Heaven Awakening Path

Chapter 279: Forward, unshakable

For the newcomer trial at Beidou University, Zi Muben had little hope. He has neither special blood nor outstanding talents. He even feels that the dean ’s election of him is just a random selection of individuals-in their Tianwu College, students who have a six-fold force like him Several times, Zimu did not see any advantage over them.

The Dean didn't expect much from him, but just ordered a few tokens casually. Several other leaders of Tianwu College did not even have any emotions.

Everyone is too self-aware. Because Tianwu College is small, it is located in the Eastern Capital. The most prosperous town on this continent is the capital city of the Qingfeng Empire. In this city alone, there are a total of thirteen colleges, of which the two colleges, Tianqing and Tianfeng, are resident in the top five in the list of mainland colleges. The other colleges are also unique. Only Tianwu said that the thirteen courtyards of the Eastern Capital did not even count them. Obviously they are also well-known official colleges on the college list, but the Dongdu people are reluctant to admit them. They only hope that they will disappear soon.

Tianwu College is said to have been glorious in its early years, but today it has fallen to the countdown across the continent. It is said that the thin dead camel is bigger than the horse, but Tianwu College seems to be an exception.

But no matter how the wheel, they are still in the East Capital.

In this environment, I have never eaten pork, and I have always seen pigs running or even pigs flying. Most of the students at Tianwu College are from poor backgrounds, with low qualifications and poor strength, but their eyelids are extremely confusing like those of Dongdu people. From the college, Chaotang, and even the master strangers on the streets. Many people in Dongdu have been surprised. Not to mention that Di is still a group of cultivators.

Student at Tianwu College. The yearning for strength is abnormal, but in the face of the cruel gap, he also gave up his life earlier. The goal of these people is to be able to go to other colleges in Dongdu to study for more than a few years after graduating from Tianwu. Neither Azure nor Tianfeng dare to think about it, so that it is superior to the four colleges outside the Empire? Don't even dream about it.

No one envied Zimu, including himself.

He came, nothing more than to walk through the stage and have a confession. This account is not even to himself. Nor is it to Tianwu Academy, but to the recommendation opportunity they have. Opportunities from Beidou Academy, even if they know they can't grasp it, or even become burdened, they still have to be respected.

So Zimu came, and silently divided into these 28 groups. The new people around come from all over the mainland and are first-rate talents. It is inevitable for Zimu to be in it, and this inferiority complex was cultivated when he was in Tianwu College. Mixed eyelids, higher vision. It will only make this inferiority complex deeper.

Then he met Lu Ping, a young man who had the same negligible background as him, and had the same low strength that others disliked.

Zi Mu and Lu Ping came together, didn't think too much, just wanted to have a mutual comfort in this hopeless journey.

He did not comfort Luping very much. Luping brought him not comfort, but shock, stimulation, surprise, doubt, but more importantly: hope.

The hope he never dared to have was aroused a little bit by Lu Ping.

He saw Lu Ping walked tirelessly.

Since he was dumped by Lu Ping and carried on his shoulder.

He saw Lu Ping slapping Wei Ling with a slap.

Now, Lu Ping must continue to move forward, to the end of the disappearance.

Whatever you are, I will go too!

Zi Mu kept up, and with a determined face, he had decided to go to the end of this road. It ’s a big deal. It ’s too big to walk, so let Lu Ping carry it!

Everyone has done this, and they still flinch, is that still a human?

Zi Mu decided.

The two continued on the road, and Lu Ping's expression was more focused than before.

From the first moment of stepping on this mountain road, Lu Ping's listening spirit captured the sound, the sound of the power of the spirit. It's vast and ethereal, like a net creeping slowly in this world.

Lu Ping could hear its existence, but could not hear its movement and change.

So while he was walking, he had been studying the force of courage he had heard.

From Xiafeng Mountain to Beidou Mountain, Luping's strength has improved a few months. He is not only more keen on hearing, but he has accumulated a lot of experience along the way, which will play a crucial role in using good hearing.

But after embarking on this mountain road, this vast and smoky force gave him a dismountable power.

This is another ability that he has not seen before, and he has no way of judging what to do, but Lu Ping still admires the cultivators who exhibit such abilities.

Now, he knows the name of the cultivator and the name of the power.

Li Yaotian, the end of disappearance.

This time, Lu Ping will never forget that Li Yaotian and his abilities have already impressed Lu Ping.

The people at Beidou College really are very strong. In fact, he had such a feeling in his heart.

But this does not affect his continuation. He will not guess what the content of the trial is. In short, this way, after all, is it going to go on?

The end of disappearance? Wherever you disappear, you will go wherever you are.

Lu Ping keeps walking, and when the side shepherd can't move, he picks him up. When Zimu recovered his strength, he put Zimu down again. This is just a trivial matter to him, far from the end of his study of this disappearance.

He listened to the soul for so long, and listened to it all the way. But the power of the spirit under this power is really vast. Lu Ping has mastered some changes and some laws very hard, but it is useless, there are more changes, more laws are working. This ability is not as simple as fist fighting.

But this part of the change ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ part of the law is much heard, and Lu Ping finally noticed something subtle.

In the process of completing these changes and forming the rule of mind, the force of the soul seems to have a common direction.

In front, just in front, the sound drifts from that front.

This judgment is not clear, but a vague point. However, in the end it was in one direction, Lu Ping was moving forward and resolutely walking; Zi Mu followed him only when he could walk, he still would not give up his efforts.

In this way, I don't know how long it has passed, the sun is gradually going west and sinking, Lu Ping is still walking, unshakable; Zimu has been following, unshakable. They never met other newcomers and realized what the trial was like, but no one would desperately move along the mountain road like Lu Ping and Zi Mu.


It took me half a day to finish writing before I came in ... (to be continued ...)


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