Heaven Awakening Path

Chapter 840: Heavy technique

() The thin dog jumped down the tree and followed Sister Jin, and found that Sister Jin was going in the opposite direction to a few fat sheep. He glanced back subconsciously, and found that the flesh boy was also looking back at them, and turned back quickly, panic, chasing Jin sister with all his heart.

Sister Jin obviously didn't mean to wait for the thin dog. This walked very fast, and her figure disappeared in the forest. The thin dog chased along the direction, thinking that Sister Jin was usually reserved, but at this speed, she had never seen her.

After chasing out about a few hundred meters, I still don't see Jin's figure, but gradually **** gas drilled into my nostrils.

The thin dog sniffed his nose, which was the necessary action for him to exert his "smell the dark secrets", and then the information presented by the **** gas began to appear gradually and clearly in his mind.

Compared to the **** smell he smelled from the boy, it smelled clearer now. This is not a residue, this is blood flowing.

Is this what Jin is looking for? What did she realize?

The skinny dog ​​didn't know, but thinking that Sister Jin was nearby, he still dared to go in the direction of this **** gas.

Soon, under the trees in the forest, he saw a group of people. Not long ago, he was still squatting on the tree, showing a group of people who were extremely unfriendly to him and Sister Jin.

Their temperaments are more urgent, and their emotions are not covered up, so when they find it impossible to ambush there, they choose to start first to be strong, and then they die here.

Five people, five corpses, and thin dogs with wounds can't be seen. It is estimated that they were internal injuries caused by the invasion of the body. So they do n’t have much blood out of the body, and it ’s not their **** smell that the thin dogs smell.

Still ahead.

The thin dog glanced forward, hesitating slightly.

Should we pick the corpse? He is considering this issue. However, in terms of the habits of the Baozhilin people, they will never bring extra valuables on their body, except for the weapons necessary for the murder. They are here to kill for the sake of money, and they ca n’t leave their precious treasure to others. This is their principle. In the extreme, even the weapon is not willing to use, after all, it is often the most valuable magic soldier.

Now these five ...

The thin dog glanced at his eyes and his hands were empty.

What are you thinking about! The thin dog thumped his head suddenly. But here is Bao Zhilin. The people who died in Bao Zhilin are all neatly dressed. Those who are already corpses searchers are more particular about it, and they are counting on corpses? Where does this look like losing both sides?

Realizing this, the thin dog stopped tangling and went forward.

The blood was getting heavier, and finally, in the green woods, he saw a large piece of bright red.

This is the color of blood, the taste of blood, but what about people?

With so much blood flowing, why can't people see it? The thin dog walked a little bit further, only to find out that the person was there, but the person, and it was no longer visible as a person ...

"It's a heavy trick," the thin dog murmured. Compared with the small backyard of the fish market Nha Trang in the Assassin Alliance, the four people killed in the woods are not terrible. The thin dogs that have been seen in Baozhilin are not scared.

Only this time, he still couldn't see the wound, or that the ground was covered with wounds.

The **** gas came from here, and the blood of these four people was almost exhausted.

Where is Sister Jin? The thin dog looked around, and as she saw the figure of Sister Jin not far away, he hurried over.

"Sister Jin." He yelled, and came to Sister Jin's side, seeing Sister Jin's expression dignified, looking in Sister Jin's eyes, it was another body.

It's not as **** as the thin dog just saw, but by now he has seen the third wave. The face of this wave of people is complete, so he recognizes it again, which was previously crouched on the tree. The wave that was all shattered before, maybe so? So all these people who took the initiative were killed?

"Sister Jin, there are still there." The thin dog pointed in the direction he came.

"I know." Sister Jin said.

"How many people are dead?" The thin dog muttered to himself.

"Twenty-one." Sister Jin answered him.

"I saw nine people before, where are the six people, and where are the six others?" The thin dog asked.

Sister Jin pointed her finger at random, she had obviously been there and was no longer interested in the six people.

"They are all brothers in the tree?" The thin dog asked carefully.

"Yes." Sister Jin replied clearly, "There are four waves and a total of twenty-one people came here from the tree, and now they are all dead."

"Who is it?" The thin dog blurted out, but an involuntary figure appeared in his mind-the bloody, horrifying boy.

"Is he?" The thin dog asked again before Sister Jin answered, knowing that Sister Jin would understand what he meant by "he".

"I don't know." Sister Jin could only answer in this way, and reason told her that it was impossible, but the twenty-one body was bloody. Everywhere, four people, the scene is miserable, but there is no trace of fierce fighting. It seems that it was just found and then killed. How strong is this?

Sister Jin thought about it, suddenly lowered her body, and began to carefully search the six bodies in front of her.

The thin dog is a bit at a loss. Is such a senior sister Jin looking forward to the body that appears in Bao Zhilin?

Sure enough, Sister Jin found nothing from the six corpses. She clapped her hands and pointed at three people on the ground: "Jin Shizhong, Yu Guangyi, and the mine." The two names, a nickname, refer to these three people, all of which are common. A good hand in the forest of jewels.

"Golden dart, Liuli chop, Xingdian lock." Sister Jin spoke three more terms, the thin dog listened, and looked at the three who just pointed out. .

"Look at their right hand." Sister Jin said again.

The thin dog looked down, Jin Shizhong's five fingers were falsely combined, and Yu Guanghe and the mine were fisted.

"They had magic soldiers in their hands before!" The thin dog immediately understood ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ So now who is in the hands of these three magic soldiers is the one who killed them. "Sister Jin said.

The thin dog immediately began to recall, the group of people ... The flesh boy himself paid the most attention to him, his hands were empty, and the thin dog remembered clearly. The other three didn't pay much attention, but they didn't seem to take anything. As for the first one, he was so swaggered that he could not pay attention, but he had two large strings of soldiers in his hand. Are the gold dart, Liuli chop and Xingdian lock inside? The thin dog can't recall it.

"Let's go." Sister Jin had turned around and returned in the direction they came.

This time, Sister Jin didn't go so fast. At least the thin dog could keep up. He could see that Sister Jin became very careful, and any wind and grass around her would cause her to be alert.

After a while, the two returned to where they came from-the area where many people once squatted on the tree.

At this time, there was no one on the tree and no one under the tree. The surroundings were very quiet, only the wind rustled through the woods.

With this wind, a **** atmosphere spread among the forest.