Harry Potter’s Strongest Senior

Chapter 207: The Locket of the Black House

Sean didn't know at this time. The secret he told Harry the other day might have been advanced. If Sirius was willing to get out of prison, Dumbledore would be able to bail him.

Sean deliberately basked in the warm winter sun with Cassius and Chris in the atrium. This position could see people coming down from the principal's room.

"It's a long time to talk." Sean whispered.

"What did you say?" Kris asked.

"Ah, I said today's weather is really good." Sean pointed to the sky.

At this time, four people came down from the principal's office. One of them was a stranger, with sloppy clothes, gray hair, and a haggard face. Sean stared at him for a while and didn't remember who it was.

Soon the four of them separated and walked in different directions. Professor McGonagall was with the stranger. Snape seemed to be going back to the office, and Harry happened to walk in Sean's direction.

"Hey, Harry, where are you going?" Sean asked.

Harry pointed to the protective gear he had not had time to change, and said, "I have to go to the Quidditch equipment room to change my clothes first."

Sean stood up from the stone chair and said, "I'll be with you."

"No need." Harry refused.

"Yes, there's something to talk about on the way." Sean winked at Harry.

"Sean?" Cassius looked at him with a confused expression.

"I'll be back when I go."

Shaun and Harry only left Cassius behind, and Shaun asked directly the subject on the way.

"Who was the man Harry came down from the principal's office with you just now?"

"He is a good friend of my parents," Harry said.

With this reminder from Harry, Sean soon had the person's information in his mind. From the exclusion method, it can be concluded that the sloppy middle-aged was Lupin.

"Is it Remus Lupin?" Sean asked.

Harry tilted his head and said with a look of surprise, "How did you know?"

"I guess, your father was quite famous at Hogwarts when he was a student, and so are some of his friends." Sean said perfunctorily.

"Yes, you guessed right." Harry didn't doubt that his father was indeed quite famous. The trophy he won as a student is still in the trophy showroom, which he saw by chance last semester.

"What's the matter with him coming to Hogwarts? Is he going to apply for a professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts? I heard that Lupin had good grades in his school days and all of them were excellent."

Sean's first thought when he saw Lupin was that Dumbledore invited him to be a professor, so that he would enter Hogwarts a semester earlier than the original plot.

"No, they are talking about visiting Azkaban." Harry's expression gradually declined. "Dumbledore told me the truth about the death of my parents."

"It was Peter Pettigrew who betrayed them and framed Sirius. They are preparing to bail him out of Azkaban."

"Damn." Sean suddenly exposed his swearing. He had just cryptically explained to Harry a few days ago that there would be someone who would bring him family affection in the third grade. It seems that tomorrow is possible without next year.

"Um, Harry, the secret I told you the other day is actually Sirius, you should know it now, he is your godfather." Sean said.

"Well, Lupin told me." Harry hadn't been in contact with Sirius and didn't know him well. When he said his name, Harry didn't have much expression on his face.

"Maybe you don't have to wait for next year, you will soon feel the love you have never experienced before, and Sirius will definitely care for you." Xiao En said.

"Do you know him?" Harry asked.

Sean pondered and said, "I have heard about it, but he is a nice person anyway."

Harry suddenly looked forward to it, and Sean was planning when to destroy the Slytherin locket.

The locket was originally a heirloom of the Gunter family, and it has been carried with Voldemort's mother. After she was abandoned by her husband, she went to Knockover Alley and sold the locket in the Bogembok store.

The locket was sold to a fat witch who claimed to be a descendant of Hufflepuff, Hepziba Smith. Hepziba is a wealthy collector, and there is indeed one in her collection. Hufflepuff's belongings, that golden cup.

Unfortunately, the young Tom Riddle met Hepziba, and in order to get the gold cup and the locket, he approached Hepziba.

When visiting as a guest, Tom Riddle poisoned Hepziba and blamed the house elves she raised. Tom suddenly got two containers that he wanted to become Horcruxes.

He later gave the Golden Cup to Bella. Of course, it was like giving the notebook to Lucius. Voldemort didn't tell Bella that the Golden Cup was a Horcrux, but asked her to keep it safe.

Bella put the golden cup into her vault in Gringotts, which is indeed a good place to keep valuables.

As for the locket, it was made into a Horcrux by Voldemort and hid on an island. However, this incident was discovered by Regulus Black, who was still a Death Eater at the time. This Black was a relative of Sirius Black. younger brother.

Regulus sneaked into the island with Kreacher, the house elf of the Black family, but he could not get out again. He sacrificed himself and let Chekley bring out the locket.

"If Sirius is released, the locket in Black's old house may be destroyed."

Sean only wanted an opportunity, and if it was a fair chance, he "accidentally" found the locket at Black's house.

"By the way, Dumbledore did they say when to go to Azkaban?" Sean asked.

"Next Monday, I will also go together." Harry said.

"Yeah, that's fast."

Under the arrangement of Professor McGonagall, Lu Ping temporarily stayed in the guest room previously prepared for the friendly match between the four schools.

Dumbledore was not in his office. He had already appeared outside the door of Crouch Manor.

Crouch's butler recognized Dumbledore, and he did not notify Crouch, so he took Dumbledore into the manor.

Crouch Manor does not have the luxury of Malfoy Manor, but it also has the taste of Garon. These pure-blooded families have their own differences in enjoyment.

"Sir, Principal Dumbledore is here." The butler reported when he walked to the area where Crouch was resting.

Crouch was lying on a recliner in the warm winter sun, drinking black tea while looking at the Daily Prophet~lightnovelpub.net~ When he heard Dumbledore coming, he quickly put down the newspaper in his hand.

"Albus, today is the weekend. You came to me for business talks, right?" Old Batty said.

"I don't talk about official business on weekends, but I have a private matter to talk to you." Dumbledore said.

Old Batty asked the butler to bring another cup of tea and some fruits and snacks. Dumbledore was not polite, and took a sip of black tea.

"The tea is good, how is it made?"

"The main reason is that tea is expensive," Crouch said.


Dumbledore smiled and put it in the teacup and said, "I need you to do me a favor."

"Let's talk about it first." Old Barty said in a hurry.

"Help me bail Sirius Black, I'm the only one, I'm afraid some people will object, plus you, this weight should be enough." Dumbledore said.

"Blake's case is eye-catching, and you know who he killed, the parents of the savior Harry." Old Barty's words obviously didn't want to help Dumbledore.

"The truth, I think you should have guessed it too, Blake was wronged."

"What good is this for me?" Old Barty asked.

Dumbledore looked at Old Barty and said a name, "Barty Crouch Jr."

Old Batty put his teacup heavily on the couch and got up, and said with an unhappy expression, "Are you threatening me?"

"Yes." Dumbledore said calmly.


Thanks: (a local tyrant snowman) for your reward

Thanks: (stubborn temper) monthly pass