Harry Potter’s School of Invincibility

Chapter 168: Big Battle Chicken Snake Beast (Modified

"Do you know what this monster is?" Allen quickly asked, asking for more information.

It is absolutely impossible to be a snake monster. There is no trace of a snake monster crawling in the forbidden forest, and it is impossible for the snake monster to release such large-scale poison gas.

Otherwise, the little wizards of Hogwarts have long been poisoned by a large piece.

All these signs tell Alan that Tina is right, and there is another monster in the Chamber of Secrets.

And this monster should be particularly interested in birds, so it will go directly to the forbidden forest instead of staying in the castle.

It is also possible that the basilisk crawled out of the chamber through a pipe, and it also had its own passageway, which could lead directly to the forbidden forest.

At this moment, Gaia suddenly looked behind Alan in alert.

Allen quickly jumped to Gaia's side. Watching vigilantly in the direction you were just in-there were several animal stone carvings on the road, all of which were painful and lifelike without exception.

When Allen heard the rustling sound, the surrounding trees turned yellow-brown at a rate visible to the naked eye, and they were about to die; while the trees a little further away were not dead, but the black poisonous gas became One by one, black lines entangled the entire trunk.

The grass decayed rapidly, the leaves changed from green to off-white, and then quickly withered and became brittle. When lightly touched by the night breeze, it shattered and turned into black dust.

A disgusting smell of rusty metal gradually spread in the air.

Allen's open space turned into a bleak endless scene.

In this silence and darkness, the fear of death enveloped the land.

"You can see this monster with your own eyes!" Gaia stared cautiously in the direction of the weird voice. "We should leave here soon!" Gaia suggested.

Allen believes that in the face of not knowing the strength of the opponent, it is a wise move to avoid the edge.

Allen climbed on Gaia's back, Gaia spread her wings and flew high into the sky.

Soon, a strange creature appeared in the open space.

Allen had to admit that this was the weirdest creature he had ever seen.

It is not big, just the size of a hen. Just looking at its size, you can hardly imagine that such a small animal, the exhaled gas can kill flying birds.

This poisonous gas is extremely overbearing, and wherever the monster walks, no grass or bushes survive.

Chickens and snakes have lizard bodies, rooster heads, feathered bat wings, and a second head at the tail.

Its head is raised high, with a small pattern of yellow and blue intertwined crowns, and it is a bit like a cock's comb.

Its eyes are shaped like toads, and its wings are red, yellow and blue.

It walks with four feet, and it is full of enthusiasm. The front feet are yellow and blue, like the paws of a rooster. The hind feet are jagged and webbed, like the feet of a frog.

"It's the monster in your castle-the chicken and the snake." Gaia Shen said.

Allen finally knew what monster this was! In the "Illustrated Book of Mysterious Animals" he had read before, there is a brief introduction to this monster.

It is said that an old rooster laid an egg, a toad hatched the egg, and the chicken snake came from this egg. This is similar to the birth of the Basilisk.

In any case, this terrible hybrid is always the theme of horror stories.

Because chickens and snakes can only be killed by poisonous gas, and if they are bitten by chickens and snakes, their bodies are not strong enough to resist toxins, they will be turned into stones directly-and not like the paralysis effect of all petrification. Instead, it turned into stone at a real price. Therefore, few people have seen it. People who know exactly the technique of breeding chickens and snakes are even rarer.

However, it is well documented that the chicken, snake, and beast are considered to be the culprits of the plague that raged in Rome in the 9th century.

In 1202, a chicken, snake and beast hiding in a well caused a plague in Vienna.

In 1474, in Basel, Switzerland, a Muggle saw a rooster laying an egg, but before the egg hatched, in the face of thousands of people, the rooster was burned alive, the egg He was also thrown into the fire.

Because the description of chickens, snakes, and beasts in the Mysterious Animal Illustrated Book is really few, and there are no patterns to learn from, Allen had never thought of it before.

"Gaia, let me go, maybe I will be able to solve it!" Alan, who knew its roots, wanted this monster to go on for a while.

"Allen, it's not just poisonous gas and venom! All the small animals that see its gaze will die for no reason! If it is bitten by it, it may become a stone!" Gaia disagrees with Allen. In danger.

"It's okay, I'm not a bird, aren't I ..." Allen took out the unicorn horns that Gaia gave him before, and took some powder down with a file. "It should be bigger."

Gaia saw Alan's tone firm and prepared, and determined to solve the chicken and snake beast, had to land behind the chicken and snake beast, let Alan crawl down from its back.

Gaia spread his wings and flew again, hovering in the air, wanting to attack the little monster.

"I fainted!" Allen was about to prepare for a quick spell while he was unprepared.

The spell successfully hit the Cock and Snake. The Cock and Snake turned around instantly, staring angrily at Allen, and hissed as a symbol of death.

The feathers and lizard scales of the chicken, snake, and beast have given it considerable resistance to spells.

The moment he turned around, Allen closed his eyes for caution.

"All petrochemicals!" Hearing the argument, Allen once again cast a spell and blindly shot past.

The spell hit the feet of the snake and the snake—and this time it semi-successfully staggered its already agile action. The chicken and the snake turned their wings in anger and flew a few feet away in the air, reaching out Two sharp front claws rushed towards Alan's face.

The fishy wind fluttered, and Alan, who had been training for a long time, made a mistake and escaped the fierce blow of the chicken and snake.

At the same time, Allen let the wand wave instantly, "Awada Suo Ming!" The green light shot from the tip of Allen's wand-this is the first time Allen really tried to use a killing spell on other creatures, since Ordinary spells do n’t work. Allen hopes that the spells that directly affect the soul can penetrate the opponent ’s magic resistance-in fact, the spell will be sentenced to Azkaban for any reason once used on people. Squatting in a prison for a lifetime, if not just in the forbidden forest of Hogwarts, Allen would not dare to use this spell, although his casting target is a monster and does not cause too many legal problems ~ www.mtlnovel .com ~ But after all, a sophomore can cast a life-spelling curse is too bad for his reputation and Dumbledore's opinion.

The green light succeeded in hitting the Snake and Beast, but just before Allen's expression showed joy, Allen felt a pain in his hand, and the Snake and Beast's neck would suddenly grow longer, biting Allen fiercely. At the same time, venom was ejected.

Even after taking the unicorn horn, Allen instantly felt a little dizzy. Fortunately, the effect of petrochemicals did not seem to work for him.

Alan couldn't help but open his eyes, the cock, nose and mouth of the **** and beast were bleeding like blood.

Allen knew that although his killing spell had hit the other party, he did n’t know whether the other party ’s magic resistance played a role or because Allen ’s own lack of intention to kill the other party caused this special magical effect that required emotion to produce a fake mu. The kind in Di ’s mouth is just to make the opponent bleed a little nosebleed—Although watching the chicken, snake and beast vomiting blood, Allen estimates that the other party has also suffered a lot of injuries, but after all, Allen has not been able to kill this one directly. monster.

Allen faced his toad-like eyes—although nothing bad happened,

Gaia mistakenly thought that Allen's consternation was because he had lost his life. It sighed sadly, swooped down from the sky, and stomped down the lower body of the chicken and snake.

The Snake Beast instantly gave up and continued to attack Allen, and had to turn his head to Gaia to bite past.

Gaia completely ignored his own safety, and kicked the chicken and snake beasts like crazy, and the hooves fell like rain. The chicken and snake beast could not escape Gaia's attack range.

Seeing that he was seriously wounded and unable to overcome the sudden unicorn, the chicken and snake beast was aroused by his fierce determination to bite Gaia's leg, even if his lower body was kicked and sloppy, he was not relieved.