Heaven Extinction Martial Emperor

v1 Chapter 1: Return of the God King

Yungu City, the temple.

Today is an annual ceremony of worship of gods, and believers from all over the city come to the temple to worship.

Among the many idols, there is a majestic figure, solemn and grand.

That is the main **** enshrined in the temple-the King of Dustless God!

A thousand years ago, Megatron, the heavens and the world, ruled the **** king of the galaxy gods!

"The sacrifice begins, all beings worship." The temple owner personally presided over the ceremony and announced it to the believers in the temple.

The first step in the sacrifice is to worship the dustless king!

The head of the temple shouted with a smile, and the devotees who were very satisfied with piety bowed down to worship.

Suddenly, he saw a 17-year-old in the corner of his eye.

Everyone was kneeling, but he was standing alone.

"Quickly kneel down and worship!" said the lord dignifiedly.

However, if the boy had not heard of it, he stared at the idol of the King of the Dust-free God with a melancholy look.

His name is Xia Qingchen, to be exact, it should be called Wuchen God King. .

Three days ago, the dust-free **** king, who had been dying for thousands of years, possessed the remnant soul on the dead Xia Qingchen.

Dustless King, reborn in a new identity!

Now, I stand in front of my idol with a new look.

Because of a moment of emotion, so lost.

"Light dust, don't be dazed, kneel down!" Xia Yuan, the father beside him, pulled the corner of Laxia Light dust's clothes and urged.

Xia Qingchen glanced around the temple and gently shook his head, saying: "I still don't kneel as well, otherwise something will happen."

What happened? What can happen? Xia Yuan looked puzzled.

"That young man, if he disrespects the gods, families like Ergiers will not be able to step into the temple for half a lifetime!"

Xia Yuan anxiously said, "Dust, what are you thinking?"


Xia Qingchen was helpless and sighed in a low voice: "Well, don't regret it."

He bent his knees and knelt on the futon.

The moment he touched the ground with his knees, the whole temple shook violently!

The seven, seven, forty-nine small and medium idols surrounding the dustless king, all exploded from the inside out.

If it is light, it will be cut off, and if it is broken, it will be crushed completely!

The huge vision shocked the believers to rush outside the temple, causing great unrest.

Even the temple hall master was so scared that his face was pale, the temple was shaking, and the gods and gods were broken at the same time. This is a weird thing that has never happened before!

Fortunately, after the idol burst, everything was calm and there were no more visions.

The panicked believers were trembling with fear, and their faces were horrified.

Only Xia Qingchen looked calm and sighed: "I have said that, I can't kneel."

Although his **** body has been destroyed, the soul is still the dustless king, how can a small temple stand his knees?

The temple is not flying, it is all light!

"That boy, come here!" At this time, a gray-robed old man with a pale face, Chongxia Qingchen said.

He is one of the elders of the guardian, the elder iron, and his daily duty is to maintain the statue of the dustless king.

For the vision of the Temple of Fate, he blamed Xia Qingchen who had not worshipped in time.

Xia Qingchen raised his eyes, his face calm, and asked, "What's the matter?"

There is no awe of ordinary people to the temple elders.

Elder Tie scolded severely: "Do you know that you have offended the clean king?"

Xia Qingchen feels funny, I offended myself, why don't I know?

"How to offend?"

"If you don't kneel, don't worship is an offense!" Elder Iron said coldly.

Xia Qingchen chuckled: King Wuchen doesn't like red tape, but it doesn't matter whether he kneels or not. "

He never forced believers to worship, as long as his inner piety was enough.

"A bluff! How much do you know about the King of the Dustless God, and dare to be so arbitrary..." Elder Iron scolded.

Xia Qingchen said indifferently: "I know a lot about him."

Between heaven and earth, no one knows himself better than himself?

After glancing at the believers who were in shock, Xia Qingchen said: "Forget it, give you a pointer."

Point us?

Elder Iron thought he had heard it wrong.

"First of all, I... cough, I mean the King of the Dustless King. His most annoying tribute is livestock, just simple fruits!" Xia Qingchen couldn't help but looked at the roast suckling pigs and roasted whole sheep on the table. Shook his head.

When he traveled to heaven and earth, when he came to his temple, he only ate tribute fruit, and did not taste the rest.

