Harry Potter’s Strongest Senior

Chapter 343: The role of Fuling agent?

Penello returned to the player waiting tent, and Hogwarts' companions all stepped forward to congratulate her, but there was not much joy on her face.

Sean gave her a thumbs up, and Penello responded with a smile.

"Why does she seem unhappy?" Harry said.

"Is there? Maybe it's because I think it's better not to play." Sean said.

Penello made the opening for Hogwarts, and the effect of the good start was to mobilize the atmosphere, but the next group was the Hogwarts Civil War, and everyone didn't know who to support for a while.

Paul Forsell of Slytherin and Marton Foley of Gryffindor, both of them are the best in their respective houses.

Meeting today on such an important occasion, the two will definitely do their best to win honors for their academies.

"We all learn the same thing. Who has a better chance of winning, Paul or Marton?" Sissi asked.

"It's hard for me to say. After all, we were all teammates in the last game, and everyone felt sorry for the other." Joseph struggled.

"What's wrong with that, Paul," said Augusto Nott.

Joseph rolled his eyes at him, "You're a classmate, of course you say that."

"Please draw the venue for No. 4." Sinkenis called.

Fleur looked at Paul and Marton and said, "This game can be fun, but will they just admit defeat like Durmstrang did?"

Leno shook his head and said confidently, "No, they don't dare, this is their home court, and they will definitely perform well. Besides, haven't you read their information?"

"Data? Look, is there any problem?" Furong asked in confusion.

"You haven't looked carefully enough. One of them is from Slytherin and the other is from Gryffindor. These two academies have always been rivals at Hogwarts. How could they surrender without a fight."

Paul and Marton drew the dunes on the No. 2 venue, and they smiled at each other.

"This venue, it seems that we will be the first to use it." Paul said.

After the No. 1 team drew the dunes, they didn't fight at all, they just conceded defeat, and Paul and the two were the teams that were officially fighting on the dunes.

"Let's look at the No. 4 players, both of whom are top students at Hogwarts. This civil war will represent the battle between the two houses." Bagman explained with a loud and passionate voice.

In this game, there were even customers who bet on the unpopular, betting to solve the battle within 1 minute. It seems that the first game has provided a lot of ideas for many customers who have lost their way.

Paul and Marton are not as special as Sean, nor are they inexperienced Chrissy and Harry. Their battle can be said to be a very practical demonstration of the level of this class of graduates.

"Paul, Paul"

"Marton, Marton"

The battle between the two was very exciting. After a fierce battle, it took 6 minutes and 3 seconds to end the battle.

"Winner, Paul Forsell." Bagman announced the result that the audience saw.

The fifth game was Chris and Durmstrang's players. Before playing, Sean turned Chris aside as if whispering to Penello.

"I know you're nervous now. The other party is a year older than you and looks so strong," Sean said.

Chris said angrily, "I'm nervous enough, you're still talking here."

"Don't be nervous, take a drink." Sean handed him a small water glass.

"No, I can't drink it." Chris refused.

"You have to drink, it will help you." Sean pretended to be mysterious.

Seeing Sean's strange expression, Chris asked subconsciously, "What help? What is this?"

"Fu Lingjian, shh, drink it now."

At Sean's urging, Chris picked up the water glass and took a small sip, then walked to Sinkenis to draw the venue.

The two of them even won the sand dunes, but Chriss would rather choose sand dunes than snow and woodland.

"Chris, come on."

"come on."

The words of encouragement from her companions lingered in Chris' ears, and she was sent to the arena by the staff in a trance.

In the Leaky Cauldron, old Tom handed old Barty a glass of butterbeer.

"It's Chrissy, old Barty, do you have any confidence in your granddaughter?"

Old Barty looked at Chris in the broadcast screen with relief, she was good enough to represent Hogwarts, at least it proved that the Crouch family has not declined.

"Just do your best. To be able to participate in such a competition is an honor in itself." Old Barty said.

At this moment, Kris took the lead in launching the attack.

"Chris Crouch, very proactive, the prologue of the battle was instantly ignited by her." Bagman said vividly.

And the field really ignited, and Chrissy used Sean to teach her and Bernard's private lessons.

Seeing that the attack was ferocious, the other party hurriedly used Apparition to evade. Chris, Cedric, and Harry on the Hogwarts side had not yet learned to Apparate, so they would be a little disadvantaged against their seventh-year opponents.

Professor Shafik from the Advanced class taught them a way to deal with Apparition.

"Your level is not enough, you can't perceive the fluctuation of space, but you can predict apparition through other aspects."

"When using Apparition, the subtle fluctuations in space will affect the surrounding. You have to learn to observe carefully. For example, on a water-filled ground, the water on the ground will ripple the moment before the opponent appears."

Chris saw that the sand grains were shaking without warning at a distance of seven or eight meters from her in front of the right, and she instantly cast a spell attack in that direction.

The opponent who used Apparition was taken aback. He didn't expect Kris to see through his landing, but Kris' attack didn't hit the boy, but was blocked by the boy's expected sneak attack.

In order to disturb Chris's vision, the "Flying Sand and Stone" boys made the sand and dust in the venue billow, and even the audience could not see the situation in the venue.

"Come on, Chris." Cedric, who was also in the sixth grade, encouraged Chris in the tent.

Although Sean is also in the same grade~lightnovelpub.net~, Kris and Cedric are normal people. Cedric watched Kris's battle as if he was watching himself.

Unfortunately, by the time the fight reached 2 minutes, Chris was already at a disadvantage, but she still persisted for more than a minute.

"Three minutes and 47 seconds, although I lost, my performance was very good." Old Tom said.

"It's much better than I thought, this child must have suffered a lot in school." Old Batty murmured while looking at Chrissy's picture.

"Fuling Elixir doesn't work either, am I too bad?" Chrissy returned to the waiting area with a look of frustration.

Sean also told the truth through this, "Actually, I lied to you, there is no blessing, that is, I took the water from the drinking bucket, and then used the transformation spell to change the cup."

Sean pointed to the two wooden buckets that supply water to the players in the waiting area. "Your performance on the court is all based on your own strength. I explained it to Penello after he came down."

"It's normal to win or lose. The opponent is a year older after all. Besides, you've done a good job." Sean comforted.

Hearing this, Chris felt a little better, but fortunately, she didn't lose the game after drinking the real elixir, so she would fall into self-doubt.

Game 6 was two boys from Babston, who were drawn to field number 4, which the previous groups had not touched.

Site No. 4 is a ruin, with broken walls, collapsed buildings, and broken walls. This is a street battle, which is a great test of the players' agility. Because there are too many bunkers, the accuracy of the players' spell casting is also a big test.


Robbie Coltrane, who played Hagrid, dies at 72