Heads Up Hollywood

Chapter 675: beautiful spring

At the beginning of 2002, Dunn gave a famous speech in USC, which was called "the speech of the century of film change" by the Hollywood industry.

In this speech, Dunn introduced his commercial film concept to the world - put the eggs in a cage and implement the explosion strategy!

Later, Tang En's theoretical book "Explosive Strategy" was officially released, which explained his explanation of the explosive effect in more detail, that is, the Matthew effect, the stronger the stronger, the weaker the weaker, and the winner takes all!

In the past two years, there have been many critical voices in the theoretical circle, the most famous being the "long tail effect", which is completely opposite to the "popular style effect".

But the market is the only criterion for testing theories.

Hollywood's commercial blockbusters have suddenly increased this year!

The summer stalls are crowded, and the Christmas stalls are also crowded.

In this case, many blockbuster films have to adjust their schedules one after another to avoid excessive conflicts.

Like October.

It's definitely been a low season for movies in the past few years, but this year, it's different.

"Mystic River", "The Legend of the Bear" and "Ant-Man" appeared three films that attracted the attention of fans.

It is conceivable that with the gradual deepening and promotion of the explosion theory, there will only be more and more commercial blockbusters in Hollywood, and they will be distributed in every month of the year.

Undoubtedly, fans are the biggest beneficiaries.

In the past, commercial blockbusters that could only be enjoyed in the summer season would probably be seen in January, February, and March because of Dunn's reasons.

Mystic River, directed by Clint Eastwood, hits theaters on October 15.

There is no possibility of losing money in old cowboy movies.

With his fame, even if he completely abandons the box office market, he can still earn back his investment through the two major channels of disc and TV.

"Mystic River" is undoubtedly a rare masterpiece with an excellent reputation. The performances of the actor Sean Penn and the supporting actor Tim Robbins are classics.

With the success of this film, Eastwood will be assured of bold plans for the next film - "the father's flag" and "Iwo Jima letter."

The two films will be filmed in succession, with the American part first, and then the Japanese part.

The shooting locations are mainly in Iceland, Greenland and Canada. Iwo Jima in Japan... belongs to the restricted area of ​​military control. Eastwood will only bring the shooting team to shoot a panoramic shot of Iwo Jima here, and edit it in later.

Dunn hadn't been to Japan for a long time, and he was itchy.

Zhou Fangyuxiong, the president of the Burning Office, has repeatedly invited him warmly, looking forward to Tang En's visit. He also said that he had found more than a dozen good star seedlings and asked Tang En to help him appreciate them.

The kindness was difficult to accept, and Tang En really had no choice but to give him a face.

Those who can work hard!

Last time, Dunn helped him appreciate it once.

It's a pity that Zhou Fang Yuxiong didn't understand Tang En's habits last time, although he found a group of the best young female artists in Japan, the result... Only Aoi Yu caught Tang En's eyes, thinking that she had a chance to become popular Big stars all over Japan.

This time is different. Zhou Fang and Yuxiong said that the average age of the seedlings this time is three years younger than the last time, and they all meet the standard.

"Cough, old cowboy, when you get to Tokyo, I will arrange someone to take you to Iwo Jima to shoot the scene, and I will not go there in person. There is no way, I am too busy with work."

In Dunn's private jet, he spoke to Eastwood solemnly.

Seeing the camera team of more than 20 people on the plane, he was in a bad mood, and he felt like a private plane was ruined.

He has already thought about buying a large plane from Boeing in the name of New Universal Group for business development.

Eastwood suddenly said, "Dawn, are you interested in politics?"


Dunn was stunned.

Eastwood said excitedly: "Your resources are very good, your reputation is big enough, your influence is strong enough, this is the biggest advantage of politics. Arnold is running for governor, and I am also a member of the campaign team. If If you want, I can help you make peace, and after the election is successful, start with the California Congressman."

Tang En didn't know whether to laugh or cry, "Old man, how old are you? If you don't want to retire, it's okay to insist on making movies. After all, movies are your life. But politics...isn't necessary?"

Eastwood said solemnly: "It is precisely because I love movies that I want to enter politics. Don't you think the current California government is too harsh on Hollywood? Hollywood is the window of the United States and the exchange center of world culture. The government departments have Further unburdening is necessary."

Dunn said softly: "President Bush's policies have been very good. The development of Hollywood in recent years is much better than that of President Clinton."

Because of the election system in the United States, the two major parties are in power alternately, which often changes day and night, causing people to panic.

Like Hollywood's Paramount Act.

After the bill was proposed that year, it was greatly questioned and was shelved for a time. The federal government once again allowed the combination of film companies and movie theaters.

However, the bill has not been officially lifted, who dares to act indiscriminately?

During the Clinton administration, it drove the prosperity of the American economy and vigorously pursued corporate mergers and acquisitions and integration policies.

It was at this stage that Viacom acquired a large theater chain.

