Harry Potter’s School of Invincibility

Chapter 326: memory

After successfully returning to the request room, Alan immediately took out the meditation basin.

Several people got together. Everyone was very curious about Filch's stubbornness at the gate of the library.

Allen poured Filch's memory into the meditation basin.

Memory flows into the meditation basin, and it is impossible to tell whether it is liquid or gas.

It was like a piece of bright silver, but it kept flowing, like the surface of the water rippling in the breeze, and spreading like a cloud, spinning softly.

Allen pulled out his wand and poked lightly at the memory in the basin, and the memory in the basin spun quickly.

"My first." Hermione took the lead and she was eager to know whether Dumbledore really made a small move behind this.

No one robs her, everyone can perceive Hermione's emotions, and let her look at Filch's memory for the first time.

Soon, Hermione returned from the meditation basin to the room where she asked.

Her face was rather ugly, she looked very angry, and she was relieved.

Penello gave Hermione a strange look, and then plunged into his memory without hesitation.

When Penello returned with a sardonic smile, Luna blinked and plunged lightly into the meditation basin.

"He doesn't want students to be exposed to dangerous knowledge." Luna drilled out of the meditation basin looked at Hermione and Penello and explained to Dumbledore.

Allen nodded, of course he knew that Dumbledore, the great white wizard, was not malicious to himself.

Either way, after reading it, make a final conclusion. Allen was never a person who was easily influenced by others.

Allen leaned over and touched the silver-white memory. He fell in a cold and dark substance as if sucked into a black vortex—

Filch stood in the corridor on the fourth floor, staring suspiciously at a guard statue.

The statue's armor rang, and the red tassel on the hat shuddered.

"Filch!" An old and kind voice suddenly sounded.

Allen saw that Dumbledore slowly came down the stairs.

"Principal Dumbledore!" Filch saluted.

"Ah, it's naughty, Pippi! Come out!" Principal Dumbledore said to the guard statue that suddenly stopped shaking.

Pippi suddenly rose into the air, grabbed his hands behind his head. ,

"Dumbledore! I'm wrong!" After finishing quickly, Pippi escaped quickly, and slipped away quickly.

Dumbledore shook his head helplessly, "Pippi, is it hard to get rid of?"

"Indeed, Dumbledore. But compared to the Pippi ghosts, the little ghosts' heads are more difficult and cunning. I suggest that the school's penalties be more detailed and harsher, and you should agree to my application to use the whip. "

Filch applied seriously.

"Felch, you know, the whip is absolutely not allowed to be used on students." Dumbledore explained.

"I know that these little guys are really naughty and have caused a lot of trouble for your work. In fact, Mrs. Pins was also very annoyed recently. She told me that the library's restricted area has been flipped. Traces. Filch, did you see any anomalies during the night of the night? "Dumbledore asked, looking at the direction Pippi left, seemingly casually.

"Mrs. Pings? Which naughty ghost must be." Filch paused. "I'll take a closer look at it, and I must pull him out."

Alan, who was watching from the side, did not miss the flash of light in Dumbledore's eyes-that was, a satisfied look.

The following memories are mediocre, but he is fighting with some students.

However, the encounter between Filch and the principal was too frequent, and Dumbledore showed unusual interest and enthusiasm for the library.

After a while, Filch never met Dumbledore again.

Allen noticed that at that time, Filch's "The Prophet Daily" had published an Animagus photos.

Allen suddenly realized that he returned from the meditation basin to the room where he asked.

For a while, no one said anything.

"Although Principal Dumbledore should be kind, I do not approve of his method. He is too interfering with the lives of others." Hermione swelled her cheeks and filled her eyes with disappointment. Allow Harry to move to live with Sirius during the summer vacation. "

"Principal Dumbledore did this for a reason. Harry had the ancient protective magic left by his mother. Before he became a man, he had to consider the home of someone with whom he had a blood relationship-as his home. Only after a sufficient period of time will the spell continue to work. "

Allen's explanation made Hermione suddenly realize, "It turns out that the principal is to protect Harry!"

Allen's eyes flashed, "Hermione, there is actually a better way. If Harry cannot move to live with Sirius, then why not let Sirius move to live near Harry?" Dumbledore is too many years, and he no longer has ripples in his heart. It is too easy for him to ignore the emotions of others when making plans. "

Hermione slaps happily. Why didn't she think of this? If it ’s not just me, I can just do it!

"Don't worry, leave it to me! Before leaving school, I will find Sirius and suggest that he live near Aunt Harry's house, so that the problem can be solved ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ Allen Road.

This is not a violation of his agreement with Dumbledore, he affected Sirius, not Harry! Allen thought in peace.

Hermione's eyes shone brightly, "Alan, you're so good--"

Allen quickly rejected the unexpected good card.

"Although compared to Dumbledore's decision, my suggestion took care of the feelings of Harry and Sirius, but more importantly, I want to tell Dumbledore that he can't control everyone!"

This is also Alan ’s response to Dumbledore ’s book ban.

"There is a person, there is no real return!" Speaking of return, Allen remembered another person.

"Who is it?" Penello asked with interest.

"That, the captain of the Slytherin Quidditch team that injured Qiu Zhang and Cedric-Marcus Flint."

Allen narrowed his eyes, covering the fierce light in his eyes.

"Autumn? Zhang and Cedric are blessed by misfortune and are together," Penello said.

"And Marcus Flint, he graduated right away, but no one can protect him anymore!" Penello's fingers wrapped around the chain on the wand, his voice dangerous.

"Marcus Flint? Want to pay him back? Count me! Although he doesn't dare to provoke the people in the training class, he specifically bullies the little wizards who have not participated in the training class and are not pure blood.

Hermione was filled with indignation and felt that if she had the opportunity to beat Marcus, she must not miss it. Even if you deduct points for this, you will spare no effort.

"The training class is very well organized. I like to participate in the activities of the training class the most." Luna said softly, playing with the raven mask.

Luna always said something untimely and embarrassing. But Allen felt at this point that Luna's words moved him a little.