Harry Potter’s School of Invincibility

Chapter 143: Hawkbird (modified)

They left the church under Simon's leadership, and the tall, burning house in front of the church had turned into a pile of burnt ruins.

The roof collapsed, and a gable collapsed out of it. Far and near, the shredded bushes looked like scars on his face.

In this calm and calm weather, the thick black smoke was still rising slowly and straightly. A large pile of burnt ash residues filled the empty space beside the naked wall.

"God bless you!" Simon kept drawing a cross on his chest, his eyes pitying.

"Go away!" Ian urged impatiently.

They didn't move fast. On the one hand, they had to go through narrow alleys, on the other hand, because Simon kept turning back and talking to Jessica.

Allen thought he could understand. When a man feels admiration for a woman, his footsteps must be slow, and he can't help approaching her. Simon is exactly this way.

But Ian was obviously very impatient and kept urging. Allen suspected that if Simon was procrastinating, Ian would most likely be unable to control himself and cast a curse on him.

Simon stopped in front of a house with white walls and green shutters.

"Well, this is Mr. Bellatrini's house." Simon said with regret in his tone.

The house in front of him looked very neat and comfortable in the midday sunlight. But all its doors and windows are tightly closed and tightly closed.

Around this house, Allen turned around a few times and found no trace of the wicked bird.

"It seems that we are going to private houses." Allen smiled and pulled out his wand.

"Uh, what are you going to do?" In Simon's horrified gaze, the door opened silently as Alan's sentence "Araho cave opened".

"Go in." Ian shoved Simon.

"This is wrong!" Simon resisted all over his body.

"Hurry up, otherwise you will cast a wicked spell." Ian simply did the wicked to the end, and his cool expression showed an unbelievable grief.

Simon did n’t know what the long wooden stick that Ian pointed at him was, but it did not prevent him from realizing that it was a weapon. The boy with a relatively mild temper just used it to open the door.

Simon continued to draw a cross on his chest, murmured something in his mouth, followed Alan and they entered Mr. Bertellini's house.

Ian finally walked into the house. He turned back and closed the door again before stepping on the stone-paved steps.

Before entering the room door, Allen stopped everyone, Jessica and Ian looked at him puzzled, and even Simon who was forced to come in was very puzzled.

"Awesome spell." Allen mentioned the name, and Jessica and Ian understood what he meant. The three men cast a magic spell on themselves. Allen kindly also imposed a magic spell on Simon.

Suddenly felt his world was silent, without a slight voice, "What have you done to me? Why can't I hear anything?" He yelled in horror. But what made him even more desperate was that he could not hear his own voice.

"Shut up, fool!" Ian looked at Simon's face and knew what he was shouting, but he only remembered after he scolded, and Simon couldn't hear anything at this moment.

Allen led everyone to a large room. He turned on the light switch, and a large chandelier suspended from the roof instantly glowed warmly, illuminating the room.

There is almost no furniture in the room: just a few gold plates and large books are displayed in the closet, and a full set of armor stands between the two windows.

There are some dainty brocades hanging on the walls. One is embroidered with **** crucified, and the other is embroidered with a shepherd boy and a shepherd girl beside a stream.

The layout of the room is simple but not simple. From this carefully furnished room, it can be seen that the owner is a person who loves life and has a work of art.

Allen could hardly match the crazy family who just saw in the church with the owner of this house.

"May the Lord bless Mr. Bertellini's family, may the Lord bless me and Miss Angel as soon as possible to get rid of these two demons!" Simon prayed for Mr. Beltrini and his miserable self to the brocade picture embroidered with Jesus.

Allen Allen has already started searching in the room. Since no one else has gone mad, it means that the wicked bird has either flown farther, or it may have stayed in this room. In view of the heavy snowstorm last night and the cold weather this morning, the possibility of the wicked bird staying in this room is extremely high.

The three people went up and down and inspected every corner of the house carefully. Unfortunately, no trace of a vicious bird was found.

Jessica walked to the window, opened the heavy curtain cloth, shook her head, and the wicked bird was not here.

But her movements inspired Ian. Ian pointed to the painting hanging on the wall, beckoning Alan and Jessica to pay attention, and then he was like a cat ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ carefully approached the mural, light The mural of Zhang embroidered with a shepherd boy and a shepherd girl was gently raised, and behind the painting was a wall hole.

Placed an iron box in the hole, but Alan was not interested in looking at the contents. If he sniffed, he might be very eager.

Allen gently and quietly returned the mural to its original position, and then walked to another brocade painting embroidered with Jesus.

Just opened the corner of the painting, a shining pink bird flew out into the air. Jessica and Ian responded quickly and cooperated with each other. Jessica turned out a net and trapped the wicked bird firmly, and Ian's flying mantra successfully let the bound wicked bird fly into his hand.

"Good job!" Allen praised, but still could not hear anything.

"Well, I think about it." Allen waved his wand and cast a curse on the wicked bird in Ian's hand to make its beak completely closed, and then lifted the dead sound curse on everyone.

Simon realized that he could hear the voice again, "You are just looking for the devil bird? Who are you in the end?" He stared at the wicked bird in Ian's hand, who is the one who can control the devil's pet?

"Witches and witches! I told you a long time ago!" Ian who found the witch bird is in a better mood.

"Let's leave here." Achieved the goal, and Allen felt that they should leave here as soon as possible.

Quickly evacuated and walked to an alley near the house.

"Gentlemen and young ladies, if you have time to confess now," Simon still cares about going privately to Bertellini's house.

"I think the magical experience of our respectable priest can stop here." Allen praised Simon's courage, but it is better to cast a forgetful spell on him as early as possible to avoid nights and dreams.