Harry Potter’s Natural Villain

Chapter 282: Hell (Part 1)

Without the help of ships or other means of transportation, a black-robed man appeared on the coastline so abruptly, stepped on the island that belonged to the Azkaban range.

The waves slapped the beach walls and rocks wantonly, making a rumbling sound, which is perhaps the most common sound among the islands deep in the sea.

He looked casually at the granite castle-style building in front of him, and the towering fortress was daunting. Most criminals were detained in it, and they could only taste the almost infinite despair, but it was still life.

"I'm here, my loyal men," the man whispered. "I'm here to save you. In return for your loyalty, you will receive supreme glory and my respect."

Voldemort, he came to prison, or to reorganize his forces.

He has never been detained by Azkaban, but he does not know anything about it. On the contrary, he has a thorough understanding of it.

Azkaban has existed since the fifteenth century, and its construction dates back to an earlier period. It was not originally a prison, but existed as a wizard's residence.

The wizard called himself Ekrizdis and was an extremely powerful and crazy black wizard. In the sea, he lured, tortured, and killed Muggle sailors, with pleasure, for which he even raised a group of sea monsters --Sirens.

Their singing sounds like a natural sound, even the maidens in the wizarding world should be inferior, allowing the best sailors to be lost in the route, causing them to hit the rocks and destroy them.

The wizards used their power to capture Muggles, and day after day, year after year, the banshees were happy to see their success. This seemed to be their destiny, and fulfilling their instincts was enough to make them happy and satisfied.

But one day, this law was broken.

Like all vulgar love stories, they fell in love with a sailor on the deck at first sight. They gave up their singing and chose silence.

The sailor on board was already on guard. He heard that the sea was full of charming sea monsters. Their singing was intoxicating wine, but they were also deadly poisons. So he plugged his ears with wax and tied himself with chains. On the mast.

But this is useless.

Siren's singing can penetrate everything, and the tempted passion can break things harder than chains and masts.

When the sailor passed through the sea, he was even complacent. He saw the movements of the sea monsters. He thought they were singing, but he was already prepared.

The banshees' necks were turning, they were breathing deeply, their eyes were full of tears, and their mouths were half-open, but they were more beautiful than ever, spread their arms and twirled, and spread their forbidding hair. They fluttered in the wind, holding their hooks on the rocks.

How fascinating is the power of love.

But the sailor would never know for the rest of his life, that there was a group of siren who admired him above the boundless sea.

Krakens have a fleeting love, but they have paid a price-they have forever lost the ability to sing.

The sailor also escaped under the release of the Krakens

This caused the black wizard to furious, and he killed all the siren.

It wasn't until his old death that the concealment spell he cast failed, and the Ministry of Magic realized the existence of the island or building.

There were dementors all over there at that time, and they speculated that perhaps the desperate siren before death, the emotions spread out, attracted them.

After that, the magic part was for two factions. Many authorities believe that Azkaban is an evil place, and it is better to destroy it. Others worry that if the dementors occupying the castle are left homeless, the consequences will be severe. These creatures are already very powerful and cannot be killed. Many people fear terrible reprisals if they destroy the prosperous habitat of the dementors. The walls of this building seem to have been saturated with sorrow and pain, so the dementors are determined to stay here. Experts studying the relationship between architecture and black magic believe that Azkaban itself may retaliate against anyone who tries to destroy it. For these reasons, this fortress was abandoned for many years and became the home of the dementors' continuous breeding.

Of course, these eventually collapsed as a dictator came to power. He forced the construction of the Azkaban prison. In this way, according to him, the dementors can be used like guards, saving time in the department, Reduce trouble and expenses.

The followers in power only saw the perfect record of this prison in terms of detaining prisoners.

Azkaban, just continued.

And Voldemort came here today, the purpose is not simply a prison, he also went to him to fight against those evil creatures, let them flee for their own use.

He doesn’t know how to guardian deity himself. This is one of the few magics he didn’t dabble, but he doesn’t need it either. Voldemort itself represents the ultimate evil. He is the embodiment of fear and despair. invalid.

But looking at the empty island now, except for the castle, there is no island, Voldemort's scarlet eyes narrowed, he noticed a trace of anomaly.

Crowds of strange creatures stepped on the rumbling sound under their feet, crossed the sand and rushed towards him.

Those with tails spitting fire, that is the fried snail, which is the main force of Azkaban’s guards today. As the number grows, their lethality increases geometrically, and they now wave their giant pliers. They are cruel in nature and have reached temporary peace within their own ethnic group, which means that they have unprecedented unity and hunted against foreign invaders.

A terrible water snake suddenly rose from the sea not far away, with a bucket-like length and length, which was daunting. It flicked its body and slammed them hard.

The sturdy water column ignited the splashes of the sky and blasted to the surroundings. The flame at the tail of the fried tail snail immediately extinguished. These creatures were dying in a blink of an eye and stiffly lay on the sand.

"Oh, it's unbearable." Voldemort glanced at the creatures not far from death and continued to walk toward the prisoner Azkaban.

"Sergey!" The ancient trees on the roads on both sides of the trail seemed to feel the invasion of foreign enemies. They rocked their bodies excitedly, as if brewing something, and made strange noises.

"It's an annoying trick." Voldemort's brow furrowed again.

At this time ~lightnovelpub.net~ A sea breeze blew suddenly on the coastline. The tall ancient trees seemed to have spirituality. With the help of the wind, they bent their torso backwards, just like a bow and arrow that was charging, It seems to be broken at any time.

Swish swish!

The wind stopped, almost at the same moment, they straightened their bodies again, releasing the power they had just accumulated.

The fruit on the tree launched a violent attack on this invader with the help of the talent.

It is a fruit that looks very much like coconut. At this time, it was like a round of salvo.


Almost in an instant, the group of fruits shot at Voldemort, the hard shell did not split apart a few mouths, and had a very anthropomorphic look.

The stick-like eyes and mouth looked very funny, and the angry eyes didn't match it.

Voldemort felt a brutal greed from them.