Harry Potter’s School of Invincibility

Chapter 187: Golden coffin in tomb (modified)

Just a few steps away from the stone statue, the stone statue moved, its eyes wide open, clenching fists in both hands, and slammed into Allen.

Allen jumped flexibly on his arm and took advantage of it.

The sledgehammer transformed from the stone using the deforming technique appeared in the hands of Allen leaping high, and directly hit the brow of the stone statue.

Killed in one blow! The stone statue turned into crushed mud and rolled to the ground. The sound in the tomb was silent.

"Merlin! Allen, you succeeded!" Ron cheered.

Nancy sat on the ground all at once, crying with her head held.

Allen was not happy, and he watched the mud with vigilance.

Why, the stone statue is broken, these ghosts still stay in place?

These pieces of mud vibrated lumpyly.

Ron's open mouth froze before he could close it, and Nancy stopped crying, staring at the place where the voice came.

Now, they have become a startled bird, as soon as the wind and grass move, they immediately become suspicious.

They are right!

The cracked mud flew from the ground and re-condensed into a stone figure.

"Oh! God bless!" Nancy prayed desperately.

"Merlin bless!" Ron also howled.

A flash of light flashed, and Allen thought of the zombie who was bound to the monster subway.

Perhaps the magic ball of the goddess of fortune Falls has a magical effect on these souls cursed by Pharaoh!

The stone statues had been condensed and the wailing sounded again in the tomb.

The stone figure chased Alan angrily, and Alan fled around.

The ghost's wailing also followed.

The tomb was beaten by stone statues beyond recognition. Ron and Nancy had to protect their heads and faces to avoid being hit by splashing stones.

Allen was forced to a corner.

The dark eyes of the stone statue hung down, looking at Allen.

It opened its mouth and showed a smile full of evil.

Then, waving that huge slap, it was about to be photographed fiercely.

Allen roared, jumped forward, turned back with the power of the wall, and turned the stone figure into fragments again.

Allen's heart thumped, but before he could think too much, he quickly summoned the magic ball of Fowles and pronounced the mantra that the mob people had read.

A magical power came from Allen's body, a magic ball of silver light, and a soft light spread.

The ghosts who came into contact with the light gradually softened their faces, soothed their expressions, and stopped wailing.

The restored ghosts faced Allen, crawled to the ground, kissed the dust on the ground, and then disappeared.

Under the soft light, the debris and the dirt gradually merged with the dust on the ground, leaving no trace.

Until no more ghosts poured in, until all ghosts disappeared, Allen stopped the spell and put away the magic ball.

Ron looked pale and bloodless, and asked Allen in horror: "Allen, won't they appear again?"

Nancy looked at Alan without blinking, his expression dull.

"Of course, we are safe!" After Allen returned the gem to the space again, Allen turned his eyes to the tomb.

"Now, let's see, what's in it!" Allen's eyes were firm, and Ron and Nancy stood a bit silly behind him. They hadn't recovered from their previous encounter.

"I'm going in first, there is no danger for you to come in again." Alan carefully pushed open the door and walked in.

When the light from the wand illuminated the tomb, Allen knew that he would never forget what he saw at this time.

"What did you see?" Ron shouted eagerly outside the door.

Allen's eyes shone strangely, shouting out: "You can come in and see for yourself."

Ron and Nancy walked in, and the scene before them shocked them. Thick dust and dense cobwebs also concealed the treasures in the room.

"Clean up!" Allen waved his wand, and all the dust disappeared.

Nancy's eyes quickly looked around, desperately trying to see everything clearly, but there were so many things to look at, she felt dizzy.

The walls are all hieroglyphs she can't understand from top to bottom, carved deeply into the stone.

The ground was filled with exquisite court supplies, countless jewelry boxes, luxurious gold chariots, gilded lions, and even a beautifully carved lotus throne.

But the most striking is the golden coffin placed in the middle.

The coffin is made of pure gold, covered with gold and silver jewelry, jade and jade.

"Oh my goodness!" Nancy murmured amazedly.

"Allen," Ron stared at the gold without blinking, "We sent it!"

"We have to be extra careful ..." Allen paused without saying anything. Under Ron's surprised eyes, he pushed all the jewels on the gold coffin away, only to see two lines of text engraved on the gold coffin. , Is an ancient magic text!

"I saw yesterday, I know tomorrow."

"What does the above text mean?" Nancy asked softly.

Alan didn't answer immediately ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ He stood in the middle of Ron and Nancy, staring at the mural under the two lines of magic words with a good eye. On the mural, three people entered the tomb and resurrected the well-preserved mummy in the golden coffin.

"He knew we were here." Allen answered in a lighter voice than Nancy.

"So who is he?" Ron asked eagerly.

"We will soon know." Allen said finally.

Allen pushed the coffin lid, he used a lot of energy, but unexpectedly, the coffin lid was easily pushed open, inside it was a mummy-shaped coffin, not very long, one with a golden mask The mummy appeared in front of the three.

The mummy's body was wrapped in a thin layer of sackcloth, and a delicate collar was placed on his chest. In addition, he was also covered with accessories such as collars, amulets, rings, bracelets and other accessories.

The sarcophagus is also filled with dazzling and exquisite funerary objects.

"The stone statue outside is so huge, but the actual mummy is so small!" Ron muttered in a low voice.

The mummy lay on his back, his thin arms crossed his chest, and he held a wand with black gems in his hand.

"This gesture symbolizes that the dead will be resurrected in the future." Allen exclaimed.

"How do you know?" Nancy asked wonderingly.

"The authentic inscriptions were carved on the walls before." Allen leaned closer to the golden coffin.

The mummies in the golden coffin, and the tar-dyed eyes seemed to be staring at him expectantly.

"So who is he? Is he a pharaoh?" Nancy asked.

"No, I prefer him to be a wizard and a prophet!"

Allen lifted the gold mask on the mummy's head, and Nancy took two steps back in fright, exclaiming shortly.