Harry Potter’s School of Invincibility

Chapter 531: Xiong (modified, sincerely thank the lea

Draco Malfoy slumped through the forest following the route drawn by his long eyes. Nature uses an invisible giant hand to cut this piece of water near the sea and sculpt it into many solitary peaks and deep valleys. Some are steep and some are majestic, each with a devilish posture. But Draco didn't care about looking at the scenery, his mind was all about what happened before.

"It's better to become a ferret!" He kept thinking about this sentence all the way, but he couldn't change the established fact at all, so he asked him to try to transform into Animagus in order to become familiar with what he was After changing the habits of animals, his long eyes showed his elite character, quickly drew a map of the forest on a piece of parchment, and then he was ruthlessly expelled from the warm building by everyone Residential. The only comfort is that Allen let him take the magic potion that is said to slowly enhance the physical properties of the individual, but then the fact that other people also have a share makes Draco lose his short-lived special pleasure.

Draco thought more and more: "I already knew that I wouldn't even try to learn Animagus! Is it good to lie down in a warm room, comfortably, but to come out and hone my Animagus?" Still driven out, it would be better to become a ferret! "Draco, who was stunned, didn't notice that he had broken into the dense forest, and the light became darker as he walked. ????????

By the time he found that he had turned to the denser forest and deviated from the route drawn by his long eyes, he had completely lost his way. Draco returned to his human form so that his vision could be wider.

The wind blowing in the valley, constantly raising the roar of the woods, and as soon as he turned into a humanoid figure, Draco felt a chill hit him. No, you have to be active, otherwise, your hands and feet will be numb.

Draco was bending over and twisting his neck in the open space in the forest, and there was a strange clatter in the woods. He looked at it soundly, and the small bushes separated to the sides, mixed with the sound of breaking the branches. He was about to see clearly that a giant bear had burst out of the bush and ran to the open ground. When he saw Draco, he arched his ugly face. All the ruthless rumors about bear-eaters that I heard recently in Drumstrong flashed in Draco's brain.

Do you attack or run away with a spell? After a little hesitation, Draco, who was always easy to counsel, ran back.

He ran desperately without turning his head. As an experienced bear child, Draco also chose a path during the escape. He tried to find some big rocks that were not easy for the giant bear to run and climbed up and down.

And the giant bear didn't give up, it continued to run towards him along the bushes below him.

Draco heard the voice behind him getting closer and closer, feeling his sore legs, tears streaming out of his eyes, "Those attribute potions haven't worked yet! If you weren't an exchange student, don't Will come to Demstrang; if you do n’t come, you will not practice Animagus; if you do not practice Animagus, you will not become a skunk; not become annoying Skunk, he will not be kicked out; if he is not kicked out, he will not meet the giant bear ... "

The more I thought, the more grievous Draco's tears and his nose flew together. He was inattentive and tripped over a tree root protruding from his feet. His shoulders twitched uncontrollably, and a groaning cry of despair and despair was made. He staggered and continued to run forward.

His strange cry was so sad that the giant bears running behind were startled, but after a slight pause, he continued to catch up.

Draco's gasping breath became more and more rapid, and he heard the heavy bears' footsteps behind him, with a sense of upright hair, and Malfoy's tearful face was pale, and he pulled out of his cloak in despair. The magic wand in the plan is going to die.

However, unexpectedly, the giant bear actually caught up and surpassed him faster than him. Draco looked at the giant bear in surprise, and the giant bear turned to look at Draco, the two running His eyes were intertwined, and on his round face, Draco's mouth widened, his eyes full of disbelief, he even saw horror in the eyes of the giant bear, and also felt some kind of In the sense, his own expression should be similar to this giant bear.

Before he could figure out what was going on, the giant bear jumped up, stepped over a huge rock, and ran forward without thinking.

At this moment, there was a more rapid noise in the woods behind, and Draco's breath was suffocated: "Broken, a monster that scares the giant bear?" He also accelerated his pace, following the giant bear The direction of running, fleeing fatelessly.

"Ha ha ha!" A sound that was supposed to be low, but sharp and short because of excitement came. The big guy Vasily who stood up to challenge Allen in the duel class quickly ran into the valley, He recognized that it was the exchange student from England who was chasing the giant bear like him, and he could not help but exclaim from the heart, "I found this prey first! It's rare, and there are even so many British wizards. Brave hunter! Although your physical performance does not look good, but for your brave performance, if you will hit it, I will give you some bear meat, and I invite you to drink vodka! "

Draco's various performances were seen in his long eyes that followed him to protect him in secret. After going back, Long Eyes described the reactions of him, Giant Bear, and Vasily.

"Draco didn't just pour a glass last time? How dare you go drinking with Vasily?" Allen was puzzled.

Long-eyed Vladimir looked a little nervous, carefully looking at Alan's expression, "This is actually blaming me. The last time I told him that someone asked him to drink and did not accept it, it was equivalent to insulting each other. Obviously Draco did not want to insult the big guy. Vasily……"

"It's okay, you a few take the attribute potions, hurry up to transform Animagus, and we will register together when we return to the UK, so that's fine, then let's be more high-profile and let everyone know that our Harris family There are such methods. Um, so Draco is also embarrassed to register with more people so that he is not so conspicuous. "Alan found that the other person's smirking expression couldn't help but smile a little," It's quite happy, You do n’t have to hold back if you want to laugh, but you still have n’t changed. Do n’t overturn the boat yourself, and you ’ve been with him for a long time, go to rest, I have to go back to bed, this weekend You have to go back to the UK to attend one party at a time. "

At night Allen was lying in bed ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ Thinking about Malfoy's encounter with bears and his experience in Destrom, he felt that he had neglected the actual combat abilities of the team members.

Unlike his own training room in the Harris Tower, which can simulate opponents and various scenarios, the training class is now training at the Hogwarts Curse Classroom, and in the teaching method, duel training is also available, But it is a one-on-one way full of rituals, like the traditional British wizard duel.

In this way, compared with the wizards of Destrom, the wizards of Hogwarts are obviously in a weak position in combat training, which is really too bad.

Just like Malfoy today, even if the training class did not teach too much black magic in order to take care of the Hogwarts response, the knowledge gained in the training class is definitely better than that of Vasily in Demstrand. There are many more things. Obviously, dealing with a bear doesn't need a very deep spell, but after a sudden encounter, Draco has no experience and courage to face this seemingly difficult opponent.

"If during the period when Dumbledore was temporarily driven out of Hogwarts, it would be an opportunity for reform before he was reset. Wait for this meeting to discuss with his father. Education in the British magic world needs a little reform. "Thinking of this, Allen rolled over and went to sleep.

???? "Allen, you've pressed my hair." Luna pushed his shoulder.

???????? "Ah, sorry."