Harry Potter’s School of Invincibility

Chapter 176: Tom Mavolo Riddle (modified)

For Salazar Slytherin to comment on himself, Allen is not sure.

Everyone is a polyhedron, and it is somewhat sloppy to define a person with only one or two personalities.

With the passage of time, the experience of the world, the original brave person may also become a cowardly coward.

Originally ambitious conspirators may also become ordinary people who do nothing.

The clever and wise wizard may also make the mind faint and do something that stupid people don't bother to do ...

"This gem can help the little wizards who strayed into this place but were injured by the chickens, snakes, and monsters. Of course, they will also take away their memories."

Salazar is not a dark sorcerer. What use monsters to clear people who are not worthy of learning magic is just to make a mistake.

"But, fifty years ago, a little witch died in the hands of the basilisk!" Allen said.

"That's because she died outside the secret room, and I can't walk outside the secret room."

Salazar's understatement made Alan realize that although he was not a black wizard and would not take his own life, he did not care about their lives and deaths for young wizards who were not pure blood.

"The Basilisk belongs to my heir. And this gem is yours. This gem may contain this big secret. With it, you have the possibility to control the world."

Salazar looked at the jewel in the box with nostalgia, his figure getting weaker and weaker.

"I hope you can crack the gem's secret! The gem that I put with the gem, as well as my research experience, hope that it will be helpful to Hogwarts students."

"Are you leaving?" Allen did not rush to get the gems and experience, looking at Salazar's fading figure and hurriedly asked.

"Yes, I can finally be relieved." Salazar's slightly frowned brow was smoothed by a smile before he died.

Allen felt that he seemed very much looking forward to this moment!

The painting suspended in mid-air fell down and became fragments, scattered all over the ground.

The people in the painting have long disappeared.

Allen named the green gem directly as "Salazar's gem" and then put it in the storage space.

Under the gem, a thick stack of parchment lies quietly in the stone box.

Compared with the dazzling gem, it is unpretentious, but the knowledge contained in it cannot be underestimated by Allen.

What this book records is actually the cultivation and breeding methods of magical creatures!

Salazar and Hagrid have the same hobby!

But Salazar is even more terrifying, he actually cultivated chickens, snakes and monsters!

Judging from the large skeleton in the room, if it weren't for life to come to an end, wouldn't it be strange and amazing lethal creatures that Allen would encounter today!

If according to Salazar Slytherin's last wish, this book should be handed over to Hogwarts, I am afraid it can only be placed in the restricted book area!

If creatures such as basilisks and chickens and beasts can be arbitrarily reproduced by little wizards, I am afraid that the Muggles will suffer the disaster!

As Allen carefully read the books in his hand, the sound of banging and banging came suddenly at the end of the stairs.

A huge black hole appeared at the end of the stairs.

After a brief consternation, Alan guessed where it was!

That is the passage to the outer chamber.

Tom Mavolo Riddle summoned the basilisk in the outer chamber, and the basilisk would crawl out of the hole.

Allen put Salazar's manuscript into the system's storage grid and walked down the staircase out of the hole.

Seeing Allen appearing at the entrance of the cave, Riddle's smug expression froze.

Harry's horrified expression faded. In his impression, there was no problem that Allen could not solve!

So, should Allen have no problem with Voldemort in his school days?

Just now, Riddle had completely told Harry what he had done.

He wanted to use the Basilisk to keep Harry and Ginny in the secret room forever, but it turned out that it was Allen.

"Who are you? The basilisk? Why did you come out of it? You got the legacy of Salazar!" Riddle pointed Harry's wand at Allen, jealous and envious.

But Allen was faster than him, quickly pulled out his wand, and pointed at Riddle first.

After all, Riddle's vitality and magic come from Ginny, and Allen's strength far exceeds Ginny!

"Except your weapon!"

"Killing Curse!"

Allen's spell hit Riddle first, Riddle was instantly struck and his wand came out.

Allen jumped swiftly from Salazar's huge stone carving, avoiding Riddle's spell.

Before Riddle had turned up, Allen glanced at Salazar's diary beside his huge stone toes.

Allen immediately summoned the fangs of the basilisk from the space, without hesitation, aimed at the center of the diary, and inserted it firmly.

With a terrible, long-lasting scream that pierced the eardrums, a burst of ink rushed out of the diary and ran down to the ground along Allen's hands.

Riddle twisted and struggled, waving his arms constantly, screaming in his mouth, and ...

He disappeared.

At this moment, a soft moan came from the other side of the chamber.

Ginny started to move. Ginny sat up, her blank eyes fell on Harry, and then on the notebook in Allen's hand.

She shuddered and gasped, and her tears ran down.

"Harry-oh, Harry-at breakfast, I-I want to tell you, but in front of Percy, I can't-can't say it. I did it, Harry-but I—I swear I—I did n’t mean it, it was Rie-Riddle forcing me to do it, and he controlled-control me. You—how did you kill that—that guy? Riddle was— Where is it? I just remember-remember he came out of the diary-"

"It's all right now," Harry said, pointing at Allen. "Allen arrived in time to kill Riddle."

Alan stepped forward and showed Ginny the big hole in the diary book that was penetrated by the fangs of the basilisk. Quickly leave here— "

Ginny ’s condition looks very bad, she had better leave here as soon as possible!

"I'm going to be fired!" Ginny cried when Harry stood up and helped her to stand up and down, whispering, "Since Bill Bill came, I've been looking forward to Huo Gwarts came to study, and now I have to leave, what will parents and fathers say-how do they say? "

"No, you will not be expelled. You have experienced such a dangerous thing, they will only feel distressed, will not criticize you." Alan warmly exhorted.

Fox hovered at the entrance of the Chamber of Secrets, waiting for them.

With the help of Allen, Ginny crossed the dead body of the Basilisk.

They passed through the dim and empty room with echoes and returned to the tunnel.

Allen heard that the two stone doors slipped behind them and closed gently.