Headline Marriage Contract

Chapter 58: A stranger

"I didn't expect you to come to Yundu too. How long have you been here? You know that I am in Yundu and you didn't take the initiative to contact me."

Xie Wanqing said and looked up and down Jiang Xi subconsciously. Sure enough, she grew up and grew taller. Xie Wanqing remembered that she was only in middle school when she left Benjiang. She was only fourteen or five years old, thin and small.

It's only a few years now, and five or six years have passed in a flash. She didn't think that she was too overwhelming, but now she is like a lotus flower with unique characteristics.

"I have been here for two years, I actually didn't know that Sister Wan Qing you were in Yundu." Jiang Xi smiled shyly.

It was an encounter with an acquaintance, or the introverted and shy elders.

Xie Wanqing couldn't help but sighed: "You are so old, my God, I really dare not look at my age directly, my God, it feels like a momentary thing, you actually grew up so old, then I When you were still at home, you guys like to play with me, my God..."

Xie Wanqing sighed over and over again when she was so relaxed.

The excitement of meeting Guzhi from a different country is really exciting, Xie Wanqing hurriedly pulled Jiang Xi, who was still not very good at talking, into the car.

"Let's go, elder sister invites you to eat delicious food, since you met here today, it is fate! In the future, you will have to rely on in Yun, if you have anything, just come to me, there is a sister. Although sister doesn't make much money, it's okay for you to be wronged by sister to stand up for you."

Jiang Xi looked at Xie Wanqing enviously, "Sister Wan Qing, thank you."

Although Xie Wanqing said so, but Jiang Xi is so embarrassed to trouble others.

Xie Wanqing is five or six years older than Jiang Xi, so Xie Wanqing has always been a big sister in Jiang Xi's heart. Xie Wanqing didn't study at a very early age. She went out to work when she was almost a teenager. She returned to Benjiang every three or five times. At that time, she was dressed very over-aged and fashionable. The little girls who were so provoked as Jiang Xi had stars in their eyes when they mentioned Sister Wan Qing.

In that era, Xie Wanqing was a figure that Jiang Xi and the others admired.

Looking back now, the little worship of that year is still there.

Jiang Xi whispered, "Sister Wan Qing, we all envied you when we were young, and secretly said that we want to be like you."

"What about now? See you again when you grow up. Are you disappointed?" Xie Wanqing asked.

Jiang Xi shook his head: "Of course not. You still make me envious. Are you working here? That's great. I also hope that I will have a good job in the future and I will be able to drive like you."

Xie Wanqing turned her head very well, she was youthful and beautiful, and she explained the appearance of a fashionable city girl very well.

Today's Xie Wanqing is far more mainstream than the mainstream non-mainstream dress when he went back to Benjiang after working outside for a few days. In addition, Xie Wanqing can no longer find a trace of rural atmosphere in her body. This can definitely be regarded as a successful example of gorgeous transformation.

Jiang Xi is envious of Xie Wanqing's successful and self-confident temperament. The appearance of Xie Wanqing gives Jiang Xi a concrete look for the success that Jiang Xi has set in his heart.

Xie Wanqing raised her eyebrows: "It's easy to know how to drive. What are you doing now? Take the time to learn to drive. You can learn it well in two to three months."

When Jiang Xi heard it, he laughed, knowing that Xie Wanqing was wrong about what he said, but he didn't explain much.

"Well, I should learn it. But now I am in school. Sister Wan Qing, you know the situation of our family. You have to spend money to learn a car. I don't have a student loan. My parents borrowed some tuition fees from neighbors in the neighborhood. There is part of part-time job, and living expenses must be part-time by myself... But after graduation, I have my own job, and I will learn it as soon as possible. Girls who can drive are great..."

Jiang Xi took a deep breath, as if saying these words was a bit laborious, not so easy.

Xie Wanqing was taken aback: "Are you... still studying?"

Jiang Xi nodded: "Well, it's only a junior year next semester, and there are still two years left."

"Uh...which university?" Xie Wanqing asked subconsciously.

"Yundu University." Jiang Xi answered honestly.

Xie Wanqing had an accident in her eyes, and she didn't expect it at all, "In a small place like our Benjiang, you can actually get a high-achieving student from Yundu University. It seems that your family is very beautiful in Benjiang."

"It's not that I have to borrow money." Jiang Xi took a deep breath, feeling helpless.

People with better economic conditions will be admitted to Yunda University, and they will feel that it is a good thing for the lintel and the ancestors of glory. But their home almost fell apart because of this.

My father was a worker back then, but he returned to Benjiang after suffering a work-related injury, and stayed half-conscious on the bed. All the expenses at home depend on the mother alone, including grandparents and difficult relatives.

If her mother can insist that she finish high school, she should be content, but who knows that she is too arrogant and ignorant that she was admitted to Yundu University again.

High school teachers have come to visit home one after another, doing ideological work for the parents at home, and asking her to continue her studies at home. University can provide student loans. Jiang Xi cried at home for several days, and finally won this opportunity.

