Heart Stealer Young Master Bo

Chapter 622: Do you dare to plot against your sister?

Shi Qinglan's eyes were clear but cold.

She turned her head slightly, looking at the messy stadium, looking at the scorched corpses carried out by the stretcher, her fingertips were slightly cold, "I only give you three days."

She didn't want to wait anymore, didn't want such people to get away with it.

"Understand." Jiang Yan nodded and answered solemnly.

Shi Qinglan closed his eyes and narrowed his gaze, "In the name of anonymity, please comfort the family of the deceased."

Jiang Yan hesitated for a moment, "...good."

This explosion happened too suddenly, too many innocent people were implicated, and the lost lives would never return.

The Shi chaebol had no position to do this charity, but if it were in the name of Qingyue... the family of the deceased would definitely hate Qingyue, even if they received this comfort, they would feel uncomfortable.

It's better to be anonymous.

The last thing she can do is this.

"Go back." Bo Yucheng gently embraced the girl's shoulders, looking at her sideways, his eyes deep and full of distress.

Shi Qinglan nodded slightly, "Go to the hospital to see your second brother first."

Hearing this, Bo Yucheng's eyebrows frowned.

He looked at the girl's appearance, probably dressed in thin clothes, and had been freezing for too long in the cold winter night, her lips were a little pale and her body was a little cold.

But Shi Qingan's injuries seemed to be serious.

And he was hurt to protect the time, and he just learned the cruel fact that his first love goddess is his sister...

Bo Yucheng knew that he might not be able to persuade her.

"Okay." He responded in a low voice, tightening his arms, and hugging the girl more tightly into his arms, keeping her body close to his hot body, and using his body temperature to warm her temporarily.


Imperial Capital Hospital.

The corridor of the emergency department was filled with the smell of disinfectant water. Shi's family gathered in the corridor of the hospital. After receiving the news, even Jiang Yunxin and Shi Fu rushed back to the hospital.

"Oh-it hurts!" Shi Qing'an Gui cried and howled from the consulting room.

He was lying down on a bed, the burn wound on his back was stuck to his shirt. The doctor was disinfecting him while trying to peel the clothes from the wound.

Moreover, the area that Shi Qing'an was injured was indeed a bit large.

"Tsk." Shi Qingjue couldn't help but let out a soft tusk.

He glanced at the eye clinic indifferently, "Stop howling, let your fans hear the image of a national husband?"

"I want a fart image!" Shi Qingan almost bounced off the bed. "My first love goddess has become a real sister, and my poor little heart is broken, and I want a fart image!"

Shi Qingjue's eyes jumped fiercely.

He looked at Shi Qingan in surprise, "You know?"

"Fuck!" Shi Qing'an turned her head in shock, and looked at the man in the corridor outside, "You've known it for a long time?"

Shi Qingjue raised her eyebrows lightly and did not respond.

He was probably the first person in the family to know about this, but he never planned to hide it, trying to tell him several times...

This naive person either doesn't listen or doesn't believe it, what can be done?

"What are you...what are you talking about?" Shi Fu was a little dazed, he blinked his eyes to look at Shi Qingjue, "What do you know? Why don't I understand the secret words of your young people?"

Shi Qingjue looked sideways at the old man, her thin lips pressed lightly.

He restrained the feeling of alienation in the ordinary, and said as softly as possible, "The Qingyue he is after is your precious granddaughter."

"Huh?!" Shi Fu quickly opened his eyes.

He looked at Shi Qingjue in shock, but when he was shocked, he suddenly jumped from the soles of his feet to the top of his head.

The old man directly raised his crutches and rushed into the consulting room, "You turtle grandson! How dare you plot against your biological sister? You see, I won't interrupt your three legs today..."

"Don't don't! Grandpa! Be merciful, merciful!"

Shi Qing'an immediately raised his hands and surrendered, and when he raised his hands, he still pulled the wound on his back, making him breathless.

That handsome little face was pale and covered with cold sweat at the moment.

The doctor couldn't help but uttered, "The patient's family should stop making trouble. This patient has some serious burns. If you don't deal with it, it will easily be delayed."

"Oh...oh I forgot." Shi Fu was behaved in an instant.

He just thought that his granddaughter was coveted by this turtle grandson, but he forgot that this man was dealing with the wound in pain at the moment.

The little old man instantly changed from his arrogant appearance to persuasion.

He carried the crutches behind him and hid them, his eyes rolled round and round, "Sun Zha, you are taking care of your injuries..."

Shi Qingan couldn't help rolling his eyes and turned his head away.

But as soon as he used the back of his head at his grandfather, the doctor suddenly applied the medicine again, "Ao--"

He directly wailed a sore throat, his face turned pale.

Shi Qinglan heard this scream as soon as she arrived at the hospital. She frowned and couldn't help speeding up her pace. She hurried over with her slender legs, "How is the second brother?"

"The burn is a bit serious, and the doctor is dealing with it." Shi Qingjue pursed her lips and raised her jaw for a sign.

Shi Qinglan followed his gaze to the consulting room.

I saw Shi Qingan lying on the bed, the burn wound was shocking, and the original white skin was bleeding continuously.

He clenched his fists tightly and tightened the sheets...

Taking a deep breath, gritted his teeth and said, "I'm fine, I can bear it, I am proud to save my sister from the injury!"

Although it was really severe pain, he was also thankful...

If it was her baby sister who was injured, how could that delicate girl withstand such wounds and pain? Besides, there is a great possibility of scars on such wounds.

Fortunately, he protected her in time.

Shi Qinglan's white lips pressed lightly. She lowered her eyes, her lips moved, and said lowly, "I'm sorry..."

If it weren't for her, the second brother would not suffer such severe injuries.

Jiang Yunxin took the girl into his arms, touched her shoulder lightly, and coaxed softly, "Silly boy, you can't blame you."

"He is your biological brother, and it is his choice to protect you. He did what his brother should do. We are proud of him." Shi Hongxuan said solemnly.

He raised his hand and rubbed the girl's head gently.

Although they, as parents, love their children.

But this kind of thing was unexpected after all, Shi Qing'an was willing to rush to protect her... They were distressed but also relieved.

Shi Qingjue's eyebrows raised lightly, "..."

I'm afraid Shi Qingan was originally to protect his goddess.

"I'll go in and have a look." Shi Qinglan whispered, she took off the man's coat as she said, and walked into the consulting room.

Shi Qing'an endured the pain, but couldn't help but exhale in pain, "Beautiful doctor sister... please, be gentle."

"Old...no, Shi Yingdi, I have moved very lightly." The beautiful doctor sister blushed.

The husband, who is accustomed to calling for help, almost blurted out, "Applying medicine to stimulate the wound, there is no way to pain..."

"I'm coming." Shi Qinglan's lips lightly opened.