Heaven Awakening Path

Chapter 718: No less one

Still supported by Pei Ci, Ruan Qingzhu was brought here to Ruan Chang Xu Mai. Δww * w seemed to have no trouble seeing his best student. Even in this situation, Xu Mai showed a smile of relief. It was Ruan Qingzhu, who was the most arrogant, but he couldn't stand at all when he saw the teacher's appearance. When I saw the guys in the three colleges who were surrounded by a sullen face, they were even more angry.

However, seeing only three people left in the three colleges, Ruan Qingzhu felt more horrified.

She understood what this meant. After four battles, all four colleges were seriously injured. This hasn't happened in many years? Now that the three major empires led by the blood-synergy family are getting stronger and stronger, the four colleges have suffered such near-destruction. The trade-offs will grow and fall, and the status of the academy will surely be lost, and it will become one of the empire's tools of rule.

Some cultivators believe that this change is in line with the trend. The colleges in the top 6 colleges and universities have long been attached to the empire. For example, the Xuanjun Empire even set up a power institution such as the School Supervisory Board. The other three of the four major colleges are strengthening relations and cooperation with the three empires. Among them, only Beidou College continues its long-standing tradition, but it is controversial within Beidou whether it should continue so early. Among the seven academicians, Academician Tian Yuan, Song Yuan, who is fiercely opposed to this tradition, has always advocated that Beidou should, like the other three colleges, strengthen relations with the empire in order not to fall behind in this era.

But now, the strength of the four colleges has shrunk dramatically, how much confidence is there to balance with the imperial forces? Don't look at the other three colleges, they are actively involved in the relationship with the three empires, but this does not mean that they are willing to become institutions governed and restricted by the empire like ordinary colleges in college.

Each of the four colleges has its own heritage, but as the same leader of the cultivation world for thousands of years, the holy land generally exists, and they will not be willing to go down. It ’s okay to keep the tradition, but to have a good relationship with the empire. The four colleges that seem to be high are actually looking for an ordinary one. The answers to the questions that everyone needs to face are best in this new era. The way of survival.

A position like the four major colleges, of course, cannot be satisfied like an ordinary person who has no food, clothing and food. They don't want to be replaced in the wild torrents of families driven by blood following abilities, they need to continue to have the strength to lead the practice world. The three big colleges, such as the Encircling and Suppressing Beidou College, why not want to divide up the thousands of years of accumulation of the Beidou College in order to make their own strength stronger? But the result was that the stone was lifted and even his feet were smashed together. The war that thought the casualties would be within the tolerance range was ultimately the result of the almost complete destruction of the army. It ’s not that it ’s not close, so I ’m just waiting for Beidou College.

"How are you going to deal with these people?" Ruan Qingzhu asked the question again at this moment.

Xu Mai didn't answer immediately. He turned his attention to this group of people. After a while, he said: "This decision is really difficult to make. Dean Zhou, can you tell me how Beidou should deal with you?"

Among the remnants, Zhou Xiao of Nantian College is undoubtedly the highest ranking among the three colleges. At this time, Xu Mai heard his name, but only a bitter smile.

"Listen to you," he said.

Although the three colleges are self-inflicted, they will not lose their integrity. If you ask for mercy from Beidou University, it is impossible to say anyway. As for the apology, Zhou Xiao felt that it was unnecessary. Even if they were caught in the trap design, their killing of Beidou was always obvious. Whether they got caught in the trap was not related to Beidou Academy.

The only thing that may be said is that the big picture is the most important thing.

The designer has already broken the four colleges without breaking any bones. No one knows whether there are any plans for them next. The four colleges with great grievances can only survive the next difficulties only if they hold a group. Although there are not many people left in the three colleges at the moment, they are also a group of top strongmen who cannot be underestimated.

But Zhou Xiao did not say anything, because he knew that Xu Mai must have sorted it out, so he felt the decision was difficult. In other words, he is the same. Therefore, the sentence "learn to listen to the politeness", the problem was kicked back to Xu Mai.

Everyone looked at Xu Mai, and Xu Mai finally spoke.

"Let's go," he said.

"President !!" Numerous voices jumped up suddenly. The people around Beidoumen seemed to stir up a thousand waves, and the crowd gathered for a while. Everyone seemed to want to jump in front of Xu Mai.

In front of these people killing their teachers, killing their relatives and friends, killing their fellow students, they want to kill these, killing the three colleges, shoveling them all one by one, but now, Dean Xu Mai even let them go?

Unwilling, unwilling, unacceptable, unwilling!

Everyone is almost in the same mood. No one gave way to the people of the three colleges because Xu Mai made the decision, even surrounded more closely and stared more closely, as if they would disappear in the blink of an eye.

Zhou Xiao looked at Xu Mai.

The president of Beidou finally made the decision to focus on the overall situation and Beidou. Zhou Xiao believes that he will defy public opinion and let them leave. But after that, his prestige in the hearts of the Beidoumen will surely drop to freezing point ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ Even if there is a deep meaning in the big picture, in the face of hatred and blood, the truth is always vulnerable.

Zhou Xiao slowly stood up, already preparing to leave.

The Beidoumen people are very clamoring, but Xu Mai does not mean to change the decision at all. In the disappointed eyes of everyone, he insists on his decision. And the crowd was finally separated by some hard-working gatekeepers.

The gates of the three courtyards were swept away. They saw that Xu Mai wanted to focus on the overall situation and could only bear the burden. He did not want them to leave, but had to let them leave.

"President Xu, say goodbye." Only Zhou Xiao gave a salute to Xu Mailuo.

"Slow walking. But please remember." Xu Mai said, raising a finger, the Sanyuanmen who were about to leave, everyone felt that this finger was pointing to himself, and he raised a share in his heart for no reason. Coolness.

"This blood feud, Beidou has not forgotten, nor will he forget. Forty-three of these items are sent to the head, for the time being, I will definitely get back from Beidou in the future, there will be no less.

Everyone was shocked.

In the hearts of the Sanyuanmen people, the coolness is even worse, but the Beidoumen people are boiling again.

The disciples who were dissatisfied with Xu Mai's decision, even angry, heard these words and were immediately excited when they were shocked.

This hatred, Beidou will not forget; this hatred, Beidou will eventually get back.

So let them go now, there must be some unspeakable pains, so that the dean had to make an expedient decision.

"Go with your head!"

"You must get it yourself in the future!"

Forty-three people caught in the humane screamed and screamed on both sides, and the fierce gaze that gazed at their heads. One by one, his face was blue, but his back was cold.

They were put on a path of life, but in the future, there will always be a blade hanging over their heads until the dead.