Headline Marriage Contract

Chapter 143: Handsome groom


A clear voice came, Sheng Zhiqian and Jiang Xi turned sideways at the same time, turning their heads to look.

Sheng Jinyu came from across the corridor, and after looking at Sheng Zhiqian, his eyes fell on Jiang Xi.

It turns out that yellow is the color of the complexion. Today, I only know how beautiful the yellow dress is when I see others wearing Sheng Jinyu.

Sheng Jinyu approached, "Who is this beauty? I have never seen it before."

Sheng Zhiqian said: "My school thinks that the school girl, Jiang Xi. She is the reporter of the Chaohua News Agency in charge of People's Headlines, and she studied under Liang Qingyun."

After Sheng Zhiqian finished speaking, Chong Sheng Jinyu blinked.

"My sister, Sheng Jinyu, is the youngest daughter of the uncle, and her elder brother is the promised fiance." Sheng Zhiqian introduced Jiang Xi again.

Sheng Jinyu's eyes lit up, "You are Xu Jiangxi? The promise is to replace the Xu family for twenty years, right?"

Jiang Xi just smiled and said in a friendly voice: "Hello."

"Hello, Miss Xu. I heard that at my elder brother's engagement, your Xu family turned the wedding banquet into a confession ceremony?" Sheng Jinyu said with a smile, but his eyes were clear and open.

Jiang Xi smiled: "I'm sorry, it's not under my control. But I should also say sorry to your family."

"No need to apologize, the Xu family gave us a pirated copy of the Shengjia. I think our Shengjia asked for a replacement of the original one. It's not wrong, right?" Sheng Jinyu suddenly asked jokingly.

Jiang Xi's eyes were surprised, his eyes widened naturally: "Huh?"

Sheng Zhiqian hurriedly pushed Sheng Jinyu: "Sister Jin Yu, don't talk nonsense! Fortunately, there are no elders. If the elders hear you, there will be enough for you to drink a pot."

Sheng Jinyu looked at Jiang Xi again, "Miss Xu, do you know my elder brother? What do you think of him?"

"Sheng Jiang is very good, very humorous and gentleman..."


Sheng Jinyu couldn't help interrupting, and then seeing Jiang Xi being affected, she waved her hand quickly: "Sorry, I am not targeting you, but my elder brother. He is also a humorous gentleman to you, and to others, saying that he is a gangster bandit. All praise."

"Sheng Jinyu, don't say this to your eldest brother. Even if your eldest brother does not have a humorous gentleman, he is at least a handsome noble man. Can you not say that he is bad in front of other girls?" Sheng Jinyu answered speechlessly, and never met Such a sister.

Jiang Xi quite likes Sheng Jinyu's character, because he is not so lively and can't think or say anything, so he is envious of those who can do it.

"You won't mind, oh?" Sheng Jinyu immediately approached Jiang Xi.

There is only a faint incense on Jiang Xi, which is the fragrance of the clothes in the disinfection cabinet, and there is no extra fragrance.

So she smells comfortable.

Perfume can indeed add charm to women, but it will be overwhelming if you are not careful.

Often the perfume is sprayed on its own, and the authorities are fans. It is difficult to know whether the perfume is more or less.

Therefore, the faint fragrance on the clothes can be retained, that is the most suitable, not ten meters away, the strong fragrance will come, exaggerated.

"You are fun, pretty and lively." Jiang Xi answered the question.

"Now, I think you are complimenting me, beauty, leave a contact information?" Sheng Jinyu asked immediately.

Sheng Zhiqian quickly said: "By the way, let's leave a contact information, we have to contact in the future."

"it is good."

When Jiang Xi returned to the table, the wedding had begun.

The purpose of attending other people's weddings is to watch and eat, but Jiang Xi has no feelings.

It seemed that when the banquet was about to end, I heard that the grandfather of the Sheng family was coming. Jiang Xi thought it was the elder of the Sheng family, Sheng Yaozong, but raised his eyes slightly, and then continued to eat the freshly served dishes.

Sheng Jianian did indeed arrive with his elder brother, and when he arrived at the scene, he glanced sharply across the room and saw the woman in the crowd who was devouring.

The corners of Sheng Jianian's mouth curled up slightly, expecting her to look up at him, who would have thought that she was full of food.

At the main table over there, Mrs. Sheng's family couldn't help but look at the two daughters of the Xu family.

Jiang Xi kept eating, but promised to barely move his chopsticks. Although Jiang Xi has been eating constantly, he is elegant in his eating, and he is not even a little embarrassed when he eats shrimps and crabs. Sure enough, he is a natural young lady.

The old lady couldn't help whispering a few words in the old lady's ear, and then the old lady also looked towards Jiang Xi.

He glanced at the promise, and then his gaze fell directly on Jiang Xi's face.

"Now young girls, all of them eat less than mosquitoes. It is a blessing to be able to eat. That girl has good features and meat on her face, which is a blessed look." The old lady commented.

At this moment, I am afraid that even Jiang Xi himself hadn't expected it, because he ate a lot, and was actually praised by the old lady of the Sheng family.

Sheng Jianian and Shen Yaozong only sat at the main table for less than twenty minutes, ate something quickly, drank wine toasted by the newcomer, and the group hurriedly left.

The two most prestigious masters of the Sheng family really showed their posture enough to give the guests who came for everyone to look up, but they could not speak alone.

After Jiang Xi ate and drank enough, he began to rest.

