Heaven Awakening Path

Chapter 487: 21 punches

Li Yaotian was not idle, and hastily made a remedy. Pressing both hands on the shield of the trial site, the power of the spirits poured in endlessly, and the seven stars that just seemed to fall off were immediately sucked back to the top, and the violently beating blue candle flame immediately became more peaceful.

But immediately, Lu Pingxin hit again. The wave-like surging did not stop, Li Yaotian pressed his palms against the shield, and he felt that the surging soaring soul was also sent to his hands, and for a moment, he quickly took off his hands.

So strong!

Li Yaotian's hands were drawn away fast enough, and the little soul that touched him was instantly resolved by him, but he still felt a slight numbness, rippling between his fingers.

Compared to more than a month ago, Lu Ping ’s punch at the end of the disappearance during the newcomer trial was really much stronger, and it was not just the 17% enhancement of the Horn Blower. Even for yourself, it is impossible to maintain positive absorption or suppression all the time.

Shot occasionally, keep the trial field?

But Lu Ping's rhythm of punching, Li Yao naively wondered if he could keep up. He could hardly imagine how such a powerful Naruto could be continuously gathered and released in such a fast rhythm.

How to do it well?

Li Yaotian hasn't made up his mind for a while, but Lu Ping's next punch has slowed down.

Oh? Has it finally slowed down? In this case, it is still barely reasonable. How could someone drive at such a frequency; control this intensity? Li Yaotian thought, looking to Luping.

As a result, he saw that Lu Ping was also looking at him, with a hesitant look in his face, and his punching slowed down.

This ... Li Yaotian was stunned, but Zhan Ren in the trial field was finally relieved.

Rao is a strange man in his body, but he was also surprised by Lu Ping's continuous offensive with a punch like a punch. The power of that soul. He didn't dare to even think about it. Seeing that the trial ground blessed by Li Yaotian's Divine Soldiers was shocked by Lu Ping, Zhan Ren was also extremely nervous. If this continues, he will lose if he has a slight deviation!

But now, finally healed, Lu Ping's rhythm finally slowed down, it seemed finally unsustainable.

"It's time for me too." Zhan Ren said. Lifting the folding fan in his hand, he was about to shoot, but Li Yaotian outside the field tried to nod at Luping at this time.

He realized that Lu Ping suddenly hesitated because of him.

Because he took action to maintain the trial field, Lu Ping hesitated whether he would continue to work so hard.

The existence of the trial ground is to maintain the fairness of the duel, so that the duel can be displayed unreservedly in the trial ground without reservation. But now. Instead, the existence of the practice ground has become a confinement to the duel?

What is the significance of such a trial site?

Li Yaotian nodded to Lu Ping, just motioned him, let go, and didn't care about it.

And he also backed away and was no longer ready to continue to help the proving ground.

Lu Ping got an affirmative answer, and Zhan Ren thought he should do it.

"Ah?" Lu Ping answered. Do not understand it, punch out.

There is no single punch. It popped up again.

"Still struggling?" Zhan Ren, who only paid attention to Luping's fist movements, did not notice the brief exchange between Luping and Li Yaotian. He still believed his judgment, thinking that Luping was already at the end of his crossbow.

He flashed the punch and he was ready to fight back.

Lu Ping hit another punch.

Not slow or weak.

"Oh." Zhan Ren continued to sneer. Flashed.

Another punch ...

One more punch ...

Zhan Ren couldn't laugh.

This rhythm, the strength of this naming spirit, clearly did not weaken a little bit, the previous suspension, is Lu Ping distracted? Or. After a slight delay, he has adjusted again?

In this way, the only chance for his own adjustment is the moment he makes adjustments?

That moment ...

Zhan Ren immediately thought about many such moments, what he could do.

He had a plan, and the rest was waiting.

Then he waited for ten punches again, but did not wait for the chance he thought he would have.

How could this be? What the **** is this guy?

Zhan Ren has become more and more terrified in his heart. He is now in a clear disadvantage and he cannot find a chance to fight back. Assuming that Lu Ping really has continued this offensive, it is also a matter of time before he gets hit. Although he just dodges all the time, he has to rely on the use of his abilities to "crack his bones" every time. This kind of rhythm makes him a bit overwhelmed. The bones, muscles, and faintness all have soreness, and the side effects of using "Bone Bone Kill" too much have already begun to show.

