Harry Potter’s School of Invincibility

Chapter 672: The person who predicted

"Actually, I prefer to use the door key of the Ministry of Magic pool," Dumbledore helped him with his crescent-shaped glasses. "The statue of the golden witch in the pool, you just point him with a wand and say 'Mentos'. , There will be a door key, but now the Ministry of Magic is in the power overlap, it is not convenient for me to use, after all, they have a lot of things to be busy tonight. "

"You mean Mr. Irving? Harris?" Harry asked, licking his lips, vaguely. He felt that Dumbledore's relationship with the Harris family might not be close.

"Obviously our Minister Fudge was completely in a disadvantage in this fight when he denied Tom's return." Dumbledore led Harry quickly towards the principal's office.

The thought of Alan, who had become friends during the Muggle period, made Harry even more sad. What about gaining power? Nothing is more important than living relatives by your side. It's like a boy, a savior, etc. who all called themselves to death, but he would rather use all these switches to get his parents to stay with him.

Dumbledore ’s seemingly penetrating gaze made Harry look away uncomfortably. “Everyone ’s pursuit is different. In some people ’s minds, it ’s worth sacrificing some for greater benefit. I will make such a mistake on the go. "

"Harry!" Ginny, who was waiting in the principal's office, saw Harry's figure and ignored the magical robe on her body, letting its hem drag on the ground, went straight to Harry, and took Harry Embracing Ginny's sudden enthusiasm, Harry instantly thought of Mrs. Weasley, who was a little embarrassed, patted Fear of Ginny's back, and gently broke away from Ginny's arms.

Ron glared at his sister, but then laughed and hit Harry's chest with his shoulder, only to find that his buddy seemed a little trance, and did not respond to it.

Neville and Flegg asked in surprise, "Principal Dumbledore, can you come back?"

"Yes, Mr. Longbottom and Mr. Brown." Dumbledore winked at them and said kindly, "I think you can talk to Harry later, you should now go back to your dorm and change to a more decent For some costumes, I'm not officially reinstated, so don't worry that I will deduct your college points for violating the curfew. "

"But Harry, isn't he going with us?" Ron, anxious to know the situation, asked directly, "And they haven't changed our clothes yet, I only have this one ..."

The keen Ginny tugged at her brother's robe, and she knew Dumbledore clearly had something more important than their clothes to talk about.

"I think the Ministry of Magic will deal with this matter soon, but I need to borrow your Harry a little time and talk to him a few more times ..." Dumbledore walked to the chair behind the large desk.

Several people glanced at each other, and said goodbye to the headmaster politely, then walked out of the headmaster's room in an unsuitable robe. At the end, Friegg took the door thoughtfully.

"Sit down first." After entering the principal's room, Harry was looking around when a cup of hot tea flew in front of Harry.

Harry fiddled with the teacup in front of him and took a polite sip, but he didn't think about tea at this time. Although the hot hot tea fell into his belly did make his whole body warm, but as he calmed down, Allen ’s misfortune of unrealism faded and he began to accept the fact that his mind was occupied by what Dumbledore said about Allen.

Dumbledore just watched this Harry Potter calmly and gently.

Noting the headmaster's gaze, Harry's voice was bitter. "Professor, Alan, can't he really come back? Is it really possible to fall into that veil? Is it possible for Alan if the mysterious person can come back?"

"Harry, fall into that curtain, no one can live out of it. We have to accept the fact that Alan has left us forever. Death is just another great adventure. With his bravery, he will go on." Dumbledore looked directly at Harry. His expression was kind. "It's not your fault, Harry."

Harry didn't say anything. Allen was so good and powerful. He never thought he would leave them so early. How is Hermione now? How sad she should be. Harry felt that he was a little faceless. Friend, if it were n’t for him to ask Allen to go to the Ministry of Magic for his godfather, maybe the chances of the Harris family would change, and at least he would n’t die if he did n’t fight in front of the curtain.

"This is actually the choice of Allen and the Harris family behind him. Even if it ’s not you, even if it ’s not today, a duel between Allen Harris and Voldemort is imperative. I have tried to persuade him not to be so anxious. , As long as he can slow down a bit, his achievements may exceed every wizard you know. "Dumbledore continued to enlighten Harry, and he couldn't help but feel sorry for himself," Harry, you have Such feelings are normal, and this is part of human nature. "

"Hey! Dumbledore? Obviously a wizard with such talent and strength can't listen to you. In fact, I think that even most ordinary wizards can't listen to you unless things are coming. The portrait in the principal ’s office, Phineas Nigellus Black, finally could n’t help but stop pretending to sleep, he said slyly, “But the light blond boy is the second bad boy! It ’s okay to die ! Otherwise, according to my opinion, you have to cultivate a black devil ... "

"Enough, Phineas." Dumbledore raised his hand to stop the portrait. Apparently, Phineas, who was previously stunned by Allen with a coma spell because he didn't say a word, was still not convinced, but he just suffocated Mouthless but did not continue to speak.

