Harry Potter’s School of Invincibility

Chapter 1512: ??score

  Chapter 1505 Results

  With the establishment of the Great Wall in the Underworld Region of the Rocky Mountains, Hogwarts Floating City has also hovered above it as an example.

From the edge of the floating city itself, you can see the Great Wall at a glance. Especially at night, in the dark night, the lights in the bunker gather together into a long dragon, reflecting against it. The gloomy world without any vitality in the distance.

  The lights are shining in the Hogwarts School Castle Auditorium surrounded by clouds and fog, and the end-of-term year-end banquet is being held here.

The hall is full of seats. The auditorium is decorated with blue and bronze colors representing Ravenclaw. On the wall behind the main guest seat, there is a huge banner with a painted Ravenclaw eagle. This also means The table at Ravenclaw Academy is particularly lively, because each Kitty is celebrating their seventh consecutive year of winning the Academy Cup.

Most of the people who eat, drink, talk and laugh with everyone are junior wizards. Those seventh-grade wizards who are about to graduate are now on their last day at Hogwarts as students. Although they have not left yet, they are full of heart. It's all parting.

Just like a circle in the past thousand years, every time these little wizards who have gone through a seven-year study career basically treat Hogwarts to another home after it has become a habit, they have to Say goodbye to it.

  These graduates didn’t even bother to eat today. Instead, they wandered around every corner of the campus during the day, exchanging gifts, telling each other about friendship, and leaving their blessings and photos on the classmate’s memorial album.

Many people also ran to the faculty seat and took photos with the faculty members. Even the stinky face of Snape was surrounded by Draco and Pansy, Slytherin, and Michael and Simon who had the courage to come over—though This popular scene and atmosphere made the Professor of Snake Academy look a little happy.

This kind of sorrow is especially true for Harry. When the crimson steam locomotive drove him in seven years ago, he was far away from the suffering that his childhood aunt’s house gave him and brought him hope in life. Hogwarts is his home. Hogwarts rescued him during his most miserable period. He remembers the blooming of fireworks above the castle, explored every corner of the castle, and gained the loveliness around him. After hearing his savior status in the prophecy, Harry secretly determined that when Hogworth was threatened, he was willing to do everything to protect the school and fulfill his obligations for the school.

  But what happened later was not the same as what he thought in the first grade—he doesn't think he is a savior now.

  And now, Harry just thought it felt strange to be home.

When Harry was in the lower grades, at first he would rather live at Hogwarts for the rest of his life than go back to see Uncle Vernon’s fuchsia face, but now Aunt Petunia and the big man Dudley have become wizards— In fact, when Harry thought of Vernon after Aunt Petunia and Dudley became the weird he thought, he thought that he was deliberately postponed to become a wizard by the nasty Allen, and that he became a weird instead of being a Muggle. Harry couldn't help but want to laugh and even looked forward to going home.

  At this time, the other Gryffindor students around Harry began to talk about their future plans. The yearning for future life temporarily dilutes the sadness caused by this sadness.

"I followed my mother's suggestion. She asked me to continue to college. I told her that I would explode due to mistakes when I practice all kinds of magic, but she said that Allen had sent her a letter, which just showed that I was quite explosive. Talented...I can go to study, maybe I'll be suitable to help the Muggles open the mountains in the future." Seamus grabbed his sandy brown hair, and held Dean Thomas with some pride, "Dean, you too Is it true to go to college?."

   "The result of my divination shows that I should do this." Dean shrugged, "And my dad doesn't know where the confidence comes from, insisting that I can become an Auror, so I think it's easier to go to school."

"Luo and I will get married in the summer...Oh, sorry, we don't have summer vacation..." Lavender Brown wrapped his entire arm around Ron's arm and smiled sweetly, "I don't plan to go to college. Professor Trelawney’s love divination show lacks assistants. She thinks I am very talented and suitable for the qualities she is looking for."

   "I plan to lock up all those books after graduation," Ron muttered, "rest a few months to see the situation."

  Harry noticed that his ears were red, which happened whenever Ron felt stressed—he knew that Arthur wanted Ron to help him, and the Weasley twins wanted Ron to help him because of the expansion of business.

"Unfortunately this year, the Hogwarts Express has become a circumnavigation of the floating city." Parvati said sadly, "Thanks for them to lay the railway in such a short time, but the time is too short. I don't know if it is enough. Not enough snacks..."

"Now we are not in the United Kingdom...it would be nice to maintain the tradition as a ritual...Anyway, everyone is now living in the floating city. We can’t let us return to the wasteland of Scotland with the door key in the floating city, and then take a car to London, then use the door key to return to the floating city, right?" Ginny patted Parvati's shoulder comfortingly, "Ravenclaw's new ghost Lockhart is always there to emphasize the danger of long-distance teleportation... "

  Suddenly there were a few loud laughs, and the little lions turned their heads, and found that they saw Neville and Freig laughing happily holding the certificate.

  In fact, it's not just them. A very important reason for the enthusiastic atmosphere in the auditorium is the result of the exam.

Generally, little wizards are not so fancy about their final exam results, but the fifth-grade OWLs exam and graduates' NEWTs were also driven out by the Empire Ministry’s overtime work, or by the Law Enforcement Department's Len Harris Division. The chief came to award it in person.

After allen has carried out educational reforms since he became the principal, although the exam questions are more difficult than in previous years, both the types of questions and the number of answers have increased. The knowledge involved is broader and the difficulty has increased. Even a lot of new knowledge that has only recently been innovated has been added.

  But most of these did not exceed the scope of learning and mastery of Hogwarts wizards after the education reform, so almost everyone's performance has improved a notch compared to their previous Dumbledore period.

At this time, Neville excitedly showed the certificate to the people around him, pointing to the above results and saying: "Herbalism, spells, and defense against the dark arts are all excellent at O. Except for transfiguration, E is good... Now my grandma and Uncle doesn’t have anything to say... She always talks about how I should safeguard the honor of the family. My uncle is more good than me, but there weren’t three Os back then..."

"Although Alan and Dumbledore don't like to stay in school either... but at least he has done a lot better in improving education. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com" Fletcher played his own. The certificate exclaimed, "Education reform has directly improved your score by one level compared to two years ago... Although my magic power is not enough and I don't have enough practical points, I have a good grasp in theory... After the fifth-grade OWLs exam, I thought I was It’s not bad to be able to graduate and stay in the magic world. Now it’s not difficult to apply for a copy editor at a TV station, and finish manuscript editing, proofreading, and other tasks that don’t require much magic... My Muggle Studies class can get O... Many wizards do not like office work just like the famous Scamander, but I think this is more suitable for me... My sister also wants to work in the department of Krivat's parents after becoming a wizard."

"Everyone is concerned about their future. I'm surprised that no one has ever thought about why they released their results so early this time?" The Indian girl Parvati, who was originally holding her cheek, had a bit of excitement and her voice was thinner than before. "The Ministry of Magic wants Harris to go to the underworld to fight before seeing Hogwarts' results... Don't you think this is a good sign? It means that they have no information... I really hope that Principal Harris can go well... It's a pity that I am good at it. Too bad to go and help..."

    Tongtang stands upright and salutes, here:

     Sincere thanks to Kuang for the reward of 10,000 coins, which is not exaggerated, and the reward of 500 coins by the Dark Flame Envoy.



  (End of this chapter)