Li Yaotian, while paying attention to the duel between the two, also pays attention to the changes in the practice field. The turbulent turbulent shield, the green candle flame jumping more and more crazy, finally again, a seven-star order fell from the top, and this time, Li Yaotian did not make a remedy, followed by the second and third The Seven Stars commanded to fall.

"Everyone beware!" Li Yaotian stepped back, reminding everyone who was watching.

Everyone also found that the trial ground was afraid of a collapse. Looking at Li Yaotian this time, he had no intention to maintain this time, and he immediately began to avoid backwards. There were only two people standing still.

Lu Shenfeng.

Yan Xize.

One is one of the six strong men in the world, and the other is the heir of the six strong men. At this moment, they did not retreat. Instead, they paid more attention to the duel and the changes in the field.


Punch again.

Twenty-first punch.

The seven-star command at the top of the trial field has all fallen. Lu Ping ignored it. The 21st punch did not weaken, and the 21st punch did not have a disordered rhythm. Lu Ping only felt that he was in perfect condition, punching one punch after another. Others find it unbelievable, but he feels that this is just the beginning. Twenty one punch? There is no problem with 210 punches!

The twenty-first punch was flashed by Zhan Ren again, and blasted into the practice field again. The trial site where Qixingling has all been dropped, finally ushered in a collapse this time. The upturned spray on the shield did not retract after it was raised. The entire shield, like a crushed water curtain, splashed away.


After the customization of the trial field with Li Yaotian Shenbing's blessings in ten directions, after eating Luping's 21 punches, he still couldn't support it. And how long has this passed? Not even half a minute!

The crowd retreated, but they found it useless. After the trial ground was destroyed and exploded, all the splashes in the air were the soul of the roar, how to avoid it?

Fortunately, these souls have been attracted and resolved to the limit by the practice field, and this is the full range of pervasiveness. There is not much power left. Everyone can be resolved safely, but at the end, they are shocked by the strength of Lu Ping.

This time, even Yan Xize had to step back a few steps to avoid the moment when the trial field burst. Only Lv Shenfeng remained still, and the power of the exploded spirit passed over him, and his expression seemed like a spring breeze. He was a little obsessed and a bit dazed to feel all of this. This is what he pursued in his lifetime practice, but he has not yet reached it. The realm of six souls through!

Everyone looked at Lu Ping with shock ~ lightnovelpub.net ~.

Lu Ping also completely destroyed the trial ground because of this punch, and had to stop again. But Zhan Ren ignored these.

Lu Ping stopped!

That is opportunity.

The presence of the trial site is something he does not care about at all.

He waited twenty-one punches, and he finally ushered in such a shot. The disparity in identity, he can't ignore it. If he is not ready, he can't control so much.

He only knows that he must seize such an opportunity and give Lu Ping the opportunity to restart his offensive.

As long as he is allowed to shoot, he will have a certain victory.

Because he, in the process of evading these twenty-one punches, finally saw a flaw in Lu Ping, a very great flaw.

Zhan Ren rushed out.

With his unique body method, it seems to swing forward.

Lu Ping immediately noticed that Zhan Ren didn't stop there and immediately responded. However, Zhan Ren's speed was no slower than that of Sui Tang's short knife line. When Lu Ping closed his hand, he had slipped to Lu Ping forward. His right hand burst out, grabbing Lu Ping's throat straight, Lu Ping backed hurriedly, and punched. Zhan Ren had already prepared his left hand to roll over, but Lu Ping's fist was opened by him without swinging. The right arm grabbing toward the throat immediately grew several inches.

"Hundred bones fight." Lu Ping remembered Zhan Ren's ability that Huo Ying introduced to himself.

"It's a hundred bones to fight, and then a broken bone to kill!" Zhan Ren shouted, the violently long right arm also folded out an arc, stuck Lu Ping's neck and exerted force upward and downward, Lu Ping was suddenly pushed over the ground by him, The soil flew around, hitting a big pit directly on the ground.

"Almost been deceived by you." Zhan Ren sneered. "You kid, don't understand martial arts at all?" (To be continued ...)

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