Harry Potter’s School of Invincibility

Chapter 1556: ? Collapse

A change from the previous simple human-sea tactics, and the undead who began to teleport to the Great Wall, caused the areas guarded by multiple countries to fall into a state of temporary battle chaos. The death knights sprinting out of the door of the alien world on bone horses and the undead creatures who wield their weapons behind them were in chaos. There were also a few dementors among them. It felt like the wizards approached. My own happiness and hope were taken away.

Fear and despair gripped their hearts, which made their morale even lower. The shouts of various national languages ​​rang above the Great Wall.

Those arches made up of skulls have been able to blow up a few before the undead built a line of defense, but more have not disappeared, and the longer the time delay, the more undead ran out, and let it stand upright. More stable on the Great Wall.

More and more heavy horseshoes mixed with chaotic footsteps came from the other side of the door, and these undead creatures continuously broke into the Great Wall with the help of the door of another world.

On the other side, the simple and tall fireplace built by the house elves cast a spell. The fire turned green and rose higher than those of the Viking undead. These stoves have been successfully connected by the house elves’ Death Eater owners. Their own Floo network has activated the connection function.

Some high-level undead creatures like vampires who use Floo powder, after spinning around like a top with the green fire, cross the grate and stand on the floor tiles of this recommended stove. These early The premeditated undead creatures did not hesitate or stay, and rushed directly to the nearby wizards cleanly.

The wizards around the fireplace teleportation point did not retreat. Although most of them were not front-line combatants, at this time, they gritted their teeth and insisted on fighting, and the magic spells hit the direction of the fireplace, and the scattered light of the spell illuminated this area.

The air seemed to explode, screams, shouts, and distinct blasts, resounding through the entire area.

The situation at the gates of the alien world is more urgent than the need for one by one fireplace. The enemies that keep rushing out of the portal make the hearts of the wizards like boiling water, restless and restless.

The chaotic curse raged on the field, so many wizards were injured and fell to the ground, but they still insisted on attacking, even though the situation at the gate of the alien world was seen in their eyes, the wizards by the fireplace did not dare Easily abandon the battle here and run to help, otherwise these fireplaces will also become a stronghold for the continuous influx of enemies.

The roar of the fire dragon in the sky and the sound of the floating boat turning back to help sounded, which was also their persistent support, shaking away the anxiety and anxiety that spread in the hearts of these wizards.

The wizards surrounded by black smoke followed the dragon to the Great Wall, and immediately a few strong lights gushed from their wands and shot towards the fireplace. Owen, who had just learned about the Great Wall, arranged for the Harris to give up chasing Voldemort. Return to start separate operations. Those with weaker combat abilities like Emily are arranged to clean up the fireplace, while Albert, who has stronger attacking and combat abilities, is responsible for clearing the enemy from the otherworldly gate. .

As soon as Daisy sent her clone back to the battlefield, her spell exploded towards the fireplace protected by heavy shields. When she saw the fireplace, she realized the purpose and intentions of these Death Eaters and the casualties they caused. This scene completely angered the witch, making her move mercilessly, the explosion in the air became denser, and the flying curse raged on the Great Wall.

Under their attack, the Death Eaters let out a screaming scream, and fell to the ground in all directions, and soon there was no sound. Even the house elves did not receive special treatment and forgiveness, just like their masters. , Was killed by the curse.

Holding the staff, Hermione watched the house elf below her stretch out its thin arms towards its owner who had just been hit by Arvada, shuddering slightly, her eyes were a bit sore, but then he recovered. To calm down, he also joined the battle.

Although Hermione feels guilty for involving the house elves in the war, in order to prevent the Death Eaters from using them again to transport enemies to the Great Wall in this way, and to avoid having them finally improve their reputation after the war. Destroyed again, Hermione had to take the lives of these little elves herself, even if she knew that they were due to the master's order rather than her own will.

Hermione, who was even more angry, used more painless magic against the elf dreams, and vented her anger on the wizards and undead who used these poor little things.

On the winding Great Wall are scattered fireplaces built by these house elves, and a long distance away, various spells burst out in the sky, as if an invisible giant holding fireworks stepped past every time. Popping fireworks exploded from a distance.

But after all, the number of people on Harris’s side is too scarce for the battlefield, even if it’s scattered, and those undeads deliberately spread the teleportation points in this way. Harris wants to clean them up one by one. It is difficult to support the number of people. UU reading www.uukANAnshu.com

Before they arrived, the door keys made by the Death Eaters had obviously been sent back to the rear, and the set activation time seemed to be very short. There have been a series of undeads touching wooden sticks that are easy for people. The grabbed items appeared on the Great Wall in an instant, and those dark wizards who were facing Harris were obviously still rushing to repeat this kind of work.

The attack of the undead under the city wall is also different from before. Although they are still pressed in black, the intensity has increased a lot this time. 'S comrade was pushed to the ground, and it didn't take long for him to be trampled into bone residue and minced meat.

Flocking to the Great Wall from the thick fog endlessly and endlessly, using their absolute advantage in numbers to launch a high-intensity offensive along the entire Great Wall. In the golem defense, the structures were quickly pounced on the body one after another. The undead piled up in front of the Ravenclaw statue are getting higher and higher, as if they tried to build a wall of the undead to resist the divine power by relying on their white-sense skeleton.

The pressure of defense increased suddenly, and the shouts and explosions on the Great Wall became more intense. The guards here were temporarily unable to obtain reinforcements due to the gates of the alien world and those fireplaces, and they became more and more nervous. The undead took advantage of their own advantages. Involved a large part of the armed forces on the Great Wall to restrict them to their place.

The wizards here are getting more and more difficult to defend and desperate to breed. Looking around, there are undead creatures in every direction. They attack tirelessly and fearlessly. There are enemies inside and outside the city wall, and they are in their state after a long battle. Very exhausted, a thought that the guesswork might not be able to drive away. The screams from the wounded wizards mixed with the gnawing sounds of undead creatures gave birth to them, and a feeling that the form was about to collapse suddenly rose in their hearts. rise.