As a result, when the Bush administration came to power, due to numerous corporate mergers and acquisitions scandals, as well as the big joke of the merger of aol and Time Warner, it began to strictly control mergers and acquisitions policies.

The Paramount Act is reintroduced.

Viacom's theater chain will also be forced to separate its operations from Paramount.

The "Paramount Act" will always be a hurdle for Hollywood to pass.

Fortunately, with the development of the times, Hollywood has gradually transformed from "channel is king" to "content is king", and the role of movie theaters in the film industry has become smaller.

Now the Hollywood movie giant, no one is interested in the theater chain. With such a heavy asset, you can't make a lot of money a year. Who would be foolish enough to enter the theater? Even Lei Shidong found out that the wind was in the wrong direction and took the initiative to withdraw.

It is estimated that... only the rich in Asia dare to take over the cinema.

Eastwood said: "But the California government has been controlled by the Democrats for a long time. This time, Arnold Schwarzenegger finally has a chance to take office, and it is necessary to promote better Hollywood policies."

Dunn sweats profusely.

Schwarzenegger is running for governor to treat Hollywood?

But after thinking about it, I understand.

The people-friendly officials in the United States are all elected by vote, which requires an extremely large supply of funds and network operations.

Schwarzenegger's ex-wife is a member of the Kennedy family, but he messes around every day and his private life is in a mess, which has long driven the Kennedy family crazy. Their marriage has long since collapsed.

Will the Kennedy family support Schwarzenegger so much?

The biggest driving force behind it is probably the political resources of Hollywood!

It was Hollywood who pushed him to the governorship of California!

Dunn doesn't even know about such a big thing?

He opened his eyes in amazement.

There is a feeling of being left out and excluded from the Hollywood collective, and cold sweats flow down.

Eastwood saw Dunn's panic and said with a smile: "The preparations for the election started two years ago. At that time... you were still a little guy. But I didn't expect that in just two years, you It has entered the inner circle of Hollywood."

Tang En breathed a sigh of relief, shook his head and said, "I'm sorry, I couldn't be of much help during your campaign."

Eastwood lowered his voice and said: "The campaign is still a month away, and our funding chain is broken, and we are short of $15 million."

Tang En understood as soon as he heard it, with a smile on his face, "No problem! Hollywood really needs a spokesperson, and New Universal Group has no reason not to support it!"

It's not a question of money or not, it's a question of whether or not to participate in this game.

Eastwood gave a thumbs up and praised: "It is said in the industry that you are very arrogant and the most lavish! When I see you today, it is true!"

Never mention politics again.

This is too much.

Dunn secretly said a fluke in his heart.

It seems that after returning home, we must communicate with the senior management of the group and strengthen exchanges with government officials.

Collusion between officials and businessmen is the eternal truth.

It is conceivable that with Arnold Schwarzenegger taking office, many policies will be loosened, and Hollywood ... will usher in a beautiful spring!


Zhou Fang and Yuxiong were still the same, nodding, bowing, and bowing. In front of Tang En, he had to be more respectful and respectful.

Tang En's face was rigid and his tone of voice asked, "I read the news on Yahoo and said you forced the Japanese actress Takaoka Saki to sleep with the black boss?"


Zhou Fang and Yuxiong bowed and apologized again and again, but there were ten thousand doubts in his heart.

This Dunn Walker, did you take the wrong medicine?

Are you related to Takaoka Saki? She is not Aoi Yu!

Your good daughter, Yuu Aoi, is being offered as an ancestor.

Tang En shook his head, got into the special car prepared by Zhou Fang and Yuxiong, and said, "I don't want you to apologize, I want you to be mentally prepared. How can the outside media be allowed to catch up on the entertainment industry?"

Zhou Fang Yuxiong said cautiously: "I have already let people handle this matter, Takaoka Saki's husband has already done it, and he agreed to postpone the divorce until next year. This misunderstanding... I think it will soon be resolved. clarify."

Tang En was still dissatisfied, and shook his head again and again: "This kind of thing, no matter how well the follow-up affairs are handled, it is difficult to block Youyou's mouth. The best way is to make the entertainment industry monolithic, and it must be airtight! Look! How does Hollywood deal with it? Lace news can be there, this kind of extremely bad behavior, unless it is promoted by big people, it is impossible to appear in the media at all."

Zhou Fang and Yuxiong kept nodding, "Yes, yes, there are still a lot of deficiencies in our work."

Tang En waved his hand, "Saki Takaoka's affairs have nothing to do with me, and I don't know her at all. However, my affairs must not appear in the Japanese media."

"You can rest assured! Aoi Yu will be specially protected by us, and it is impossible for any news to leak!" Zhou Fang Yuxiong said confidently.

The entertainment industry is the same, and there are endless incidents of sleeping with them.

A father-daughter relationship like Tang En and Aoi Yu is just the tip of the iceberg; a movie star like Takaoka Saki is second; the jumping teen idol group is the hardest hit...

(Sanqi Chinese)