Harry Potter’s School of Invincibility

Chapter 125: New member of the pet space (modified)

Allen was in awkward shape, but there was no need to go to the school hospital for treatment. They were Malfoy and Marcus. They felt that they had been slammed down from the sky by the big spider, their waists and aches were faintly painful, and they needed to see Madam Pomfrey.

Bid farewell to Malfoy, Alan and Penello returned to the Ravenclaw Tower. On the way, Alan described the rescue of Malfoy from the Eight-Eyed Giant Spider!

"Tina saved us." Allen said finally.

"Tina is so cool! But you are also very brave! Dare to go deep into the spider's lair and rescue Malfoy and Marcus." Penello exclaimed, "but how do you carry your broomstick with us? When the forest was forbidden, I didn't even see the branches and leaves of a broom! "Penello was full of doubts and couldn't help but dig up.

Allen put the two brooms that he had been holding in the hand out of the Forbidden Forest on the ground, pulled out his wand, and "zoomed out."

The two brooms quickly shrank into a slap-sized mini broom under the influence of Allen's powerful narrowing spell. Allen picked up two pocket-sized brooms that looked very delicate and cute, and put them in the pockets of the magic robe.

"Well, that's it!" Allen shrugged shoulders handsomely.

Penello is a person who knows the goods. She can see the beauty of Allen ’s just magic. “Allen, Prof. Flitwick looks at you differently and takes pains to cultivate.”

Farewell to Penello in Ravenclaw's public lounge. Allen once again went invisible and ran to the Forbidden Forest. He must see the bird and snake safe and sound before he can feel at ease.

Allen hurried in the forbidden forest, not wanting to wipe off the rain that fell from the branches to his cheeks and shoulders, and ran straight to Tina's nest.

When Allen jumped over the last bush and came under the huge crooked neck tree, he couldn't help but be surprised. The magical aperture marked by Penello in the sky has disappeared, but the bushes and grass on the ground are black and out of life.

Allen felt that this place that brought him joy and tranquility was very strange at this time, because it was too quiet, and there was no sound of birds or insects.

"Fluorescence flashes." Allen wanted to see more clearly! In the withered bushes, there are faintly visible bodies of birds such as yellowbirds and finches. They are motionless and have no vitality.

Allen made three steps and made two steps, and jumped into the crooked neck tree. I saw Tina's nest, empty.

Allen carefully searched every corner around the bird's nest and the crooked neck tree, but did not see the figure of Tina and the bird snake. His heart is slightly calm, and no news is good news at this time.

"Where will Tina's mother and son be? Gaia! Maybe Gaia can know their whereabouts." Alan concealed his figure again and ran towards the unicorn settlement. Although he was very tired, he still advanced at full speed just to get Tina's message.

Just arrived near the unicorn family, Alan saw Tina hovering in the sky. Allen, who was instantly relaxed, stumbled and almost tripped over the entrenched roots under his feet.

Allen appeared, calling Tina loudly.

Tina, who heard the sound, swooped down from high altitude and slowly shrunk, shrinking to the size of Allen.

"Tina, what about the little one?" Allen asked hurriedly.

Tina raised her head, and Allen saw a familiar fruit basket in her mouth. That was the fruit basket that Gaia used to send Allen fruit. The bird and snake slept soundly in the fruit basket.

Tina gently put the fruit basket on the ground, tilting her head to look at Alan. Without waiting for them to greet, Gaia's voice came, "Alan, why are you here?"

Gaia put away her white wings and landed in front of Allen. Seeing Alan looking at the bird and snake, Gaia suddenly realized, "Oh, you are for the little one!"

"The girl student I gave you walked out of the forbidden forest and returned to Tina's bird nest. I found the little guy in the shape of a single shadow, crying mournfully. The situation was very pitiful. It ’s the colony of unicorns. When I went to find you again, I just met Tina, who was looking for the little guy and was so anxious. So, we returned here together. ”

Gaia spoke eloquently before and after, and said, "I'm so happy to see you safe and sound!"

"Thank you, did you know what happened to Tina's nest?" Allen told Gaia and Tina of the horror she had just seen.

Gaia lowered her head and pondered, using her hoof to dig up the dirt on the ground.

Tina made a sharp cry, the voice was full of panic, "It must be it, our nemesis of birds, snakes and insects!"

"What is it?" Allen asked quickly.

"It's a monster in the castle!" Tina looked like a **** of war when facing the eight-eyed giant spider, but at this time, when talking about the monster, she couldn't help shaking.

"Is it a basilisk?" Alan was puzzled. Wasn't the basilisk in the castle? Why did it come to the depths of the forbidden forest?

"No, it ’s another one, I ca n’t say it, I ca n’t say its name! I think ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ We have to move out. Allen, I suggest you leave this castle as soon as possible, it ’s already here It's not safe! "Tina's name seemed to be very embarrassing, it seemed very anxious.

Allen wants to say that Hogwarts is the safest place in the world, but there have been incidents that can threaten Tina ’s safety. The bodies of the yellowbirds, turtledoves and **** are still there!

Allen thought for a while and said, "Tina, I have a place that is very safe and can ensure that you will not be intruded by the terrifying monster. I don't know if you are willing to go?"

Tina tilted her head, "If there is such a place, I would be willing. The little guy needs a peaceful growing environment!"

Allen called out the sniffing from the pet space. Now the relationship between sniffing and Allen is very close. Every day before bed, Allen will do some interaction with it, and it has already lived in Allen ’s pet space. Very used to it.

Looking at the dumbfounded Gaia and Tina, Allen said, "I have a magical space that can accommodate living creatures. It's very safe and full of food. It's very suitable for the growth of birds and snakes. Look, sniff here Life is very good! "

Tina carefully looked at the little furry life that appeared in Alan's hands. Obviously, it was very moist, smooth and happy.

Out of trust in Allen, Tina agreed without hesitation. After obtaining Tina's consent, Alan added Tina and Sniff into the pet space at the same time.

Sniff was directly returned to his own territory, and the original empty space had undergone tremendous changes, becoming a towering tree with a huge bird nest. Tina placed the bird snake in the nest, hovering freely in the air, it was inspecting her new territory.