Harry Potter’s School of Invincibility

Chapter 1348: Anti-thief waterfall

"Miss Bursted, I'm sorry, I'll serve you!" The elderly fairy behind the counter slapped his hands, a younger fairy came over, and the old fairy from Gringotts ordered, "I To go to the underground vault with Dingdong tablets."

The young goblin left quickly, and soon he took a small leather bag and gave it to the older goblin, which seemed to be filled with clinking metal.

"Please come with me, Miss Burst," the older goblin said, jumping off the stool and disappearing.

Allen's invisible Secret Eye followed the goblin and Millison and flew towards a door in the hall like this. Passing through this door, you enter a rough stone corridor, which is illuminated by burning torches. The goblin blew his whistle, and a small cart rolled along the track from the darkness.

The center of the small car looks like a motorcycle with a trailer. There are two round rearview mirrors close together in the front driving position, and two handrails curved like antlers for driving at the back. The fairy controls the direction, four long axles are connected to the track, and four huge iron tires click on the chain. The whole car looked like a huge black mosquito.

Millison got into the trailer of the trolley with his chin held high, and the goblin wriggled his body and climbed up. The small cart suddenly started, along the black track, getting faster and faster, whizzing past the eyes of the secret method, and galloping into the depths. The Secret Eye was chasing desperately behind, but after a 360-degree rotation of the car turned the corridor, the Secret Eye lost the track of the car. Perhaps under the weight of Burst, the speed of the two cars was faster Allen's impression was much faster.

This transparent eyeball turns along the labyrinth-like corridor and flies down, turning non-stop among the stalactites, turning left, right, right, left, the fork in the middle, then right, left... These tracks cross each other and extend in all directions. If someone with a bad mind comes in, they will probably get lost in it along the track. When the Secret Eye begins to drill into a pothole, the car carrying Bost has already appeared. The rattling cart on the track very below seemed to know the road, and there was no need for the old goblin to drive.

The eyeball was flying deep underground in the tunnel, but when it quickly turned a sharp bend, I saw a waterfall rushing down the track in front of it.

The mystical eye hovered in front of this waterfall. This eye explored the surrounding environment 360 degrees, turning the high-hanging dark stone wall, the faintly burning torch, the curved and twisted track deep into the darkness, etc. I saw it in my eyes, then stepped back slightly, and rushed forward into the waterfall. The waterfall rushed to the eye of the secret method. This curtain of water poured on the track is an anti-thief waterfall. It is not just water, it will Wash away all the spells, all the magic disguise.

In an instant, Gringotts activated the defensive device, and a group of wizards holding magic wands rushed out from the corner of the corridor. Their wands were shining with blue fluorescence. A goblin in a scarlet uniform walked in front and stretched out. His hairy fingers with pointed nails and thick knuckles pointed to the Anti-thief Waterfall.

Outside Gringotts, Alan, who was sitting at the cake shop stall, found that his secret eyes had been eliminated by the waterfall. He began to relax, his eyes swept across the sky on the floating boats that took off and landed, fingers unconsciously There were several knocks on the table.

Seeing that Allen had clearly recovered, Hermione, who knew that Allen had detected the result, looked at Allen.

"There are too many floating boats going in and out at this time, so it's not easy to move... I have to prepare some clothes first, and then we will take a few photos." Allen pointed to the floating boat in the sky, although Hermione still didn't have it. I understand very well what stealing things from Gringotts has to do with the floating boats in the sky.

And as time passed, Dijiao Alley, which had been tumbling all day, gradually calmed down after 5 o'clock in the afternoon that day.

Those huge floating boats were moored quietly at the pier, the sky above the clouds rolled, and the evening clouds reflected the sky above Diagon Alley. Only Gringotts and like Broke Cauldron still remain open. The miserly fairies will not let go of any opportunities to absorb savings and earn gold coins. Business is the best moment for the bar after get off work hours.

Alan and Hermione sat on a large sofa in the cabin on a floating hull with no one at a berth.

"Ellen, the time is almost there. The number of people in Diagon Alley has been reduced by half. How do we pretend to get in?" Hermione frowned and twisted her fingers together. "Is it a compound soup?"

"There is no need for compound decoctions. Let's use the transformation technique on the Nether scroll. Hermione, you have practiced well enough now. You don't need to drink such awful, deformed and painful compound decoctions. "Allen reminded her when she saw that Hermione was still accustomed to thinking about problems with her old thinking.

"Using Transfiguration?!!!" Hermione exclaimed, and then tightened her lips. "Ellen, I'm not sure if I will continue to use Transfiguration if there will be problems. I usually only practice it, although I will practice it after learning. I haven't failed, but I haven't directly relied on Transfiguration to accomplish anything..."

"Be confident in Hermione. You have mastered the transformation technique very well." Alan stared at Hermione's brown eyes and encouraged, "I can do it without reading the Nether Scroll and just an ordinary wizard. You can transform other people without relying on the compound soup, and with the transformation technique alone. And Gellert, he can also transform like this with his own ability... Besides, you have read the Nether scrolls, and the magic you master is not something that ordinary wizards can learn. Arrived."

"Ellen, when I practice, I usually deform other things, not myself. I am worried that I will not do well..." Hermione fussedly said, just like she was taking an exam and others were sure she could get it. When she got full marks, she began to worry, "And if our transfiguration technique is removed in it, it will be photographed by the camera, then what is the point of our pretending?"

"That's why I detected the location behind the Anti-thief waterfall... and I don't get exposed to the waterfall for enough time. I doubt it can relieve our transfiguration..." Allen was a little funny about Hermione's worries during the exam. Shaking his head, UU Read www.uukanshu.com then took out a photo from his pocket, "I just went to sneak a photo of Tonks' mother Andomida, Hermione, you will not make mistakes in the changes. Now, her appearance is almost the same as Bellatrix's hair color...So you just need to make your expression more fierce...Oh, by the way, Tonks is a lot bigger now, the whole With pink hair on his head, he lives happily with Remus. Now the wizards seem to have begun to change their opinions on werewolves..."

"Although I don't want to admit it, Umbridge's contribution to anti-discrimination werewolves may be greater than that of wolf poison potion... eh? Bellatrix? Allen, wait!" Hermione was shocked, "I want Become Bellatrix Lestrange?!!!" At this time, she couldn't focus on Lupin and his wife, "Then Alan, you have to change into form."

Hermione’s question was like a flare gun. Allen’s facial features changed quickly in front of her, her hair quickly retracted into her scalp, her entire face was distorted, and he became another person almost instantly: no hair. ; Like a snake, two very slender nostrils make him look like he has no nose; a pair of shiny red eyes with vertical pupils; his complexion is very pale, it seems to give off a kind of pearl-like Light.

Such a terrifying and ugly face suddenly appeared in front of her eyes, Hermione leaned back like a reflex, and twisted the beginning abruptly, but that evil flat snake face seemed to dangle in front of her eyes...