Harry Potter’s School of Invincibility

Chapter 683: pear

The father and daughter talked a little strangely again.

"Helena, really don't want me to admit our relationship now?"

"Dad, wait until you look older than me. Let me go find my mother first."

Helena straightened her body lightly, slowly rose, pulled her body off the ground, and then turned around three times. The posture was as stiff as a puppet being manipulated, and she has maintained a proud and indifferent attitude for a long time She has made her not to make too many expressions, she used this way to express her joy a little strangely.

Allen smiled softly and waved at Helena understandingly. He watched her daughter wear it from the ceiling and leave the basement to find her mother Luna. She looked at the surrounding environment and judged the general direction of the lower auditorium. Allen Going down a corridor, since Allen wanted to go to the Hogwarts kitchen next to the Hufflepuff's lounge in the basement, he planned to take Bonnie's stuff away for him.

A letter with golden phoenix wings suddenly floated in front of him, causing Allen to stop.

Obviously, in the entire British wizarding world, except for his own transformation, there is only one person who can send letters with Phoenix wings, the principal of Hogwarts, Albus Dumbledore.

Allen reached out and opened the letter. Dumbledore, who had known that Allen was returning to school, invited him to gather in the principal's office before lunch, and finally wrote a "caramel popcorn" to tell Allen to open the door.

A feather pen appeared in Allen's hands. Allen quickly wrote a reply on the parchment. He also had some words to talk to Dumbledore, hoping to change his mind.

Writing a reply, Allen did not immediately leave for the principal's room, but continued to walk to the wide stone corridor where the kitchen entrance was located. The torches were bright all around, decorated with pleasant pictures everywhere. Is something to eat. Allen paused in front of a huge silver bowl full of fruit on a picture.

This is the door to the kitchen. As long as you stretch your index finger and scratch the big green pear in the picture, the pear will creep up and laugh, and then become a big green door handle, then you can Pull the door open and walk in-there are also four long wooden tables in the kitchen, exactly the same as the four college tables in the upper hall. At the time of the meal, the food will be sent from the kitchen table to the equivalent college table in the upper auditorium.

There are hundreds of house elves working in the Hogwarts kitchen, where you can get their absolute preferential treatment, and they will scramble to bring food to you in front of you.

It's just that this time Alan didn't enter the door. His goal was not the kitchen full of rich food, nor the warm-hearted house elves. His hands were gently raised, and he aimed at the picture on the wall, then stepped on the foot to remove the picture, flipped the portrait, and removed the back baffle. The fruit silver bowl also contained another A portrait: On the grass outside the tavern in Hufflepuff, the eye sockets are not slightly sunken, and Bonnie with red hair straightens up and sits on a chair with her mouth slightly upturned, looking very dignified. Merlin, who had grown up as a teenager, stood behind her with a big smile. And in the window of the tavern behind them, Ivo Taylor Buddha was holding the lute to sing for Hufflepuff. Crossing the shining lake in front of the lawn, the small village in the distance was immersed in the afterglow of the setting sun. The villagers carried agricultural tools and worked in the forest and the field. The brown and brown British pony bowed its head and nibbled the turf. After flicking around, everything seemed quiet and peaceful. That was the place where Merlin had lived since childhood—Crawhurst Village. Obviously, this small village was added by Merlin later. In order to commemorate the place where he lived, it was also the place where he met the teacher for the first time.

Take the picture off the frame and put it back on the baffle again. Allen put the silver fruit bowl painting as the entrance of the kitchen back to its original position.

He took out his pocket watch and looked at the time. It was too late to greet everyone in the portrait and put it in his pocket. Allen stepped into the shadow and teleported to the door of the headmaster's room—without shouting an order, the stone monster was left and right. Allen walked up the moving spiral staircase to the oak door, which opened itself.

Dumbledore sat behind the wide principal's table, widening his eyes with a wide eye and carefully nodding at him. Allen saluted slightly and walked towards him. A sound of wings fluttering softly, Phoenix Fox left the branch where it perched, flew over from the office, and flew around Allen. "Hello, Fox." Allen said softly, stroking Phoenix's beautiful golden and red feathers, Fox blinked calmly at him—although not many meetings, Allen's Animagus made him like Fox.

"Did you have something to drink?" Dumbledore and Yan Yuesai said, reaching out to motion Allen to sit on the armchair opposite his principal's table.

"Butter Beer Bar" Allen answered calmly as he sat down.

"Could I have some more popcorn? I'm hooked on this thing recently, and it's great for watching TV ... caramel is crispy and sweet." A small basket of caramel popcorn appeared in front of Allen, and the butter beer gurgled from The hip flask slipped into a glass beer glass.

Allen raised his glass and paid tribute to Dumbledore. He took a sip—the house elves in Hogwarts ’kitchen were clearly superb. They added a little salt when cooking the syrup, balancing the sweet feeling. , Making Allen feel that it tastes a bit more to him than the three brooms.

"Professor Harris, it seems that you have taken a great adventure, and I am very happy and welcome you back to Hogwarts." Dumbledore looked at Allen's silver hair, pale cheeks, and his unusual body, It has a costume of ancient wizard style.

"Thank you, Principal Dumbledore, congratulations on resuming most of your identities, and welcome back to Hogwarts." Allen welcomed in the tone of the master. "The chocolate frog card did not remove you ~ www. lightnovelpub.net ~ This made Dumbledore slightly surprised, but he was relieved to think of the Harris family as one of the school's directors.

"They know that as long as I don't remove me from the chocolate frog card, I won't be really angry," Dumbledore said with a smile, as if he was very fortunate about this, and then he dropped the beer glass in his hand. To say seriously: "As the principal of Hogwarts-no, this is a little arrogant. As an old man who has been engaged in education for many years, Alan, please listen to my request."

"Oh? The purpose of my coming here should be similar to the content of your request ... But please tell me first." Allen took another sip of butter beer and put down the glass, then put his hands on the table to listen to each other. Views.

"Allen, I have absolutely no opinion that you want to teach ancient magic and duel training to students. I admit that my philosophy on the past education path has overprotected the little wizards, and I have been too much other things. Distracted, the help your Hogwarts students have had for all is obvious. "Dumbledore's arm propped on the table, bringing his face closer to Allen. He said sincerely," But I still hope you do n’t teach students black magic, Allen, I think you should understand what I mean, not all little wizards can be as firm as you are.