Harry Potter’s Natural Villain

Chapter 116: Rats and Dogs (Part 2)

"You really aren't wrong. Hunting "Δ文文WwΔW. "LieWen.CC"" Malfoy looked at Black silently, and couldn't help thinking.

Years of prison life have made Black's face grow many traces of years, but Junlang's appearance has not changed, but instead added a bit of vicissitudes of maturity, and the trace of decadence between the brows and eyes has also changed. It has become an extremely powerful weapon against young girls who are not involved in the world.

"It's been really hard for you to do the protagonist of BL for so many years." Malfoy silently sympathized with himself while thinking this way.

"Under this year's attack, imprisonment p1ay, uncle and nephew taboo, if there is a rotten girl next to me, will she be so excited that she has a nosebleed?" In the time when Raven broke the three views.

"Tucao ends here, and it's time to do the business." He then adjusted his mind and prepared to talk about the business.

"Your trap is much stronger than Azkaban." Black said suddenly, and said lightly, without any anger after being arrested. This was the first sentence he said after he became a humanoid.

"Thanks for the compliment." Malfoy smiled.

"I'm disconnected from that family, so you don't need to look at me as a senior." Black stared at Malfoy with a scorching eye.

"But the next thing I need your help from, you have to admit that you are part of the Black family to do it." Malfoy shook his head gently.

"I have no obligation to help you." A cold voice came from the cage.

"Shouldn't a respectable elder extend a helping hand when the junior needs help?"

"Then this junior must be at least polite first." Black's voice was colder.

"Then I can only ask you to temporarily forgive me, my unreasonable junior. After all, I still have to confirm the truth. Before that, your identity in my eyes is still a fugitive."

"The truth?" Black's unshaven face suddenly showed doubt, and he didn't think of it until then. The message that he was Animagus was only known to his best friends.

"Did the mouse tell you? Or Lupin?" Black's eyes suddenly burst into flames.

"Do you already have an answer in your heart?" Malfoy knocked on the cage with his wand and replied casually.

"Where is Peter?" Blake's eyes were about to breathe fire, and he was still calm just now. After thinking of the name, he couldn't hold himself anymore, his hands clenched immediately, and then he tightened up and down the whole body. On the thin face, the intertwined emotions of regret and hatred appeared.

"Kill him for me, even if you want my life, I will give it to you." Blake flung over, holding the iron tightly in both hands and shaking, feeling very excited.

"What am I going to do with your life? My respected elder." Malfoy shook his head, looking at the excited Black and said: "Even if the dementors are gone now, I will not be willing to go to Azka. The class is staying, that is not where normal people stay, are you right?"

Black still wanted to speak, but did not find a chance, but was interrupted by Malfoy's next words, "I want wealth, more wealth, should the Black family leave you as an heir?" Malfoy passed to Black An unspoken look passed.

"Oh, that's what it is." Black backed into the corner of the cage again, whispering, and could not help sneering, which was in line with the views of his family's relatives deep in his memory.

Passionate about wealth and power, if he remembers correctly, the boy's father was also Voldemort's.

"Actually, my family is not short of money." Malfoy waved his wand at random. "It's just that my father is interested in some antiques with ancient history. It would be better if there was another house. ."

"For example, the glorious history and glorious residence of the Black family, 12 Grimmauld Place." Malfoy bent down and stared at Black.

"Ha ha ha ha." Black began to laugh wildly, showing his neat teeth. "You are an outsider who knows better than me." Only the deep disdain hidden under that smile.

Family glory? Can you help him kill the traitor? Can Lily and James be resurrected?

"Paper and pen are flying!" Under a curse, a blank parchment and feather pen from Malfoy's wooden table flew so straight from the air into his hand.

Then Malfoy threw the two of them into the air, and the quill pen automatically began to write on the white paper.

Blake condensed his smile, just staring silently at the parchment being given writing.

"Do you mind writing a contract of assignment? Just sign your name." Malfoy asked politely. "In exchange, I will help you." He added, grabbing in the air with one hand In the past, I took the parchment that was already full, glanced at random, and passed it to the cage.

Black glanced at Malfoy deeply, and he wrote his name without hesitation.

He had no choice at this time.

What's more, in his opinion, it is a thing that does not need to hesitate in exchange for what he does not care about for a tiny possibility.

"Thank you for your generosity." Malfoy bowed to him and reached for the parchment.

"But have you thought about it carefully?" Malfoy said suddenly, his tone changed, with a little joking.

"I know, when you escape from Azkaban, you certainly don't have time to think about these things slowly." Malfoy's mouth hung a smile.

"Your immediate family members should be gone? Of course, this question may be a little disrespectful," he said.

Before Black nodded to admit, Malfoy spoke again. "If so, then I immediately thought of a better solution." As if inspiration came, Malfoy snapped his fingers.

"If I kill you, then who do you want to get all the property of the Black family except for your immediate family members? Especially if you haven't made a will." His words resembled a devil's whisper, understatement A shocking fact is stated below.

"I'm so stupid. I don't have to use such a simple method~lightnovelpub.net~ but I have spent so much time talking to you so much." Malfoy shook his head in annoyance.

"So, my dear elders, are you ready for death now?"

Black looked at him expressionlessly, without showing a trace of fear for the possible coming death.

"Okay, I just wanted to make a joke." Malfoy shrugged. "But it's a pity I didn't get the effect I wanted."

Black still said nothing. After he signed, he almost seemed to have a spell of loss of voice. There was no more sound. No matter what he heard, his mood did not fluctuate.

Even the possible escape just now.

"However, I have to say one last thing. The taste of power is much stronger than that of sitting on wealth. When you own the former, the latter will follow suit, but if there is only the latter, it will only be a castle in the sky, and it will collapse at any time."

"All, sorry, Mr. Black." Malfoy stretched out his wand, and the dazzling light emerged from the tip of the stick, hitting Black straight, knocking him with no resistance to the ground.