Harry Potter’s School of Invincibility

Chapter 291: Prisoner and godson

Despite being comforted by Allen, Harry felt very embarrassed.

Seeing this, Allen decided to leave in time, leaving the space for the good friends who lived in the same bedroom.

"What's the first lesson?" Harry asked, breaking the strange embarrassment.

Ron seemed to have recovered, and scrambled to find the timetable, "The first lesson, Hagrid's Protection of Magical Creatures!"

"Then we have to hurry up, it's not long before class time." Harry blinked, suggesting.

The two boys looked at each other and ran towards the gate of the castle, their expression regained a little carefree.

It's really early, and the castle is quiet on the way to Hagrid's hut. The Hagrid cabin in the distance is bathed in the radiance and warmth of the sun.

Harry and Ron hurriedly ran down the path. Suddenly, Harry stopped and his eyes suddenly solidified, and his face changed suddenly.

This time, Ron, who had been running with him, turned his eyes to the man sitting next to Hagrid.

"Sirius Black!" Ron exclaimed in surprise.

Sirius was staring hard at Harry with his dark grey eyes.

Although he was very skinny, the dress at this time was extremely decent compared to before.

Although his eyes are lingering in depression, no matter who he is, he can't deny that this is a thin man who vaguely retains a few years of handsomeness, and is still worth a strong man.

There is a tension in his face that is difficult to describe in words, not the obvious tension, but the tension of contemplation and introspection.

Harry didn't know what kind of expression on his face, expectation, shrinkage, worry ... In short, it might not be very decent, because he felt his hands and feet were stiff.

In any case, it seemed that it was very fast, and it seemed that after a long walk, Harry finally came to Sirius.

"Hello, hello!" Said Sirius, "I am Sirius? Orion? Black, but I still-I don't know if anyone told you-I am your godfather."

"Yes ... I think I know." Harry looked into Sirius's eyes, curious and expectant.

Sirius seemed relieved and smiled a little, "As a godfather, I want to give you a gift. See if you like it!"

Sirius gave Harry a large bag of things.

When Harry opened it, it turned out to be the dream of all kinds of little wizards. The robe was delicious, fun, and knew a very comfortable robe ...

Harry suddenly blessed his soul: "Firebolt!"

Ron looked at Harry in surprise.

"You gave me the Firebolt, right?" Harry looked up and looked forward to Sirius.

"Yeah, I gave you the Firebolt. Maggie, the house elf of Allen, helped me deliver the order to the Owl Post Office. I used your name, but let them go from the vault 711 in the Gulingge ——I took the gold from my own vault. Please use it as your 13th birthday gift for the godfather. ”Sirius smiled.

"Hah!" Ron said triumphantly. "See it! There are no curses! Hermione is wrong."

Harry was so excited inside, Sirius did not forget to give him a birthday gift when he fled, he loves himself very much!

A small, gray thing suddenly jumped on Sirius's shoulder, tilting his little head and looking at them.

Ron looked closely with interest, and found a skinny owl.

As if feeling Ron's sight, the owl went straight to Ron and fell directly on Ron's palm.

"Ouch!" The little owl cheering in his hand pecked Ron's finger, and it seemed to think it was an intimate way.

"Ron, maybe you are willing to adopt this owl, it was I who caused you to lose that mouse." Sirius stared at Ron with a smile.

Ron's eyes widened. The little owl was still shouting excitedly.

"Adopt it?" He said doubtfully, staring at the owl carefully for a while, "Thank you, is it a real owl?"

Harry and Sirius looked at him and laughed together.

"It's definitely good enough for me!" Ron said happily, "It belongs to me."

"Yes, and this!" Sirius took out a piece of parchment from his pocket and handed it to Harry.

Harry scanned it quickly, suddenly drinking a bottle of hot butter beer at once, warm and full of contented joy.

He handed the parchment to Ron, "Great, you can go to Hogsmeade with me right now." Ron screamed happily, then suddenly covered his mouth.

Sirius laughed happily, "It doesn't matter, I know that James has an invisibility cloak, which helped us a lot!"

Nostalgia flashed through Sirius' eyes, it was his happiest day.

Hagrid in the distance had seen it several times. Although he pretended not to care, his large size was really difficult to hide.

Sirius suddenly turned up and Harry and Ron looked at him curiously.

"That's it ... your parents appointed me to be your guardian," Black said unnaturally, "in case they encounter an accident ..."

Harry waited, did Black mean what he thought?

"Of course, if you want to live with your aunt and uncle, I can understand ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ Black said," But ... um ... think about it. Once I cleanse the charges ... If you want a ... a different home ... "

Harry's heart swelled.

"What—living with you?" He said, noticing his head against a protruding stone at the top of the tunnel. "Leave Dursley's?"

"Of course, I don't think you will," Blake said immediately. "I can understand, I just think I--"

"Are you confused?" Harry said, his voice almost as hoarse as Black's. "Of course I would leave the Dursleys! Do you have a house? When can I move in?"

"Will you?" Black asked, "Really?"

"Yeah, of course I am willing!" Harry jumped up. "I can say I can't wait!"

Black felt that today was his happiest day in thirteen years. He laughed and patted Harry on the shoulder, just like he did when he patted James.

"I have to leave, Harry, when you are on holiday, I will pick you up and go home." Sirius said reluctantly.

Harry nodded again and again, and he was already calculating how long it was until the summer vacation-this was completely contrary to his previous purpose and mood of calculating how long it would be before the summer vacation.

"That's right!" Sirius just stepped out a few steps, and suddenly turned quickly to look at Harry, "away from Alan? Harris! Harry, don't go too close to him!"

Harry looked puzzled. Why did Sirius say that? Isn't Allen the biggest hero in this time? But although he was not very willing, he did not want to go against the godfather and nodded obediently-if there was any misunderstanding between them, Harry planned to use the holiday to improve Sirius's view of Allen.