Harry Potter’s School of Invincibility

Chapter 666: return

After receiving Merlin ’s sister and brother-in-law at Hogwarts for a meal, Allen returned to the Black Lake.

Allen brought on death knights who are destined to be better equipped in the future, and now only use ordinary weapon armor to satisfy Allen's personal hobby and fully armed. Together, they walked into the lake in a mighty way, and went to the cave surrounding the deep lake of Hogwarts.

This huge cave wall depicts a natural texture with devil's blood. It looks exactly the same as Allen saw last time. Under the influence of magic, it has not suffered the erosion of years.

Walking into it, the zombies wearing Muggle armor were no longer enthusiastically building a mage tower. Apart from the signs of being overlooked by negative energy because of the long-term activities of undead creatures, there was still silence here, Ravenk Law's Master Tower has disappeared from this cave.

Allen brought these death knights to a tributary cave at random and ordered them to walk in. The magic rolled in the room, and the soil was scattered all over the place, forming a neat little mound beside it, and a huge pit appeared In this cave.

In Allen ’s order, the death knights were neatly arranged in the pit, and then the dirt spattered on them again. The death knights who obeyed Allen did n’t blink. They are buried.

Above the mud, Allen meticulously imprinted ancient demon scriptures on the ground with his wand, and outlined the mud buried with these death knights, emitting a faint red and black light. Allen arranged a formation that can absorb negative energy on these soils, so as to ensure that these death knights have enough energy to maintain their body, so as not to rot in the long years while waiting. Bad.

After doing all this, the wizard tried to perceive the position of the blood oath, and found that Royna Ravenclaw had completely covered his position. Allen estimated that the other party had not yet become a real pseudo-god. She hasn't mastered the way to keep her youthful, so she didn't want to see herself at all this time.

Shrugging helplessly, Allen left the caveman's message to help him look after the death knight, then stepped into the shadows and teleported back to Hogwarts Bonnie's office.

For Merlin, coming to Hogwarts certainly gave him a very new feeling, but when he saw Allen again in the vice principal ’s office, he was very reluctant, and now he was sent to the school of magic. It means that he is about to be separated from his mentor, which makes him feel sad and sad when he has developed some emotional dependence on his mentor. Recently, he has experienced too many separations.

Even if Alan could detect Merlin's thoughts, Merlin's reluctance to write on his face made him understand his thoughts and thoughts at once. Alan touched the time converter hanging around his neck with his hand. The pink sand of the last small gourd did not fall into the gourd below. This means that Alan can stay in this time and space for a while. time.

"I ’ll find a hotel in Hogsmeade Village for a short period of time and take a break. By the way, I will find some materials to complete the oak wand that I want to give you. In addition, you can teach you and you every day at Bonnie My elder sister and brother-in-law recognized and read and write, and then I came here. Since I became your mentor, I should always teach you something myself. "Allen could not go back anyway, so he really taught himself. The apprentice ’s thoughts for a period of time should be responsible.

"Teacher, I will be on time!" After listening to his tutor, he would stay for a while, but also personally teach himself to learn magic for a period of time, Merlin was very excited.

The following period of time is a rare calm after this conversion time. Allen teaches Merlin daily in the hotel room in Hogsmeade Village, giving some of his own experiences and matters needing attention in magic to each one. Merlin listened, hoping that Merlin would take fewer detours in the process of studying magic, be able to expand his horizons and increase his knowledge, so that he should not go on the wrong path of pure white or pure black wizard ...

For the little Merlin, the daily heavy work has made him very tired, but he still insists on walking to Hogsmeade every day and seriously studying with the tutor, although Merlin is actually just now. Recognize the letters and never understand the esoteric curse theory, but Allen is still half-duck teaching to let his apprentices keep those oral knowledge as much as possible, and use a lot of practical demonstrations to make Merlin produce this in his heart. The basic concepts-the demon lineage that ca n’t read and write and the abyss of the bottomless abyss make Merlin difficult to learn some of the strong orderly and inductive knowledge of Allen, but also let him demonstrate the actual operation of Allen. It looks very talented—especially the talents of Transfiguration and Prophecy are so good that Alan is also quite surprised.

In this way, little by little, drop by drop, teaching and learning, from the very beginning, Allen only had a collecting habit like a stamp collecting by sex, and now there are still some mentors and apprentices. It's just that the time of meeting is always short, and the pink quicksand in the hourglass of the time converter has little left, and the time is coming.

On this day, when Merlin left Hogsmeade and returned to Hogwarts, Allen let his shadow raven carry some parchment paper and flew out the window, then he withdrew his room at the hotel and went straight to After Bonnie ’s principal ’s office, after a brief chat, Alan revealed his intention to visit: “Bonnie, you should also draw a portrait of yourself and Merlin, and put it in a room where you can hide things in the house, I will add it to Helga's painting in the future. "

"Time is up?" Bonnie looked at Alan's face that seemed to have not been impregnated by any years, remembering the reason that her mentor told herself, she realized that the other party was about to leave this era, this is reasonable, Bonnie I was n’t surprised, but to her surprise, Allen ’s last request made her understand. Compared with his original inference, Allen was obviously more emotional than he seemed, "I will Yes, but I still put it behind the painting of a silver bowl full of fruits in front of the kitchen. I put it behind the painting frame. "

"Hufflepuff always knows how to hide—how to protect himself." Allen nodded to realize that he had just neglected the negligence. The room where he was hiding in the requesting room of that era was a student and a professor after thousands of years. We have been working hard to achieve that scale, and now for Hogwarts, which is less than a hundred years old, it is obvious that what was put in at this time is not so easy to avoid others discovering.

