Heart Stealer Young Master Bo

Chapter 330: Yan Hua: Do you know who Shi Qinglan is?

Han Yina felt weak in her heart, and her palms were full of cold sweat.

She tightly grasped the document in her hand, and the white paper was slightly wet with sweat, and she couldn't help but shudder...

"There is no evidence to slander classmates at will! That's how your original school taught you?" Yan Hua stared at him closely.

The man was wearing a black suit, and his aura was already strong and extremely oppressive. At this moment, his eyes were tightly locked on Han Yina, making people feel as if they were being punished.

"I..." Han Yina's voice trembled slightly.

She clenched her fist tightly, her eyes gradually turning red, and she looked at Shi Qinglan somewhat unwillingly.

Han Yina bit her lip, "Principal Yan, I didn't mean it, and I didn't mean to black her out when I posted..."

"My eyes are not blind, and my IQ is not low enough." Yan Hua's voice was cold, and he obviously didn't believe her weak excuse.

Han Yina lowered her eyes, tears kept rolling in her eyes, and she was so flustered that she didn't know what to do.

She thought it would be fine to register for a trumpet...

Who could have imagined that Principal Yan would come off the court himself, help Shi Qinglan with this trivial matter, and find her.

"I ask you to publicly apologize to Shi Qinglan."

Yan Hua stood with her hand in her hand, her black eyes looked at Han Yina deeply, and there was an unquestionable hint in her tone, "If you don't want to apologize, don't blame the school for ruthless expulsion!"

Upon hearing this, Han Yina suddenly raised her eyes, "I..."

Of course she was unwilling to apologize publicly. When she heard Yan Hua's punishment, her heart couldn't help but sink.

This is the Imperial Capital University, the highest institution in China!

If she publicly admitted that she had posted a black roommate, how could she still be able to stand in school in the next four years!

"Principal Yan." Han Yina bit her lip and looked at him with red eyes. "I didn't mean to be stunned when I posted. I was just stating the facts. She did not participate in the assessment! Why did she not participate in the assessment? Need to be punished, and I have to publicly apologize to her for disclosing this matter?"

Upon hearing this, Yan Hua frowned tightly.

His eyebrows became more condensed, "You said Qinglan did not participate in the assessment when you questioned? Do you know who she is?"

"Who can she be?" Han Yina couldn't help but refute, "We are all ordinary freshmen admitted to the Imperial Capital University together. Naturally, the school should be treated equally, no matter who she is, she should be tested!"

Yan Hua couldn't help but feel funny when he heard these words.

He took a deep breath, closed his eyes and adjusted his emotions, "Then IQ must be on the same starting line to treat everyone equally! This time your medical school's examination papers, is it time..."

"Principal Yan." Shi Qinglan suddenly opened her red lips.

Yan Hua's voice stopped abruptly. He condensed his eyebrows and looked at the girl, and saw her lazily put down the teacup and got up.

Shi Qinglan walked to Yan Hua lightly, her red lips curled up and chuckles, "There is no need to tell her about this kind of thing."

She really didn't want to let the students of Imperial University know her identity of Professor Lan. After all, she chose to come to Imperial University to study. How can she study with the identity of a professor?

At that time, I am afraid it will cause a shock among the students...

Moreover, she will be more troublesome. Maybe she will be asked frequently by her classmates. She really does not want to have such trouble.

"Guilty conscience." Han Yina couldn't help but snorted.

Of course she could not have imagined that a classmate who seemed to sit on an equal footing with her would be worthy of being a professor a long time ago.

Shi Qinglan looked at Han Yina with a slight smile, "You said, are you not convinced that I didn't participate in the entrance examination?"

"Of course." Han Yina couldn't help but straighten her back. She felt that she was right in this matter, "If you participated in the entrance examination, of course I could not say anything."

"Good." Shi Qinglan's voice was crisp and sharp.

She turned her eyes to Han Yina slightly, "You give me a set of questions. If I can get a perfect score, I will pass the test, but you have to apologize publicly for the hacking of me!"

Upon hearing this, Han Yina couldn't help frowning tightly.

She looked at Shi Qinglan with great dissatisfaction, "I'm writing questions? I'm just a freshman who just entered the school. Where do I know how to write medical examination papers? Are you trying to embarrass me!"

Shi Qinglan couldn't help but feel a little chill in her eyes.

There was a smile on her lips, and when she raised her eyes to look at Han Yina, she couldn't help but feel funny, "You are not satisfied that I didn't participate in the assessment. Now I ask you to take the test. I can't tell you. Then you are here. What is it?"

"You..." Han Yina was choked by her.

She gritted her teeth with anger, "Shi Qinglan! Didn't you just ask me to write a question just to save trouble? After all, even if I can write a question, it's the foundation. You don't have to work hard to answer it!"

"If you have the ability, just do our set of examination papers! That set of questions is very good, and also very difficult! As long as you can get a perfect score, Han Yina will publicly apologize to you!"

Hearing this, Shi Qinglan couldn't help but frowned slightly.

She raised her hand and gently touched her chin, her eyes flashed with embarrassment, "You asked me to do that set of examination papers?"

"Is there any problem?" Han Yina directly replied.

Shi Qinglan pursed her red lips and shook her head gently, "I think it seems a bit unfair..."

After all, she produced the set of papers herself, and of course she already knew the answer. How could this be considered an assessment?

"What's unfair!" Han Yina curled her lips, "Don't think I don't know that you just want to escape! That set of papers was produced by Professor Deguilan from our medical school. The level is extremely high. It is more than enough to pass you down. !"

"Cough—" Yan Hua coughed sharply.

There was a little surprise between his eyebrows, and he looked at Han Yina with a complicated expression, and then subconsciously glanced at the girl beside him.

Shi Qinglan's expression became more complicated, "Professor Mo Guilan?"

Does she now have this kind of title that seems to be extinct teacher too...Ah, is the question really too difficult?

"Yes." Han Yina didn't notice anything wrong.

Of course she couldn't think that Shi Qinglan was Professor Lan, and she felt that her own idea had turned her back.

"Then do as you say." Yan Hua directly decided, "Let Shi Qinglan do the papers written by Professor Lan."

Shi Qinglan:? ? ?

She opened her eyes wide and looked at Yan Hua in amazement, her clear eyes were full of complexity, and she was a little bit disgusted, "Principal Yan...you are too bullying like this."

"I think Principal Yan is very fair." Han Yina sneered, "Shi Qinglan, you are destined to not escape this entrance examination! You must not lose your face when answering a zero-point paper."

Shi Qinglan: "..."

I don't want to care about her very much and my mood continues to be complicated.

Doing your own papers to participate in the assessment, there is always a sense of cheating inexplicably, and I feel a little uncomfortable.