Harry Potter’s School of Invincibility

Chapter 248: Tracking (modified)

The first stop of Allen and Hermione was naturally the Duke of Honey. This is a paradise for little wizards. Not only did Hermione buy some pepper naughty boys, she also bought a few sweets she liked-she only allowed herself to eat one piece a day and had to brush her teeth once more ...

"Maybe I can eat two pieces for Christmas." Hermione decisively filled some cream mints-a candy shaped like a toad that makes people feel like they are really beating in their stomach.

After the purchase, Hermione watched in amazement as Allen put a lot of candy in the shopping basket. "You love sugar like this?"

"No, I have a younger sister at home. Her name is Emily. This is for her." When thinking of the mischievous and lovely Emily, Allen's eyebrows are full of spoils. "Her The nickname is Little Sweet Bear, I do n’t know of any way to distinguish the taste of Bibiweidou. She likes to give my brother Grungen the smell of booger and earwax, and leaves the delicious to myself-but it will be given to me every time some."

Hermione tried to restrain herself before she swallowed the disappointing words that “little sugar lovers should visit the dentist regularly”.

Allen noticed that a sign (special taste) hung in the farthest corner of the store.

He greeted Hermione and walked over with interest, maybe he could buy some pits and run.

It must be very interesting that Renn ’s serious expression broke apart—just as Percy was not treated by his brothers at Weasley ’s, although Renn ’s at Harris ’s house did not reach this level, but brothers and sisters preferred Tricky object must also be him ...

A plate of **** lollipops attracted his attention. He glanced at him with some serious all-around masters: "Do you want to try this?" Allen twisted one and blinked mischievously.

"Uh, no, I guess they are for vampires." Hermione wrinkled her small nose.

"How about these?" Allen said, and put a jar of roach sugar under Hermione's nose.

"Absolutely not." Hermione pushed the canister away, and then couldn't help laughing. Then, Allen noticed the movement next to him. Ron frowned and cursed at the shelf of Bibiweidou, not far from them.

Allen took a funny step forward and blocked Ron's gaze from looking here.

Hermione looked inexplicably at Allen who came up suddenly-he was putting a lot of **** lollipops in the shopping basket.

"Will your sister like this?" Hermione asked in surprise.

"No, my second brother likes it." Allen pulled Ryan out as a shield without hesitation.

Then, Allen took Hermione to Zoko's joke shop and bought a lot of "big **** bombs", "hiccup sugar", frog egg soap and other things.

Unsurprisingly, Allen saw Ron again in Joko's joke shop.

Hermione also saw Ron, her smile fading when she saw the angry expression on Ron's face.

Hermione gave Ron a disgusted look and frowned.

Allen raised an eyebrow and pulled Hermione out of the store.

When Allen once again made Hermione forget Ron and talked happily, a large group of Slytherin girls passed by, with Pansy Parkinson inside.

"Harris and Granger!" Pansy screamed. "Ah, Harris, your vision is not good ... Clivart looks at least pretty good!"

Pan Xi thought that it would cause the girls to laugh, but the result was only an embarrassing silence.

Just like the little witches of other colleges, Slytherin girls actually like Allen very much.

Such a handsome, capable, outstanding, and expensive boy can't arouse their resentment.

They looked at Hermione, who was quite different in peace, and couldn't agree with Pansy's words—and didn't want to leave a bad impression in front of Allen.

Although Allen is inconvenient to argue with a girl, this does not prevent him from making a cutting gesture to his hair with his hand.

This made Pansy shivering, she barely let herself sneer, and behaved very unpleasantly, but also quickened her pace, while screaming and looking back at Alan and Hermione rashly-although The walking speed seems to be too fast.

Hermione's face was a little embarrassed, and Allen thoughtfully changed the subject.

"Hermione, your nose is freezing red. Let's go into Madam Pattiffe's teahouse and sit down."

Hermione immediately covered her nose with her hand, and she felt the tip of her nose cold. Unable to imagine how her nose was flushed, she immediately nodded and agreed with Allen's suggestion.

Gen. Allen pushed open the door of the teahouse and let Hermione walk in first.

Then, Allen turned around and smiled unclearly at the trailing Ron.

This is a small, cramped tea house, misty. Everything inside is decorated with tacky lace, even the small round table.

Hermione suddenly became out of harmony with her body, she was embarrassed and extremely uncomfortable. Because she found out that the nets in the house were one for one, all holding hands.

Allen had walked in and took Hermione to sit down at the remaining round table next to the foggy window.

Hermione bowed her head a little nervously.

Allen looked at the window indifferently, Ron's figure looming behind a cedar.

Allen leaned forward slightly, flicking the snowflakes on Hermione's head.

Ron kicked the cedar angrily, and as a result the snow on the tree fell wildly, spilling Ron's face all over his face-he waved his arm anxiously and wiped it chaotically.

Allen couldn't help laughing, and Hermione looked up suspiciously.

She just wanted to ask Alan what she was laughing, and was distracted by Mrs. Pattifu.

"What are the two points?" Mrs. Pattifu asked. She was fat, wearing a shiny black hair bun, and squeezed hard between the two tables.

"In such weather, let's not choose any tea. How about two hot cups of coffee to change the taste?" Allen looked at Hermione ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ A little couple next to the table next to the sugar bowl Kissing, Hermione looked down embarrassedly and nodded headily.

"Professor Flitwick will soon teach us the Curse of Happiness, which I knew when I helped him prepare the lecture." Allen saw Hermione's embarrassment and brought the subject to Hermione's interest.

Sure enough, Hermione opened her eyes wide and looked at Allen.

"He attaches great importance to this spell, maybe the final exam will include it in the subject of the spell." Allen shrugged.

Talking about the curse and entering the familiar field, Hermione was intrigued. She sipped the hot coffee and relaxed her tight shoulders.

While the two were talking about each other, the door of the tea house was slammed open and a little wizard broke in.

It was Draco Malfoy. Rarely, he did not follow Gal and Crabbe behind him.

In the eyes of everyone surprised, Malfoy walked to the table of Allen and Hermione without a word, and sat down.

Seeing this, Ron outside the window didn't care about slapping the snow on his body. He watched them intently and talked with each other, trying to recognize their lips. Of course, he must be in vain.

"Harry has always thought that Allen was facing him. Look, Malfoy came to talk to him! Hermione knew that he didn't tell us!" Ron stamped his frozen feet indignantly.

"No, you have to find a way to figure out what conspiracy they are discussing!" Ron said to himself.

But he found in despair that without Harry or Hermione, he had no solution at all!

Suddenly, his shoulder was tapped, and he turned around and found no one.

Ron looked around in confusion, "Is I already illusioned by Allen and Hermione?"