"Harry, you are a real Gryffindor. When you believe that others are in danger, you wo n’t be hiding at home. But it ’s not your fault. If I talked openly with you before, Then you will know that Voldemort will try to lead you to the Department of Mystery Affairs, and you will never be deceived there last night. Of course, the Harris family may have planned this matter long ago, and the fault is not yours. It ’s all caused by everyone. ”Dumbledore ’s finger pressed to his head, his expression a little tired.“ Harry, I owe you an explanation. As the principal, I ’m also responsible for Allen ’s affairs, because I now realize that, as he reminded me before, all the things I have done and did not do about you have the regrets of the old people. The young people do n’t know that they are old What people think, and they do n’t know how they feel, but if the elderly people forget what they were like when they were young, it ’s a big mistake ... It seems I have n’t remembered it recently ... "

The tea in Harry's hands was cold, but he didn't realize it. He stared at Dumbledore and almost held his breath. He listened but could hardly understand what the other person was saying.

Dumbledore lowered his hands and looked at Harry from his half-moon-shaped glasses, "It's time, I should tell you what I should have told you as early as five years ago. Please sit down and I will tell All your things. I only ask you to be a little patient. Then you can get angry with me ... can do anything you want ... I wo n’t stop you after I finish talking. "

The sun was rising, and the mountains showed a dazzling orange light. The sky was bright and white, and the light was shining on Dumbledore, shining on his silver eyebrows and beards, and deep on his face. On wrinkles.

The principal of Hogwarts stared at the sun-drenched ground outside the window, and after a while his gaze returned to Harry. He said: "Harry, five years ago, as I planned and hoped, you came to Hogwarts unharmed. Oh ... not completely unharmed, you suffered. When I left you on your uncle, I knew when you were at the door of your aunt ’s house that you would suffer. I knew it would be destined to go through a dark and difficult decade-I knew that Voldemort ’s magic knowledge might be more extensive than any living wizard now. I also I know that once he has recovered all his magic, I am afraid that even if I use the most complicated and powerful spell, I may not be able to beat him. "

Harry stared at Dumbledore intently, but said nothing.

Dumbledore unconsciously looked away from Harry's green eyes: "But, I also understand where Voldemort's weakness is. So I decided that ancient magic should protect you. He understands this magic. , Despise this kind of magic, and he always underestimates this kind of magic ... and because of this, he paid a price for it, of course I mean your mother gave up her life to save you. She gave you a sign Unexpected lasting protection, this protection is still flowing in your blood to this day. So, I trust your mother ’s bloodline. I gave you to her sister, her only surviving relative. "

"She doesn't like me." Harry said immediately, "She didn't give me a little ..."

"But she took you in," Dumbledore interrupted him. "She may have been reluctant, unhappy, and she took you in with reluctance and complaint, but she accepted you after all, and in the process, she also saved The spell I gave you. Your mother ’s sacrifice makes the blood bond the most powerful protective screen I can give you. As long as you can still call the place where your mother ’s blood exists, you will be there. Will not be disturbed or hurt by Voldemort. Voldemort made her blood flow out, but that blood still exists in you and her sister. Her blood has become your refuge. As long as you call it home, You need to go back once a year. At the same time, as long as you are there, Voldemort cannot hurt you. Your aunt knows this. I left the letter at the door of her house and explained what I did to you in the letter. Everything, she knows that leaving you at home can ensure that you are safe and sound in the past fifteen years. "

When Harry got up, Dumbledore raised his hand again to interrupt Harry: "Harry, everything is not accidental, there is a reason. Voldemort wanted to kill you when you were a baby, because A prophecy shortly before your birth. "

Harry was originally asking about his aunt and mother, but Dumbledore suddenly spoke of the prophecy, which made him a little puzzled. Although he already vaguely knew from some of the previous things that he had a prophecy related to him Even tonight the shelves full of prophecy **** in the Division of Mystery that he was led to were obviously Voldemort doing so to get a prophecy related to himself.

