Harry Potter’s Natural Villain

Chapter 399: Ominous sign

At the same time, a similar scene is being staged in the top of Hogwarts' North Tower.

The divination classroom looked hazy in the layers of milky white clouds, and Professor Trelawney was in class.

She still wore her hugely disproportionate pair of glasses, a silky light blue shawl, and her slender neck was covered with gorgeous crystal ornaments, and her arms and fingers were also covered with bracelets and rings. , And then pick up, you can go to Hogsmeade village to set up a stall, it is a good match to be a second-hand peddler.

The classroom was filled with a smell of incense at this time, and it was also filled with dim candlelight, and the red flames of the candle tips fluttered without wind, entangled with the mist, like dreams.

It fits the atmosphere of divination.

"Come on, you start to observe now. Looking at this crystal ball, what do you see?"

Trelawney brought all the students together and let them form a circle around the round table in front of her, inducing the students with a ghostly tone, and the atmosphere in the classroom looked terrified under her guidance. His hands were swaying on the crystal ball, seemingly to be touched, but it was not really touched.

The students stretched their heads as hard as possible, trying to show a hard look at the class.

But to be honest, it is still difficult to understand.

"I saw the clouds." A student said.

"That might be the smoke in the room itself." Professor Trelawney clasped her fingers together and put her hands on her chest, although her rings collided, making it difficult for her to fasten.

She went on to say, "You have to feel it with your heart. Of course, cloud and fog are also a kind of scene that you often see, which shows an unpredictable future."

"But you must observe with your heart, move away from that layer of mist, and see the most real future."

"And, children, what do you see?" she asked next.

"I saw your crystal ball shattered." Luna said confusedly.

"No, this won't happen. My crystal ball is..." Professor Trelawney was explaining the material and effectiveness of her crystal ball in a patient tone, and then suddenly heard a crisp sound.

Placed on the table in front of everyone, the top of the crystal ball lifted with a blue silky slippery piece of cloth, an undetectable fine line suddenly appeared, and then a spider-like crack spread wildly until the whole sphere shattered

Trelawney stared blankly at the situation in front of her, and seemed completely stunned.

The students did not dare to speak out.

"Cough." A student didn't realize anything and coughed a few times. It may be that the cold weather recently caused him to catch a cold.

The vibration caused by the slight coughing soon produced a chain reaction.

Then the crystal ball, which managed to maintain a spherical shape, collapsed directly, and shattered into a pile of shiny fragments, which fell on the cloth strip and declared its end in peace.

Even students who haven’t studied divination know that broken crystal **** for divination are definitely not a good sign. Generally, this is a bad sign.

Soon, Professor Trelawney's slow nerves reacted, and what a terrible thing happened before her eyes.

"Bad omen!" she said, her eyes widened in horror.

The woman waved her arms, struggling to get up from the chair: "Hogwarts is about to fall into flames of war and smoke!" Just when she wanted to say something, she suddenly wobbled and planted her head. On the cold ground made of marble.

"I think we should send her to the infirmary first." Luna said helplessly as he held Professor Trelawney's arm in one hand.

Then the group of students carried her to the infirmary with all their hands, and Furong arranged a free bed for her

"What's wrong with her?" she asked.

"When the professor made the divination for us, the crystal ball shattered suddenly, she said that Hogwarts was about to usher in the war, and then..."

A Hufflepuff schoolgirl explained quickly.

"Fortune-telling often pays a price. The more accurate and important the divination is, the more expensive it will be." Compared with other prejudices about divination, Furong showed a considerable understanding of this.

"Let her rest for a while."

As soon as Furong's words fell, Professor Trelawney stood up from the soft hospital bed.

"I want to find McGonagall. I want to tell her that Hogwarts is about to face disaster!"

"As long as the mysterious man has to expand his power, Hogwarts will be targeted sooner or later." Furong said suddenly.

This is self-explanatory.

Trelawney lost her energy in his eyes, and seemed to think of Voldemort's matchup between the Ministry of Magic and Dumbledore at the time.

Voldemort's vulgar threatening words resounded in his ears again.

After screaming, he fainted again.

The subsequent teacher appeared to be very abnormal. After a simple inspection by Furong, she said that there was no problem, and she was discharged from the hospital. The suggestion was that she needed more rest.

But Trelawney did not continue the class, but found McGonagall's professor to explain to her that she had "seen the future".

"Mileva, the situation is very serious now."

"Mileva, Hogwarts is facing a huge crisis!"

In the first few words, McGonagall was patient with her, listening to her chatter in the office, and immediately refused to communicate with her.

The female professor is nagging all day long.

At lunch, in the teacher's seat in the auditorium, she was far away from Professor McGonagall and Flitwick.

"Mileva, you have a qi on your head, that is unknown..."

"Felius, your face is not inferior to Milwaukee's unknown, so pay more attention recently."

"Oh, I know." Flivi, who had always been kind, said impatiently.

The initial reminder was accepted as a good intention, but the nagging curse, how it sounds, and no matter how good it is, will not accept it.

"Mr. Slughorn, your luck is good, and it will be safe in the future." Trelawney raised her hand, and then sat down on his side with impunity.

"Uh, huh." Slughorn twisted his beard, undecided.

"There will be a traitor among us." Just when Professor McGonagall was about to send a spoonful of pudding into his mouth, he was interrupted.

Trelawney said sharply.

"Sybil, if you don't let us eat well again, maybe the most recent disaster we have encountered is indigestion~lightnovelpub.net~ Professor McGonagall is full of anger.

"The Prophet is destined to be alone." She muttered and finally shut up.

"Oh, what about Severus?" McGonagall suddenly asked to the left and right

"I don't know where, he seems a little uncomfortable."

At this time, the object they talked about was not long after getting rid of the pain, and quickly found his student who had just helped.

"Although I don't want to gossip so quickly."

"But this matter is still about you, Draco."

"Your father is out of luck. He seems to have lost something important to the Dark Lord." Snape said somberly, his dark eyes fixed on his students.

Malfoy couldn't see the anger in his face, just clenched his fingers, staring at the table with all kinds of utensils in front of him.