Harry Potter’s Natural Villain

Chapter 296: sell

When it comes to Germany, in addition to the serious stereotypes that often appear in the impression of foreigners, the remaining feelings should be the powerful industrial system of the Muggle society and the attitude of German engineers towards product excellence.

When it comes to Berlin, the first impression should be the one that symbolizes the opposition of the Berlin Wall, which is a sign of polarization in Muggle society.

Today, their goal is the Berlin Wall.

Of course, today’s Berlin Wall has already been pushed by Muggle people eager to communicate freely. The vast majority of the wall has also been dealt with by the Muggle government in Germany. Meaning, be retained.

The dramatic division, and the unified past, added many different styles to the city, and these remaining representations can almost be reflected on this wall.

The East Gallery on the Spree River is a testimony to a period of history. At that time, some Muggle artists graffitiated some historical and political paintings directly on the wall, which became a valuable historical wealth.

"It's all blinding eyes. In fact, this is the new address chosen for Newmongarde's entrance." The tour guide said hoarsely, like a broken gong, he was introducing both Hibiscus and Malfoy The scenery here.

This is the owner of the tavern who sold the "life" guides for Malfoy and Furong.

His eyes don't look as shrewd and market-like as his boss's, so honest.

"By the way, introduce yourself, you can call me Mark." He bent down humbly.

This is a fairly humanized, socialized name.

"The German Ministry of Magic is very cautious. They are used to taking precautions. If they are not to be broken, the easiest way is that no one will find them. Every few years, they will change the entrance of Newmongarde."

"But there is no airtight wall in the world." Mark coughed with pride.

Malfoy nodded while listening quietly to the tour guide.

The information Dumbledore gave him and the information he collected was always limited, so he still has to rely on the power of these intelligence dealers.

The three of them walked slowly along this eastern gallery.

"Muggle expelling curse?" Malfoy stood in front of a row of abstract pictures, very Picasso's style, the man was ugly, his head was placed at the position of his feet, the hunchback arched high, the whole body was like a seam. The patchwork is the same.

In the meantime, Malfoy felt an unusual wave of magic, with a strong expulsion spell. There were not many tourists, but few people stopped here.

"That's the doubt of the German Ministry of Magic. It's actually a very ordinary painting." The guide shook his head and didn't stop.

"The real entrance is here." The three of them walked about a few tens of meters before standing in front of a wall with a half-covered blonde girl plowing in the field, modern modern clothes The rural villages and villages that are backward in the match seem nondescript, but they have a twisted and subtle fit.

Perhaps it was the East German painter of the year who was expressing dislocation emotions like jealousy in West Germany.

West Germany is better than East Germany in all aspects. This is irrefutable. Most of the residents fled from East Germany to West Germany, yearning for life there.

Through the brick wall, it was like crashing into the platform of nine and three quarters. Malfoy and Furong felt that their bodies seemed to be torn lightly, and a sudden sense of dizziness came, and then they found themselves in front of them. A few traces of salty and damp cold wind blew into the eyes of the two of them, a piece of blue sea that could not see the end at a glance, and the waves rolled slowly and smoothly.

At the feet of the two were hard sands, and there were no people around them, only the large stone walls and sea reefs surrounding them, and the faint wind.

Now, they are no longer in a modern city like a steel forest.

It seems that Newmontgarde, like Azkaban, is on a small island surrounded by the sea. If you want to go in the normal way, that is the ferry.

A humble boat stopped alone on the shore, and a thick long rope fixed it firmly there, so as not to be taken away by the tide.

"Get on the boat? Two?" the guide named Mark asked tentatively.

"Go." Malfoy nodded.

Then the three set foot on the boat.

"Now the weather is very good, we can set off as soon as possible." Mark mumbled, with a hint of cunning flashing in his eyes.

The boat is a very rudimentary one. I don’t know how many years the wood has been used. It smells of rotten and rotten, as if it will flash at any time, and from time to time, I can feel some seawater immersed in it.

But the boat was still moving smoothly. It seemed that Mr. Mark was a familiar waterman.

Occasionally, some waves are smoothed out by this tour guide who is familiar with water~lightnovelpub.net~ What do you do in Newmontgarde? That's not a good place. "I don't know how long it took, the guide asked tentatively.

"Save people," Malfoy said lightly, and didn't mind revealing his purpose.

"Either to revenge or to save people, most people are like this." It nodded and grinned.

"But most people, without such good luck, can arrive alive." It continued, the tone became mocking, and there was no previous courtesy.

"What are you talking about." Furong frowned lightly, and didn't like the unlucky words of the tour guide.

"You are the same." It's getting worse.

Furong immediately pulled out his wand and aimed at Mark, but he reacted one step further and jumped into the water decisively, splashing a splash of water, avoiding her magic spell.

Her face paled instantly.

She guessed that they might be caught.

The ship began to lose its balance. Coincidentally, the waves suddenly began to surge, and several seagulls began to hover around their heads, as if they were spiritual, watching them, maybe detecting magic.

"Let's go." Malfoy said to Furong. The girl was standing on the bumpy boat by the broken mast at this time, looking around in a panic.

"Where?" she asked in a panic. The guide ran away, leaving the two of them in this unfamiliar sea, and had to say it was a surprise.

"Of course Newmontgarde, but before that, we need to do something else." Malfoy nodded, seeming unhurried.

The crew's secret calculations caused them a little trouble, but for the Malfoy they had known before, of course, they would not trust in their entirety. Their credibility is not too good.