Heaven Extinction Martial Emperor

v1 Chapter 224: Quack doctor harms people (one more)

"Two more people, take good care of Brother Zhang. Remember, without my permission, the other people will not be allowed to see Brother Zhang for medical treatment, understand?" Saitian added.

He is of course referring to Xia Qingchen!

Xia Qingchen looked at Zhang Zhiyue and sighed softly: "Brother Zhang, please do it for yourself."

He respects the patient's opinion.

The patient refused his treatment, what did he continue to do?

He was dying, not him...

The rest of the people were busy, and Xia Qingchen went to that separate secret room.

Xia Qingchen found the personal identity token from the purple clothes ghost Luohan who couldn't die anymore.

The token engraves the dark moon on one side and the "Purple Wind" on the other side!

Zifeng Gui Luohan?

On credit, it is another hundred stars.

In the eyes of the rest, there was only envy, and no one was competing.

Because that is indeed Xia Qingchen's credit.

Without Xia Qingchen's shot at the critical moment, Li Ruxue has been ruined, and they have been killed or captured by Dark Moon.

After two hours.

Everyone cleaned up the cave, including the body of the dark moon, tokens, and the treasures they had searched for these days.

When the disciples who collected the herbs came back and prepared enough herbs, they immediately returned to Zongmen.

on the way.

That night, after taking the medicine, Zhang Zhiyue had severe vomiting.

"Brother Sai Tian, ​​why is Brother Zhang's injury worse?" The disciple responsible for caring for Zhang Zhiyue shouted to Sai Tian on the other bird.

Everyone had to stop on a mountain, and Sai Tian immediately diagnosed Zhang Yueyue.

After a moment, his face was dignified and he could not explain it: "It's really strange, it shouldn't be!"

Even though Zhang Zhiyue's injury is very serious, after taking the herbal medicine he prescribed last time, it should be able to delay the deterioration of the injury.

Why did it suddenly become so serious?

Xia Qingchen looked at him calmly and said, "Let me come, if you wait, it will be dangerous..."

"You shut up!" Saitian interrupted him mercilessly: "I said, the doctor will practice medicine without death! No one will interfere!"

The last time was Xia Qingchen's interference, and he almost broke his reputation.

This time, Xia Qingchen will not be allowed to be disturbed.

"You stare at him, he dares to move, if you threaten Brother Zhang's life, you can kill him on the spot!" Sai Tian ordered.

Immediately, two senior intermediate disciples stared at Xia Qingchen.

They have great respect for Zhang Zhiyue and will not allow him to make a difference.

"Brother Xia, don't make us embarrassed," one disciple said in awe.

If Xia Qingchen is really in trouble, they may actually start to execute Xia Qingchen on the spot.

After all, Zhang Zhiyue is a veteran middle-level disciple of Zongmen, and there is no room for loss.

Xia Qingchen is guarded by a thief, what else can he say?

"The last chance, hey!" he sighed silently.

Sai Tian glanced at Xia Qingchen and said, "Increase the dose and hope to delay it for a day or two."

So, everyone gave Zhang Zhiyue twice the soup, and continued on the road.

Early the next morning.

The disciples in charge of the guard woke up in a daze, but found that Zhang Zhiyue in her arms was already angry and not far from death.

Everyone had to stop again.

After Saitian diagnosed it, his complexion was extremely calm.

"How is Brother?" Li Ruxue worried.

Sai Tian withdrew his finger and sighed softly: "Prepare for the future."

The implication is not saved.

Xia Qingchen stood in the distance and did not speak again.

In fact, there is still a silver lining for timely rescue.

But it was too late.

They have now left the area of ​​Gu Xinqiu, deep in a wild forest.

There is nowhere else to look for herbs.

Yesterday was the last chance.

However, Sai Tian refused, and ordered people to watch Xia Qingchen, making him unable to shoot.

At this time, it seemed that Zhang Zhiyue opened his eyes and said hardly, "I'm sorry... Brothers and sisters... Brothers can't go with you anymore..."

He understood that he was about to die.

"Brother Xia..." Zhang Zhiyue's eyes turned very difficult, looking at Xia Qingchen in the distance.

Xia Qingchen came over, silently.

"Thank you……"

The words of a man are good.

Before he died, he would say thank you before he could say it.

However, I do not know whether he thanked Qing Miaosha for giving away, or rescued Li Ruxue who had a crush on him.

"It should be." Xia Qingchen calmly said.

Zhang Zhiyue glanced at Li Ruxue in the end, and then looked at Xia Qingchen: "Take good care of my sister!"

After talking, his eyes closed weakly, saying intermittently: "After I die... Please let Zongmen send me ashes back to my hometown..."

The fallen leaves know autumn, and the soul is destroyed.

After the conversation was over, there was no more silence.

"Brother Zhang!" Several disciples lay on him and wept bitterly.

Li Ruxue also had red eyes, sobbing on Xia Qingchen's shoulders.

A huge grief enveloped everyone's heart.

"Life and death are ordinary, there is no need to be too sad, we have tried our best, no regrets in our hearts." Sai Tian said calmly.

Li Ruxue raised his eyes and questioned: "Why did Brother Zhang die in just one day? You didn't mean that it was just a broken organ?"

This kind of injury, even her, can stand up for a few days.

What's more, Zhang Zhiyue had taken medicine and could not have died so fast.

"Are you doubting my medical skills?" Sai weather shouted compellingly.

He not only did not feel guilty, but he justified himself.

"I..." Li Ruxue opened her lips and closed her mouth guilty.

The other party is the heir of an undead doctor. What qualifications does she have for a layman?

Saitian seemed to be defending himself, and said eloquently: "Brother Zhang's injury is too heavy, and sudden sudden death is very reasonable. Your rash guessing is a disrespect to me and my respect!"

Everyone was guilty by him.

Li Ruxue hesitated and bowed his head: "Sorry, Brother Saitian, I was anxious for a while. If there is any offense, please forgive me."

Saitian nodded expressionlessly: "Well, just know the wrong, I'm not a preoccupation."

Xia Qingchen looked in his eyes, his eyes slightly cold.

Last time Zhang Zhiyue and Bai Jing's injuries increased, he said it was Xia Qingchen's responsibility.

No one has touched Zhang Zhiyue's injury this time. He died of a serious illness, which is because the injury was too serious!

Either way, he makes sense!

What makes Xia Qingchen mean nothing is that his medical skills are not good enough to kill people, but he is more reasonable than anyone else!

Others questioned and asked them to admit their mistakes.

Is this kind of person worthy of being a doctor?

"Saitian, after returning to Zongmen, let your Master come to see me." Xia Qingchen said lightly.

He wanted to ask face-to-face how he would teach his disciples!

Why teach this matchday successor!

Sai Tianwen said, looking at Xia Qingchen with a sneer, shook his head and said: "What are you, and also deserve to be seen by my master?"

How does his master exist?

Xia Qingchen, a low-level disciple of the Nebula Sect, was so arrogant that the Master came to see him.

It's ridiculous.

Xia Qingchen said nothing.

Whenever there is a chance to see the undead doctor, he must question and understand!

First, there are three more at night. After watching the refueling vote, everyone rushed into the top ten! !