do it as quickly as possible. Know the location of that ruin!"


Bella, Lucius and other Death Eaters immediately fell to the ground and said in unison: "I see, my master!"


Jerusalem, a messy central square.

The group army that Rabbi Paul called has already moved into the city. With the addition of a group army, the civilians have gradually stabilized, and the situation on the scene has finally been brought under control.

At the command center, Rabbi Paul and the commander of the group army Hodge he had summoned were arranging various matters and dealing with various emergencies.

But Norwaymanche and other key officials of the Ministry of Magic sat aside with a godless look. Since Norwaymanche learned from Yunye that Voldemort might have captured the Ministry of Magic, Norwaymanche kept sending People contacted the headquarters of the Ministry of Magic, but there was no reply.

With the passage of time, Norwaymanche's heart gradually became silent!

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