Harry Potter’s School of Invincibility

Chapter 107: The birth of a new life (changed)

This must be a basilisk! Allen, who was rewarded with a serpent accent during the Sea Snake incident, apparently made him understand what the Basilisk was saying.

However, Alan does n’t have any intention of meeting the Basilisk at the moment. Blind and reckless shots may instead cause Tom Riddle ’s Horcrux alert and Basilisk anger, causing the accident that no one died, and Alan feels himself. It takes time to prepare, strengthen your understanding of Basilisk and practice some magic spells-and prepare some roosters.

The thoughtful Alan returned to the tower without any stress, and Harry, who also heard the sound of the basilisk, was puzzled.

The time dedicated to learning always passes quickly. Allen enjoys such a quiet and peaceful time. He arranges his every day to be more fulfilling, to exercise, go to the library, to study soul magic and deal with the monster ... Alan, who is full of heart, has tamped his magical foundation very solidly.

October came, and the damp cold permeated the ground and penetrated into the castle. A cold caught suddenly among the faculty and students, causing the school doctor Ms. Pomfrey to be in a hurry. Her invigorating effect has an immediate effect, but people who drink the potion will smoke for hours in the ears-in fact, Ms. Pomfrey could have made the potion's side effects smaller, but she was more This is the habit, because she thinks it will make the little wizards care more about their bodies.

Many small wizards in Ravenclaw have been attacked by a cold. In the common room, you can see a burst of steam on the heads of many small wizards. The whole head is like a fire.

"Perhaps physical education classes should also be included in Hogwarts' daily classes. Only relying on the first-grade flight class and the Quidditch that a few people can participate in, I am afraid that it will not achieve the effect of exercise." He always has a lot of ideas.

But for Quidditch players, their exercise intensity is far more than other little wizards. Roger Davis has maintained an extraordinary enthusiasm and patience for training his team, it is almost day and night, wind and rain.

He studied the classic tactics of famous teams such as the Chadley Artillery, Hollyhead Habib, Wimbledon Hornets, etc. during his vacation, and made many tactical plans and training arrangements. He can't wait to apply these studies to Ravenclaw's players. This enthusiasm reached its peak after he received seven light wheels in 2001.

"These light wheels will become our team's killers in 2001. This is the secret of our Ravenclaw Quidditch team!" Roger looked at these brooms eagerly, sweating and blushing after training, "Generous Anonymous donors also promised to reward us 500 gold gallons as long as we can get the Quidditch Cup again. "

These rewards have made most of the pocket eagles who only stayed at Yin Xike and Tong Nat lose the peace of the past and are full of energy-except for a few pure-blood families whose family has not yet broken down.

Although the entire Quidditch team is required to score, the amount that each person can get is really a large sum for these children who still have pocket money from their parents.

It may not be a good idea to practice the ball during the overtime of wind and rain. Despite the blessing of the Allen mantra "windproof and dampproof", Qiu Zhang still caught a cold. But she insists on contributing to the team and has been scouting the Slytherin situation. Of course, this may not just be out of honor, the charm of Jin Jialong can not be underestimated.

Autumn Zhang saw the speed of the new flying broom light wheel 2001. The Slytherin team members are now only seven blurry pale green shadows, whirling in the air like a jet.

After hearing the words, everyone looked at the light wheel 2001 secretly stored in the cabinet, and their eyes became even more eager. Upon seeing this, Roger said that he would find a way to find a secret place for the team members to test flight and get familiar with the performance and speed of the new broom.

Of course, there is no airtight wall in the world, the secret of this team quickly evolved into the secret of the entire Ravenclaw. Everyone's face was filled with confidence, and when they saw the Ravenclaw players, they couldn't help but smile with envy and encouragement.

Compared with Ravenclaw ’s Quidditch players, Gryffindor ’s players are really miserable, without the encouragement of Jin Jialong and the new broom, and seeing Slytherin riding the new broom with arrogance and quickly shuttled in the Qudi When the stadium was odd, morale was extremely low, and the training always ended very unhappily. The mood of the Gryffindor players was like this rainy day, never cleared.

Therefore, Allen can always see Harry wet and muddy back to Hogwarts Castle, "Penguin is a good saying, it can only become stronger when you charge money ..."

The big raindrops hit the windows of the castle with cracks. Ron found Allen and complained to him that due to the weather, his new wand could not dry, and he didn't know when the holy ceremony would be held.

Allen obviously could n’t help it. “If you ca n’t clear it, you ca n’t see the moon, you still ca n’t hold the sacramental ceremony.” Ron could only go back in more frustration. Obviously he had already experienced the magic wand in the course recently. Negative Effects.

Looking at the weather outside the window, Alan couldn't help but think of the knowledge about Animagus that he saw a few days ago, and its requirements are too particular about the weather, bad luck or even a few years can't catch up with the suitable days .com ~ Allen still feels that he will wait for a thorough study of the knowledge in the Ravenclaw Tower Library to see if we can find a shortcut to it. I ca n’t see if we can take advantage of the Sirius event next semester Will the Black family have the relevant knowledge, after all, several of them are too abnormal for the transformation rate of Animagus.

The water of the lake rose, a muddy flow in the flower bed, and the pumpkins of Hagrid swelled one by one like a flower shed. Every time Allen came back from training, when he passed the pumpkin patch, dishes such as pumpkin juice, pumpkin pie, and creamy pumpkin soup automatically flashed in his head.

Allen feels that Hagrid can use the expansion spell flexibly, which is really great. I only hope that the pumpkin with the magic spell is also delicious. I do n’t know if this is a violation of Gamp ’s basic transformation law. Do n’t look like vegetables with chemical fertilizers on them. They do n’t feel as fresh and delicious as organic vegetables, although according to the research, people ’s tastes are actually indistinguishable.

It was dark and dark outside. The pouring rain instantly went up and down like a splash and a fall. This prevented Roger's plan to continue training. It was obviously unwise to train under such heavy rain.

Rare leisure time makes Alan extremely comfortable. He wanders in this ancient and mysterious castle, and he feels very comfortable.

But soon, this silence was interrupted by Filch, who was rushing and hurriedly carrying a rag. Filch still had white steam on his head. Allen concluded that he must have caught a cold and had just taken Ms. Pomfrey's refreshing potion.

But what happened to make this always gloomy and eccentric administrator angry, so hurry? It will be several days before Halloween arrives. Could the first case of the secret room happen ahead of time?