Heaven Extinction Martial Emperor

v1 Chapter 243: Iron-blood suppression (one more)


Lord Pavilion frowned: "Which stand-in?"

"The one in the middle." Deacon Li pointed to the man in the middle of the three who were demonstrating martial arts.

Lord Chen Ge glanced at him in the past, his face and posture came into sight.

The pupils of his eyes also shrink.

Finally, shrink into a needle!


Lord Pavilion Chen stood up immediately, but his legs were soft, and he knelt on the ground with a tremble.

He simply kneeled down on the ground and crawled over to Xia Qingchen, knocking at the head: "The subordinate asks the master of Jingge, see the special envoy!"

This is the hall of joy, suddenly quiet down.

A group of avatars and Deacon Li all stopped talking.

With a confused, puzzled gaze, he stared at Master Chen in a blink of an eye.

The first to react was Deacon Lee.

He glanced at the portrait in his hand, then at Xia Qingchen, and knelt down with a trembling motion.

This is true of the two big men. The group of avatars, as well as Huang Zhong and others outside the hall, all knelt in blank minds.

The substitute who taught them martial arts is a special envoy?

God, can it be more absurd and more dreamy?

It must be a dream!

At this moment.

The audience was as quiet as death.

Only Xia Qingchen's voice of martial arts alone was left.

The punches and punches that hit the air seemed to hit them in every heart.

So that their hearts continue to sink, as if falling down a cliff.

The air is almost frozen.

People who are kneeling all over the ground have sweat beads on their foreheads.

However, they did not dare to wipe, and could only let them slide down the ground along their cheeks.

Time seems to be still, Xia Qingchen finished a set of martial arts, and only needed a joss stick.

But they felt that after a year.

Finally, with a long cry, Xia Qingchen finished his work.

The air freezes even more, suffocating everyone.

Their heart also stopped beating at this moment.

Because, the time to decide their fate came.

"Master Chen, from your point of view, can I deceive myself as a special envoy?" Xia Qingchen finished his work.

Faintly looking at the prostrating Chen Pavilion under his feet.

Master Chen Pai shivered, almost crying: "The envoy Lord spares his life! The subordinate knows wrong!"

Huang Zhong et al.'s face was pale, prostrate on the ground, and did not dare to move.

Xia Qingchen looked at Chen Patriarch, Deacon Li, Huang Zhong and others.

He couldn't help but think of himself, and Zhou Special Envoy of Budo Tiangong.

Can not help but sigh gently.

"The embankment of thousands of miles collapsed in the ant cave, and the tilt of the building began from the roots!"

The ten branches of the Xingyun Sect are completely rotten!

When a special envoy came, a reliable disciple was borrowed from the other branches to serve as substitutes for those snakes, rats, ants, and ants.

It can be seen that the ten branches are already in full swing!

Seemingly a peaceful branch, the real situation is that disciples who do not seek progress, relying on relationships, enjoy high-quality resources of the sect.

With hard work, disciples with excellent talents are fighting for poor and scarce resources.

But whoever has heart and ambition, who will stay in the branch of Nebula Sect?

Didn't see the top 100, leaving more than half?

"I beg your lord!" Chen Gezhu burst into tears.

Xia Qingchen shook his head: "If you stay one day longer, the Nebula Sect will die one day before it perishes!"

As he said, he took a deep breath and shouted loudly.

"Xing Yunzong Special Envoy is here, ask Jing Ge where everything belongs, and see you now!"

Suddenly, the whole island was alarmed, and all the disciples, management, and senior officials came over and came to kneel to see the special envoy.

"Where is the law enforcer?" Xia Qingchen looked at him coldly.

Three middle-aged people, carrying hundreds of iron-clad men, came forward: "See special envoy!"

"The following people, kill in place!" Xia Qingchen pulled ten sheets of paper.

Throw them all into the sky, and then hold the brush in your hand and write a name on each sheet at a very fast speed.

Black and white on the white paper, falling one by one.

Every time a piece falls, it means a person's head falls.

Everyone looked around, and many disciples clenched their fists in excitement.

"Huang Zhong!"

"Yang Qianyun!"

"Zhang Fuguo!"


These are the disciples who rely on the relationship, occupy the resources of the sect, and do all the evil.

Real disciples, who doesn’t hate them?

No one dared to move them.

Law enforcement officials hesitated, was this deal too cruel?

The head of the law enforcement officer received the secret eyes of Master Chen, and understood its meaning.

As long as they do not comply, the Special Envoy may reconsider.

He hesitated and said: "Senior Envoy, this will cause blood to flow and affect people's hearts!"

But his voice just fell, and Xia Qingchen appeared in front of him like a ghost.

A wild elephant galloping wildly, with the terrifying inner strength of Dachen's five vortexes, shattered the iron coat on his body with a palm.

He was bombarded and spit up blood and flew, fell to the ground on the spot, unknown life and death.

"Fighters who do not follow their orders will be treated as if this is the end!" Xia Qingchen said ruthlessly.

Asked inside the Mirror Pavilion, there was erosion.

They can't suppress them without iron-blooded means!

How dare you hesitate to feel chills in the hearts of the two remaining law enforcement leaders?

Immediately direct the law enforcement to start the operation.

"Arrest the following people and kill them on the spot!" The two law enforcement officers picked up the paper on the ground and compared the names, arrested Huang Zhong and others who were also in the crowd.

Huang Zhong was extremely frightened and screamed: "Sir, you can't, I... I didn't make a big mistake!"

He felt that he was guilty of death.

Xia Qingchen stared lightly at the thousands of disciples inside and outside the hall, saying, "If you can find ten people who plead for you, I will save you."

But, looking up, all those disciples only hated.

Even if it is related to Huang Zhong, how far is hiding at this moment, how dare to intercede for it?

"No one!" Xia Qingchen looked around: "Drag out and cut!"

The law enforcement acted immediately, and the screams stopped abruptly.

Ten **** heads rolled down to the ground!

The **** picture, alert all the people present!

Let them know that this special envoy is not a routine.

Instead, make up your mind to ask Jing Ge!

"People who enter the Mirror Court by all kinds of relationships are limited to you in a cup of tea and get out of the Mirror Court! If not, the head will fall!"

Among the crowd, many disciples withdrew from the crowd in panic, as if the end came.

"The following persons, all of them are dismissed and investigated. The deputy patriarch Huang Haige, the deacon Huang Wentian, and the patriarch Huang Yun..."

"Zhao clan, Zhao Tianlin, Zhao Fei..."

"The Li family..."

The woman in Zhu Sha tears felt cold in his heart. He finally understood why Xia Qingchen kindly directed them to learn martial arts.

That's because he took the opportunity to write down the clan power that replaced the disciples.

Ready to eradicate the roots of intertwined clans!

"As for you!" Xia Qingchen looked at Zhu Sha tears woman.

Zhu Sha tears woman and others immediately lie on the ground to beg for mercy.

"Helping for abuse, doing for the tiger! Thousands of whips per person, especially for slapstick!"

The cinnabar tears woman and others sighed with relief.

One thousand whip is usually heavy, but relative to the punishment at this moment, it is extremely kind.

"As for you!" Xia Qingchen looked at Master Chen, with cold eyes: "When I was the Principality of the Iron Horse, I said, to see the aftereffect!"

"But, you are disappointing!"

A huge branch, managed by the Pavilion Master Chen!