Heart Stealer Young Master Bo

Chapter 418: When Yan Xinyuan met Qingyue...

Jian Shutong sank to the ground in despair.

The messy hair covered half of his face, even the eyebrows and eyes, his face was as pale as a ghost.

She has just returned from studying abroad and just half-footed into the entertainment industry. It was the youthful season that was supposed to be enjoying the fans' pursuit, but she did not expect to fall from the clouds to the dirt in an instant!

Jian Shutong's personal settings completely collapsed, and the entire network was black.

The entire Weibo was clamoring for her to get out of the entertainment circle, swearing wildly under her Weibo account, and those harsh words made her dare not go online for a while and could only close herself at home.

She, this life is over, completely blocked.


Imperial Capital University.

The golden autumn in October is full of maple leaves, and when you step on the tree-lined road, you can hear the beautiful sound of the dead leaves being crushed under your feet. Especially in the evening, it is more like being in the golden ocean.

Shi Qinglan was holding a book and a notebook. As soon as he left the teaching building, he received a call from Nan Xiyue, "I'm waiting for you at the gate of the emperor. Have you forgotten about the second episode of the program tonight?"

"I didn't forget." She answered, "I'll come out soon."

Nan Xiyue snapped her fingers on the mobile phone, then hung up, and lay in the nanny car lazily waiting for her.

Shi Qinglan stepped on Maple Leaf and was about to leave school, but suddenly heard two voices echoing in unison, "Xiao Qingqing/Sister Qing!"

Upon hearing this, she immediately stopped and looked back.

I saw Lan Chu running towards her like a whirlwind with short legs, and Jiang Zhi followed her leisurely with long legs, carrying two schoolbags, one pink and one black on each shoulder.

"Little Chu'er." Shi Qinglan's red lips curled slightly.

She squeezed the girl's soft face, "When did you go back to school? Is your health better?"

"I've been back to school a long time ago! What can I do if I soak in the water for a few minutes!" Lan Chu muttered softly with her pink lips.

The little girl was unwilling to admit how much she had suffered. Shi Qinglan didn't reveal her, but just laughed helplessly.

"Sister Qing, are you going home right now?" Jiang Zhixie smiled wildly. "Little short legs said he wanted to have a barbecue. Let's gather together. We haven't had any fun since we came to Emperor University."

Shi Qinglan raised his wrist and lowered his eyes to look at Time.

The corner of her eye was slightly curved, "I'm afraid it won't work tonight, another day, there is still something tonight."

"Sister Qing is busy." Jiang Zhi teased lightly.

Lan Chu immediately poke her with an elbow, with pride written on her small face, "What do you know, Xiao Qingqing is going to record..."

As she was talking, she suddenly remembered that Jiang Zhi didn't even know, and almost shook off Qinglan's identity when she almost shook off. She immediately raised her hand to cover her mouth, revealing only those grape-like eyes.

Jiang Zhi squinted at her in disgust, even though he was vomiting, the corners of his lips curled up with a wicked smile, "God talks."

"Anyway, you just don't understand!" Lan Chu moved his hand away and made a face at him, then covered his mouth again.

Xiao Qingqing in her family is a variety of heroines, she wants to go from a pure female student to a charming singer-song queen to record a show on TV!

"Let's go now, I'll invite you to drink some other day." Shi Qinglan held something inconveniently in his hand, so he tilted his head slightly, and pointed to the direction of the school gate to indicate to the two people.

Hearing this, Jiang Zhi and Lan Chu's face changed in an instant, even their smiles were frozen on their faces, and they shook their heads like a rattle.

"No, no, drinking is really unnecessary..."

"Sister Qing, you are too polite. We don't need to rely on alcohol to maintain our relationship. We will discuss things like drinking, and we will discuss it again."

The two frantically rejected the matter of drinking with Shi Qinglan.

I still remember the night of the welcome reception, she held the noble master of the Bo family chaebol and called him the old locust tree without shame...

Jiang Zhi took a breath, cold sweat coming out of his back.

"Xiao Qingqing, go and work." Lan Chu smiled and looked at her crookedly.

The attitude of the two of them was completely different from the attitude they had just invited her to make a string.

Shi Qinglan glanced at them with a smile but a smile. She said that of course it was a joke to entertain guests for a drink, and even if she really wanted to invite them, she watched them drink, "I won't tease you, let's go."

After saying hello, she turned and walked towards the school gate.

Upon seeing this, Jiang Zhi let out a suffocating breath, and forgive him to say that his heart was about to jump out of his chest just now.

"If Sister Qing gets drunk, we might be killed by Huangquan." Jiang Zhi spit out accurately, and then he swept Lan Chu's shoulder with his arm. "Little short legs, I would like to ask you to make a string tonight."

Lan Chu squinted at the smelly paw in disgust, twisting his body and trying to get out, "Ah, ah, you let me go!"

"What are you running, I can't eat you anymore." Jiang Zhi simply reached out and grabbed the girl's back collar, as if grabbing her back of the neck.

The two left the school just like that.


Imperial Capital TV Station, Studio One.

The old palace furniture such as the mahogany carved screen and the Qingluan peony chair are already in place. The number of Qingluan chairs is still five. Although Jian Shutong is cool, there is another mysterious guest tonight!

"Teacher Yan, please come here." The director led Yan Xinyuan into the studio, feeling a little panicked with sincerity.

Yan Xinyuan was full of stubbornness and wildness. When he stepped on his long legs, he walked like wind, with a masculine aura of aggression, and looked very unattractive.

He scanned the row of Qingluan chairs and didn't choose the middle one. Instead, he deliberately chose the one that Shi Qinglan sat on in the previous period, and frantically raised Erlang's legs, "When will the counterfeit goods arrive."

"This..." The director raised his hand in a panic, wiping cold sweat.

She is no stranger to Yan Xinyuan’s riot on Weibo. The program team also asked Nan Xiyue specifically, worried that they would cause trouble when they were on a variety show together, but Nan Xiyue gladly agreed, and did not worry about any mistake ...

"Second brother." A clear voice suddenly sounded.

Wei Ran also arrived at the studio and saw that Yan Xinyuan was already in place, with two sweet dimples in his tender cheeks.

The wildness of Yan Xinyuan's whole body was reduced a little, he raised his sword eyebrows slightly to look at him, and answered casually, "Ang."

"Second brother, you are actually here..." Wei Ran then took small steps and slipped to the man to sit down.

His voice was very soft, and he reminded softly, "If you provoke Master Mao, she will expel you from the teacher!"

"Sneez—" Yan Xinyuan sneered disdainfully.

He raised his hand and wiped the tip of his nose with his thumb. "A fake guy wants to expel me from the teacher..."

"Miss Qingyue, please here." The choreographer's voice suddenly sounded, which happened to cut off Yan Xinyuan's words.

Hearing the sound, Yan Xinyuan immediately raised his eyes and looked in the direction of the sound source, only to see Shi Qinglan walking into the studio in a Han costume.

Her beautiful eyes flowed, and her eyes fell on Yan Xinyuan...