In the end, I finally hugged Bonnie as a goodbye to her forever. After releasing it, Alan shook her hand at her and turned into the shadow directly to the place where he and Ravenclaw camped in Black Lake. .

This time, Alan did n’t need anyone to see him off. He did n’t disturb the others. He just let the Shadow Raven leave a farewell letter to Merlin, who is still returning to Hogwarts. , He also attached some of his own magical experience and records.

Then, as the last pink crystal sand in the transparent gourd slipped, Allen's figure disappeared from England in 1066 without a trace.

At this time, near London, the remaining Anglo-Saxon English aristocracy had carried out many small-scale resistances before, but they all ended in failure. The surviving British lords began to infight. The nobles headed by Earl Edwin and Morca, the last male descendants of the Wessex dynasty, who were elected as the new kings and had no time to be crowned Edgar II, expressed their obedience to William. Harold Anglo-Saxon King Harold who defeated the last Viking invasion not long ago was killed. William was crowned the third King of England that year at Westminster Abbey on Christmas Day.

William successfully conquered England and was crowned king with an iron fist. He allocated the land that originally belonged to the Anglo-Saxon nobles of Harold and southern England to the nobles who were neutral in this battle. Strengthening the kingship made the nobles ’rights Compressed to a limited range, stepped under the feet of all Anglo-Saxon lords who tried to be independent and autonomous.

At this time, just like his Viking ancestors, the new King of England William I did a gorgeous turn. He did n’t care to sit on the throne in London and did n’t bring the crown of England back to France. Less than half a month later, rebellion broke out in the French land, and he returned to Normandy with his army by boat. The most interesting Yes, William had set foot on the island of England once in his life. After that, as the nominal king of England, he never came to England again.

The illegitimate king sent people to investigate the actual situation and economic power of the nobles and self-cultivated land in the entire England region in 1085 and 1086, promulgating the land tax investigation report called "The Doomsday Trial"-according to the above records, Merlin's hometown The village of Crawhurst is already white, and it has never been rebuilt.

Immediately a year later, in 1087, Merlin, who had graduated from Hogwarts Slytherin earlier, in July of that year, Mount in France finally avoided the defense of the William captive wizards and completed his own. Revenge, he stabbed William with the dagger called the pink furry rabbit that Allen gave him, and used the power of the curse to show the words "the illegitimate son of the tanner daughter died from the pink furry rabbit." Later, William I, who had not been able to lift the curse and heal wounds of the wizards around him, died at the Saint-Govens Convent in Rouen, and his third son, William II, was beside him because of shame. The Norman dynasty had to announce to the outside that their king was killed in a horse fall accident.

After William's death, he was transported back and buried in the Abbey of Saint Etienne in Caen, Normandy. He became fat in his later years. When people tried to shove him into the coffin when he was buried, his body ruptured due to the power of the curse under Merlin, which made the whole church full of an unpleasant smell-if Hogg Marcus Flint, the former Slytherin Quidditch captain of Watts, can surely recognize the similarity between this taste and the super powerful dung egg.

Finally, when William arrived at the cemetery and was about to be buried, the accident happened again. The former bald-headed cauldron knight, and the current Normandy Baron's Mordred suddenly jumped out like a crazy man claiming that the cemetery's land belongs to him The territory, and knocked down the priest Randolph Freimontbad who came to appease, and then demanded justice in front of Brittany and French nobles and Norman local nobles who came to the funeral. After paying 60 shillings in anger, his father William I ’s body was buried.

As the son of William I, William II, known as the red-faced William, was like a father. He was not only a combatant but also a ruthless ruler. The place he ruled was only loved by a few people; in the Anglo-Saxon chronology According to the record, he is "hated by all the people". And as a **** king who has never married and never had an illegitimate child, he was even more annoyed that Modred had beaten his favorite Randolph? Freimontbad-this also led to Merlin being used to capture souls The Baron Modred, the mantra controlled by the mantra, brought disaster to the family he founded.

After completing the revenge, Merlin, who had no longer hatred the target, finally put the target back to magic, but because of the investigation he learned that the vice-principal Bonnie knew his mentor before the establishment of the school at Hogwarts ~ www. lightnovelpub.net ~ and the one-sided information that I heard from Allen before that changed time makes Merlin mistakenly think that his mentor Allen is from the past.

This ultimately led Merlin without a time switcher to take advantage of the hours after the creation of the Merlin Jazz Group, which is committed to advocating for the protection of Muggles like his sister Judith and his brother-in-law Tofi, and defending their rights. The reversal curse attempted to track the pace of his mentor. As a result, this unstable curse had an accident and a deflection as scheduled, and Merlin returned to more than five hundred years before his time-and the Merlin Jazz he founded was long. During the time period, the organization that initially focused on advocating the rights and interests of Muggles was transformed into an award society that was commonly used to recognize great magical achievements.

And because there was no unavoidable time to backtrack the damage, Merlin was trapped in that era and dared not move, and eventually became the best friend and mentor of Arthur Pendragon, Arthur. Merlin also often prophesied and other similar Allen participated in the goblet of fire During the game, magic such as sea control that separated the black lake helped King Arthur and helped him build a round table knight. Eventually Merlin guided Arthur to the sword of the king and ruled England at that time.

With the advancement of the wizarding world under Hogwarts and the ensuing wizarding academies, the twelfth century after the development of the wizarding society, Hogwarts graduate Merlin and Merlin during the Arthurian period were finally confirmed by the wizards. When he was the same person, the secret apprentice of Allen Harris also had the prestige he should have in the wizarding world and the Muggle world.