"Actually, this prophecy doesn't need to take that prophecy ball, I can tell you. That prophecy I heard with my own ears." Dumbledore sighed, took out his meditation basin, and then pulled out a ray from the temple Silvery, silky thoughts, put those thoughts on the wand into the basin. Professor Sybil Trelawney emerged from the basin, and it was completely different from the usual fashion gods in the class. Her voice was low and hoarse: "The person who has the ability to defeat the Dark Lord has approached ... Born three times before. His family was born at the end of July ... The Dark Lord will mark him as his enemy, but he will have the power that the Dark Lord does not know ... One of them must die in the other hand, because two Individuals ca n’t all live, only one survives ... The one with the ability to defeat the Dark Lord will be born at the end of July ... "

"There were two people who met at the time, one was you and the other was Neville Longbottom. He eventually marked you as a rival and left you with this scar." Dumbledore pointed to the scar on Harry's forehead. .

"Why did he do this?" Harry said, feeling cold and stiff all over his body. "Why did he choose me? Why would he kill me when I was young? He should wait for me and Neville to grow up and see See who is more dangerous, and then try to kill that person— "

"Yeah, that's probably more practical," Dumbledore said, "but Voldemort's understanding of that prophecy was incomplete. Severus was discovered just halfway through the prophecy, and he was thrown out. Outside the house. "

"Snape? Did he tell Voldemort?" A burst of violentness piled in Harry's heart.

"Professor Snape, Harry, he didn't know that the person was referring to you. After he knew it, he would never feel at ease for the rest of his life." Dumbledore said, "He only heard the beginning, just It is predicted that a boy will be born at the end of July, and his parents have resisted Voldemort three times. Therefore, it is impossible for him to remind his master that striking you will pass power to you and mark you as his enemy. So Voldemort does not Knowing that there will be danger in attacking you, Harry, you are the savior and the only one who hopes to defeat Voldemort. "

Dumbledore asked Harry softly: "I think Professor Snape has already told you that this scar has caused you to connect with Voldemort. You should also know why I asked your godfather at the beginning of your summer vacation. Not much to contact with your friends-although I changed my mind later. "

Harry raised his eyes and saw the sadness and exhaustion of Dumbledore's face at this time. Harry murmured, "Yes, they all gave me more or less some information, but unfortunately I just can't learn well. Occlusion of the brain ... Allen once told me that I should not blindly over-indulge in a prediction that predicts the future. He said that he can only use prediction and divination as a reference. "

"Just like Allen told you, Harry, the prophecy is not always fulfilled, or it will be fulfilled in a way that we are completely unexpected or even imperceptible-although if you just use it to find something that already exists It ’s still very convenient. But Harry and Allen have different views on some of my practices and attitudes toward this prophecy. What he misunderstood me is that I do n’t really believe in divination and Prophecy, I even considered canceling this course at Hogwarts until I met Professor Sybil Trelawney to make this prediction. "Dumbledore's voice was quite low, but when it came to predictions Afterwards, there was a trace of lightness again, "I was actually very worried that Allen would accidentally make this prophecy chosen by Voldemort himself, but today he fell into the veil, which made me feel very sorry and blamed, but It also made me more convinced that you are the one who defeated Voldemort in the prophecy. "

Under the guidance of Dumbledore, Harry thought of the last of the prophecy ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ blurted out and asked, "The last of the prophecy ... seems to be about ... two people can't both live ..."

"... Only one survives and you have the ability to defeat the Dark Lord. After he marks you as a strong enemy, you are the only one who can defeat him at the end. It is not me, not Allen, but you, Harry? Potter, "Dumbledore said, refocusing his eyes on Harry's green eyes, and then he became a little more arrogant:" I think I owe you another explanation, Harry, you may have wondered why I didn't take you Choosing as the rank leader? I must admit ... I think more ... you have too much responsibility to take. "

Harry glanced up at him and found a tear slipping across Dumbledore's cheek and flowing into his long gray beard.

Although he did n’t know what strength he had, he had always been trusted and admired for Dumbledore, who gave him courage. He said to Dumbledore with a firm tone: "I must live between Voldemort and me until the end It is myself! I will avenge Allen! "

"If Allen is not so anxious ..." Before he finished, Dumbledore and Harry's eyes suddenly looked out of the window. A silver-white hare patron jumped in directly from the window, Tonks A cheerful voice came from its mouth, and the loud voice did not match its small figure: "I saw Alan Harris is back, he is still alive!"