"Secondly, throw away the dog chain in the palm of your idol." What made him unbearable was that the believers regarded the dog chain as his magic weapon for thousands of years!

He blamed him for his invincible world, and rarely used the sword of punishment.

The result was mistakenly thought that the pet dog chain he often held was his magic weapon!

"Finally, the shattered gods in the temple have betrayed King Wuchen, what is the point of putting them together with King Wuchen?"

What he could not tolerate most was that among the forty-nine gods, nineteen gods had betrayed him.

The temple, however, enshrined them with themselves.

Elder Iron and others were stunned!

Not surprised that Xia Qingchen knew so many things, but how dare he dare to talk nonsense?

"Bold! Because of your disrespect, it caused the **** king to anger, do not know how to repent, and dare to continue to deliberately talk about the **** king!"

He decided to severely punish this young man who has no respect for the dustless king!

"Slow!" However, the temple hall master came over with a strange look, staring at Xia Qingchen for a long time, and said: "You think that the magic weapon of the dustless king is not a chain, what should it be?"

He had inadvertently seen an ancient book, which described that the King of the Dustless King pulled out a sword named Heaven Punishment Sword, and one sword beheaded an ancient demon god.

Therefore, he has been wondering whether the magic weapon of the dustless king is a chain.

"Sky Sword." Xia Qingchen said lightly.

Hearing the words, the pupil of the main hall shrank, and the teenager in front of him actually knew that the sword of heaven was punishing?

After pondering for a long time, he waved his big sleeves: "According to what he said, remove all the animals, take the chains, and sweep all the shattered statues out of the temple!"

It’s okay to try anyway.

At the order of the temple master, a group of envoys acted one after another.

When everything was ready, the audience was shocked.

"Look, look like the God King is above your head!" Suddenly, someone exclaimed.

Everyone looked up and were all surprised.

But when seeing the head of Wuchen God, a colorful halo appeared, like a runner, looming above his head.

The entire idol also swept away the usual dull colors and became bright and dazzling.

"A miracle! It's a real miracle!"

Everyone, including the Hall Master, knelt down excitedly and worshipped again.

Only Xia Qingchen turned silently and left.

"Young and slow!" The lord suddenly got up and quickly caught up with Xia Qingchen: "The lord is sincerely inviting you to join the temple."

His incomparable knowledge of the King of Dustlessness greatly interested the Lord of the Temple.

After hearing this, many believers showed jealousy.

Once you join the temple, it means endless glory and wealth, and will be respected by the believers, and has a high status.

"I'm in good faith, but I am committed to martial arts, thank you." Xia Qingchen refused decisively.

Not to mention how ridiculous it is to serve your own idol.

The blood account alone thousands of years ago was destined for him to struggle with martial arts and return to its peak.

The master of the palace sighed, "It turns out that it is a pity that you are aiming at martial arts."

Unexpectedly, the iron elders yelled with yin and yang: "A martial arts mediocre who was fainted and fainted on the way to the assessment, still wanted to be committed to martial arts?"

With a surprised look on his face, the master looked at Xia Qingchen again: "You are that Xia Qingchen?"

A few days ago, the Wuge examination evaluated outstanding young people in the city for further study.

An appraiser named Xia Qingchen fainted on the spot because of timidity and became a joke across the city.

"Does the Hall Master want to give pointers?" Xia Qingchen said indifferently.

To be precise, Xia Qingchen three days ago was not a coma, but a sudden death, so he could be reborn on his body.

The Lord of the Temple was slightly thankful. Fortunately Xia Qingchen refused his invitation, otherwise he would recruit a city-wide recognized joke to join the Temple, and the honor of the Temple would also be damaged.

"Since you don't want to join the temple, give you a coupon, you can come to the temple at any time to exchange for the same temple collection." Instead of keeping Xia Qingchen, he pushed the boat down the river and sent a coupon to compensate.

Over the years, the temple has collected many precious elixir, martial arts, and weapons, but it has never been sold.

Only by virtue of the gods of the temple, can you get the chance.

Xia Qingchen's face calmly took over the **** coupon and left silently.

Hearing the gloating and haphazard talk behind him, he shook his head slightly.

The King of Dustlessness did not join the shrine dedicated to him. How to look at it, it was the shrine and the believers who lost.

As for martial arts, the mortal who is least qualified to evaluate is the martial arts of the king of gods!