The banquet had gradually come to an end, Sheng Zhiqian walked towards Jiang Xi, and lightly patted her shoulder behind her.

"School girl, I just watched you have been eating. It seems that the dishes suit your appetite?"

Jiang Xi was startled, looked back at Sheng Zhiqian, then smiled and nodded.

"Is it... very embarrassed?" Jiang Xi was a little embarrassed.

She is clearly holding it, and is deliberately trying to maintain her image. Does it still look bad?

Sheng Zhiqian shook his head hurriedly: "Of course not. I watched you eat. I couldn't help but eat a little better. Watching you eat, my appetite was very appetizing."

Jiang Xi breathed a sigh of relief, "If you don't have a bad image, that's good. I'm afraid of embarrassing people around me."

"How could it be? By the way, when you go back, remember to help me, rely on you dear school girl." Sheng Zhiqian said seriously.

"Well, I won't forget, such a big meal." Jiang Xi laughed.

"I have something else, then you sit down for a while?" Sheng Zhiqian said hello and left.

Jiang Xi waved his hand to others, and then sat back, Xu Tai was looking at her weirdly.

"How do you know Miss Er?" Mrs. Xu asked.

"I don't know, she recognized me first. She is also a student of Yunda University, senior sister." Jiang Xi replied.

Xu is too clear, no wonder, she did hear the other person shouting "School Girl", it turned out to be from the same school.

Suddenly, Mrs. Xu was satisfied with Jiang Xi. She deserved to be her biological daughter. She still had so many useful relationships at school. It is very helpful to know the people of Shengjia.

Mrs. Xu asked Xu: "Nuo'er, Miss Sheng Er is also studying at Yundu University, do you know? Why didn't you take the opportunity to get to know your sister before? Everyone recognizes your sister."


The promise was a little impatient, "The second lady you mentioned, isn’t that from the second room of the Sheng family? What do I want to do to get to know her? And, does the second room have a status in the Sheng family? I just have a good relationship with Sheng Jinyu and my sister-in-law. ?"

Mrs. Xu frowned as she listened: "This is still no good. You have to find a way to get the favor of the Sheng family. In the future, you will live in the Sheng family so that you will not suffer. You are right."

"Then I ask you, if I am wronged at my husband's house, how can Miss Sheng Er help?" Xu promise asked back.

Xu Tai thought for a while, a junior, and a second-room wife, it would be really useless if Dafang's wife was wronged.

"It's useless, isn't it? But if I am wronged, Sheng Jinyu can help a lot, right?" Xu promise asked back.

Xu Tai speechlessly responded and promised to shook his head: "Mom, I will consider these things, but I will not do the useless work like you. I have to have results in everything I do, and I will hit it with one hit. I won't waste time doing other things. It's useless. It's hard to please, isn't it?"

"You're old too. Just do whatever you want. I won't talk about you." Xu Tai sighed, what else could she say?

"Mom, I'll go to my mother-in-law, you should go back first." promised to get up.

Tai Xu pulled her wrist: "Don't go, go to say hello to the Sheng family, and go back. Today is not Dafang's home court, you don't need to follow along."

"Oh, isn't it over now? Mom, you take Xu Jiangxi and go first, and I will come back by myself."

Xu Tai yelled several times, promising to pretend not to hear, and did not give any response.

Jiang Xi looked back and asked Mrs. Xu: "Auntie, are we going back now?"

"If you don't want to go back..."

"I still have things to do." Jiang Xi said hurriedly.

While Mrs. Xu couldn't rest assured to promise, she couldn't bear to let Jiang Xi go back on her own. In the end, she could only sigh, "Let's go and thank the host family."

Tai Xu pulled Jiang Xi and saw the second wife of the Sheng family seeing off the guests at the door, and a couple of couples were also there.

Jiang Xi had the opportunity to see a couple of newcomers up close. Sheng Yuqi had better facial features than Sheng Zhiqian, but he was not taller than Sheng Zhiqian.

The bridegroom is really tall and handsome, and the figure hidden under the white suit is also excellent.

Jiang Xi used to think that men wear suits the same, but now that he grows up, he has seen a lot of people wear neat suits, so he can slowly distinguish whether they look good or not after wearing a suit.

And the bridegroom in front of him is undoubtedly pretty.

Mrs. Sheng exchanged greetings with Mrs. Xu, and then their eyes fell on Jiang Xi again, a little surprised.

"This is your biological daughter, right? My eyes are somewhat similar to you." Mrs. Sheng Er said.

Mrs. Xu pulled Jiang Xi over: "Yes, my biological daughter, Xu Jiangxi."

"The name is very unique. I heard that you and our family Zhiqian are alumni. Zhiqian has already talked about it. You work in the Chaohua News Agency?" the second wife asked again.

Jiang Xi nodded: "Yes, sister Zhiqian is an alumnus."

"Very good. Those who can enter the Chaohua Society are talents that should not be underestimated. Yundu University is sure to gather high talents and talents. Do well in the Chaohua Society. In the future, our family Zhiqian, there will be many times when we ask for your help. I hope you will help each other and advance and retreat together for the sake of the alumni of the same school."

Mrs. Sheng's words were very polite, and she meant to speak with Jiang Xi.

Therefore, Mrs. Xu was stunned and looked at Jiang Xi subconsciously.

It was also at this time that he realized that Jiang Xi might have done a good job with him.

Thinking of the praise from her husband and father-in-law to her daughter, now I listened to Mrs. Sheng's words of praise, and it suddenly became clear.