When Xie Wanqing heard Jiang Xi mention the family affairs, some old memories of that small place gradually recovered.

"Oh, yes, your father has not been in good health."

I heard that when Jiang Xi’s father returned to Benjiang due to a work-related injury more than ten years ago, a husband showed it and said that he would not live long. The troublesome matchmaker was going to tell Jiang Xi’s mother that they were coming. Who knew that Jiang Xi's dad was still alive all these years, and it was an accident that he kept breathing.

Jiang Xi's mother was in bed because of her father's illness, and could not go out to work and earn money, so she could only stay in Benjiang, guarding the **** on the bed. The people in the town all said that the Jiang family had harmed his wife, and Jiang Xi's mother spent her entire life on the half-dead person, which is pitiful to say.

Jiang Xi lowered his head, not wanting to mention more about the family.

At the beginning, she insisted on going to university and had a big argument with her parents. At that time, she cried desperately for several days and nights. Now that she thinks about it, her heart hurts.

"By the way, I saw a new article today. Is it really you?" Xie Wanqing couldn't help asking.

If so, then the Xu family should have found her for a while, why is she still looking downright?

"Um..." Jiang Xi nodded lightly, not wanting to mention more.

Xie Wanqing sighed with infinite emotion in her heart, the fate of this man is really...

She followed Sheng Jia to the capital, all the hardships for so many years, in exchange for today's dazzling dress, decent income and work, but so much hard work, not the enemy's bizarre life experience.

"Very good, the Xu family is also a big family, and it will at least save you from fighting for decades in the future."

Xie Wanqing's words fell, and then she shook her head: "No, if you go back to Xu's family to be a daughter, then you don't have to struggle, you just need to enjoy your rich life as your daughter. Those of us who have worked hard for several years, It’s not as good as your family background. Jiang Xi, take this opportunity to go back to Xu’s family. After graduating from university, Xu’s family will arrange a beautiful future for you. Work and future husband’s family will not be bad."

Xie Wanqing said, really full of envy.

Back then, she could replace Jiang Xi and become Sheng Jianian's lifesaver.

Today, she cannot replace Jiang Xi as the daughter of the Xu family.

When Xie Wanqing thought of this, there was a chill behind her suddenly, and she suddenly became sober. Why did she meet Sheng Jianian, and why did she leave Benjiang, and became the right-hand man of the young president of Shengshi Group from an ordinary working girl.

Thinking about it this time, Xie Wanqing felt a chill in her back.

She suddenly turned to look at Jiang Xi, with a little panic. Unexpectedly, Jiang Xi was also looking at her, but Jiang Xi's eyes were clean and free of impurities.

Xie Wanqing felt embarrassed, and soon realized that she was a bit gaffe.

She quickly adjusted her emotions and raised a smile: "Why, you look unwilling to see you."

Jiang Xi buried his head and smiled bitterly, "I used to have my own life..."

She didn't say much, the long silence was enough to show that she was not interested in this matter at all.

Xie Wanqing's back was cold, and she was sweating.

Having been in Yundu for so many years, I had forgotten anything that happened in Benjiang, but the reality suddenly appeared, and it gave her a painful blow.

"What's the matter?" Xie Wanqing was absent, but she was able to cover herself well.

"Sister Wan Qing, do you think I should go back to Xu's house?" Jiang Xi asked.

Xie Wanqing heard the words and thought about it seriously, "Actually, how to say it, different people have different opinions, it depends on what you think. Many people have spent their entire lives, and may not get the happiness you can easily lift. But Many people also find this kind of things at their fingertips very boring, and they want to toss their own way. They call it meaning, the meaning of life, the meaning of life."

Jiang Xi listened carefully and nodded slowly.

By the way, that's right, this is in her heart.

This is what she thinks. She originally studied and lived **** her own track, but suddenly told her that she didn't need to do that. Is it because she wants to accept that her life and learning style is wrong?

"Sister Wan Qing, what about you?" Jiang Xi asked, "Which one are you?"

Xie Wanqing smiled and glanced at Jiang Xi. She said, "I am the same person as you before. I have no choice. I have to live and work hard. My value can only be displayed in my work."

Jiang Xi was a little confused, "Oh..."

Xie Wanqing paused, and then asked: "Most people are very happy after learning that they are the daughters of rich families. Why do you seem to be upset?"

At least from Xie Wanqing's point of view, she can't understand why Jiang Xi is upset. This is certainly not a bad thing, so is Jiang Xi pretending to be hypocritical, or is there something hidden?

"I have my own life track. This incident immediately disrupted my original life." Jiang Xi said boredly.

Xie Wanqing laughed when she heard the words, and she said, "Oh, I understand you, it turned out to be at a loss, little girl, is it scared by such a thing? It's okay, it's a good thing, it's fine after you adapt slowly. worry."

Jiang Xi wanted to say something but stopped, looking at Xie Wanqing's relaxed expression, he began to reflect on himself, is he really thinking too much?