Harry Potter’s School of Invincibility

Chapter 482: Arthur (modified)

"This is the Burrow?" Daisy looked at the crooked building in front of her and felt that this little building had a weird artistic beauty.

Originally on the last day of rest, Daisy would go out shopping, practice magic with the female Auror guard Nifadora Tonks assigned to her by the Ministry of Magic. They have been getting along well recently. But Tonks recently took a leave. The other female employees in the Ministry of Magic were unable to communicate with her freely because of the Harris family ’s power behind her and her position. Therefore, Daisy had nothing to do on the rest day. After listening to Ellen talking about interesting and novel TV sets, he followed his brother, who was also unaccompanied, to see what he said was novel--Luna was taken back by his father, Mr. Xenophilius, to Otelli? In the village of Chibol, Hermione accepted the invitation of her poor friend Ginny, who was in Grinfondo, and went to the Burrow. Ginny worried about Harry ’s affairs.

"Welcome you." Mr. Arthur Weasley quickly walked out of the shack on the side to greet the guest who was invited by him. He was wearing a short canvas shirt, a pair of hard pants that could stand alone without legs in it, and his curly red hair, like a sheep, piled on the top of his head. Strangely, there seemed to be no one else in the Burrow except Arthur Weasley.

"Mr. Weasley, your letter says that you have successfully transformed Muggle TV into witchcraft supplies?" After politely saying hello, Allen directly asked about the TV transformation.

"It's true, please follow me." Talking about his most proud invention recently, Mr. Weasley can't wait to introduce his transformed magic TV to Allen.

He led the three of Allen into the shanty where he had just been.

This shed is completely different from the scene that Allen saw last time. The small Muggles scattered all over the place have been packed up, and now it is much cleaner. Mr. Weasley dug an interesting door on the side of the shack and got stuck under the roof with some small windows on it. The most fascinating part of the shack is the large and small lattices cut into the walls, which are filled with various Muggle objects studied by Mr. Weasley: a Muggle airplane model flew around a globe ; An iron villain riding a bicycle along a circular track; a Dutch clock dancing tap dance ...

Daisy looked at these small objects with great interest, but did not reach out to touch without permission.

As Mr. Weasley opened the small door on the side, these small objects could no longer attract Daisy's attention. At a glance, she saw a square table with a drawer on the door. A large box, the light screen on the box clearly played a chubby, kind-hearted woman, she was wearing a printed apron, a magic wand was inserted in her pocket, and one hand poked the chest of a red-haired boy Under scolding, her voice came clearly from the box.

Several small wooden chairs flew in front of them, and Mr. Weasley warmly invited Alan and Daisy to sit down and introduced incessantly: "This is my wife Molly Weasley and my son George Wey Sly, Molly is actually very gentle, but George and Fred are really naughty. This summer, they have been sponsored by Allen and developed a lot of new things. Almost no one can escape their pranks. . "

"Cough ... ah sorry, Alan, I'm not complaining about you." Mr. Weasley was afraid of causing misunderstandings, and also realized that he had said a lot of off-topics, and quickly returned to the TV. According to the regulations of the Muggle Goods Department, it is no longer able to receive Muggle TV signals. I have modified the signal transmission and recording equipment. The video on the TV was played by my own modified video equipment, and its effect Yes, it's much clearer than our camera and Muggle TV. I adjusted the size of the tape so that the Muggle video tape and our wizard's can no longer be compatible with each other. It only needs to be registered to be completely legal. The land is on sale. "

Mr. Arthur Weasley stood up and pushed open a small window on the roof of the side wall. Looking up through the window, you can clearly see that there is a black grill on the red roof. The modified signal receiver ... the oil stains on it have not been cleaned, and the residue of burnt food and fat remains stubbornly on it.

"This signal actually came from the house?" Allen asked, feeling the trace of magic.

"But the information you gave me says that the Muggles are all on the roof." Mr. Arthur Weasley explained seriously, "I just tried to make a cover for this magic TV signal transmitter. The scope is not large. If we want to cover the entire British magic world, we need to make a large version and install it on a large scale in the magic world. "

Allen nodded and thrown another question: "How do you change the TV station?"

"You just need to be like this—" Mr. Weasley gently waved his wand. The picture of Mrs. Weasley reprimanding George was immediately replaced by a Ginny with long red curly hair. She wore a white long nightgown and appeared sleepy. In the picture, in the conversation with his father, he learned that when Harry came to be a guest, he might see that he was not trimming through the video he was recording. He immediately screamed and ran back upstairs.

"Mr. Weasley, you are very talented in this regard. Using the wand as a remote control is not only convenient, but also prevents Muggles from turning on the wizard's TV inadvertently and the magic world from being exposed to Muggles." Allen is very Satisfied with this setting: "Oh, why didn't you see Ginny and Hermione?"

"Harry received a letter from the Ministry of Magic Prohibiting Abuse of the Office of Magic. Because he applied a patron saint curse in front of a Muggle, he will go to the Ministry of Justice for trial at 9 am on August 12. Sirius invited us I went to the old house of the Black family to discuss the countermeasures. He told us that you had been there a few years ago and you should know where you are. Molly took the children, so Sirius had to control it in front of the children. With his own temper, he was angry with Dumbledore, and he stayed away from his godson Potter according to the requirements of the letter, and it happened soon afterwards ... Ah, yes, you should have received Dumble. Lido ’s letter? Actually, I stayed at home to complete the final remodeling of the TV set. I ’m sorry Alan. I ’m not very good at cooking. There is no way to make a delicious lunch for you. Ya Mr. Weasley looked awkward.

"Allen, Harry actually encountered a dementor attack ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ He was just out of self-preservation." Mr. Weasley, who suddenly realized that he was too disorganized, rubbed his head. Hand, hesitantly said: "Your brother Mr. Len Harris is now the new director of the Magic Law Enforcement Division. I don't know if he can try more 'fairly' to help Harry get innocent?"

"I know this matter, but this time Minister Fudge asked to be in person." Allen apologized.

"Damn! A minor incident where minors use magic is now going to use a formal criminal court to try, and the Minister of Magic will try it in person. This is really ridiculous!" Arthur, who usually seemed to have no temper, was also tolerant at this time. Can't stop swearing.

Allen said comfortingly: "But rest assured, Harry and I are also good friends. Harris will try to vote Harry as innocent when he verdicts." Seeing Arthur Weasley was relieved, Ai Lun couldn't help but add a sentence in his heart, "but it is estimated that the jury's vote will no longer be used to prove Harry's innocence."

"It's really hard to complete such a transformation in a short period of time. I will send people with specific responsibilities to contact you to obtain the transformation data records. I believe that these TVs will appear in the wizards' living room soon. Weasley Sir, we should go back too, do n’t worry too much, Harry will be fine. ”Shaking hands with Mr. Weasley again, the figures of Allen and Daisy disappeared from the Burrow.


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